smartmars 发表于 2012-8-16 13:30

关于FSQ85/FSA120/FSA102 的目视探讨@目视研究

本帖最后由 smartmars 于 2012-8-16 17:29 编辑


In generly, The limit of magnification will. be higest 20X and lowest 1.4X respectivBly to the effective aperture. In case 0f FSQ-85ED, the highes will be 170X and the lowest 12X. Therefore, most of Takahashi LE ocularscan be used with FSQ-85ED except LE 50mm
一般来说,极限放大倍数是有效口径的1.4倍到20倍。对于FSQ85而言,最高放大倍数170倍,最低12倍。 因此,大多数的高桥LE目镜都能用于FSQ85(LE50MM除外)

• Lunar observation
The entire Moon can be viewed at about 50X, but on a clear night near full Moon,it is best to use a 58 green, 3N5 or variable polarizing filter to view the entire disk.
Using higher rnagnification on the Moon in any phase to see detail will allow the observer to see smaller and smaller detail, ray struelures, and rilles. For this type of observation the filter is normally removed because as the magnification goes up ,the image brightness decreases. The ultra high contrast images produced by the FSQ-85ED will amaze the observer.
全月面的观察大略需要50倍,但是在晴朗的夜空几乎满月的时候,最好用58 绿色滤镜,3N5 或可变偏振滤镜目视全月面。使用高倍数在任何月相昂下能看到细节,环形山结构, 悬崖峭壁,不过需要取下这些滤镜, 因为随着倍数增加,图像亮度会下降。FSQ85产生的及其高对比度的图像会让目视者兴趣盎然。

•Planetary observation
TheFSQ-85ED is particularly suited for planetary observation by using the Extender-ED 1.5X. The high contrast, very sharp images will reveal a wealth of planetary detail. In order to see the fine detail, the night should be very steady. If the stars at the zenith twinkle a good bit, the planets will llook sharp at low magnification. When the star at the zenith is steady, then high magificafan can be used to reveal a wealth of the detail. Maginifications of 100X per inch can be used. These nights of steady seeing will also produce fine images using a digital SLR or a CCD camera.

FSQ85 使用EXTENDER-ED1.5 特别适合行星观察。那高对比的锐利图像会揭示丰富的行星细节,为了看到爽及的细节,夜空应该是非常稳定的。如果在天顶的星星闪烁不太厉害,行星
会在低倍率目视下显得锐利。当在天顶的星星不闪烁时,可以用高倍数目视从而看到丰富的细节。那么可以按每英寸100倍的规律在选择搭配你的系统。(1英寸=25.4 MM,85X100/25.4=334倍, 也就是按有效口径的4倍搭配目镜)这些稳定视宁度的夜空也可以让相机产生很好的图像.

• Observation of deep sky objects
In general, observing deep sky objects requires a low power, wide field ocular whitch produces the maximum brightness. On the other hand, observIng globular clusters and small nebulae requires high magnification, . This is particularly true in cities with high sky brightness. High magnification will he p reduce the sky background ,and hence improve he contrast necessary to view the object(s}.

一般来说, 深空目标的观察需要低倍率,广宽视场的目镜, 这些目镜可以产生最大的亮度。另外一方面,观察星际尘埃和小星云需要高倍数。尤其在城市里天空光还严重,高倍数的目视可以减少天空背景光害的影响,从而提高观察目标的对比度。


it is important that high magnification images of the Moon and planets require good seeing. The method for determining the quality of seeing on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being perferctly steady seeing is to look to the zenith at a bright star. If ii is twinkling rapidly, the seeing is betvveen 1 to 4. If the twinkling is moderately this5-6. If he star tvvinkles slowly to no twinkling, we have the 7 to 10 night. The less twinkle the better.

重要提示,高倍数目视月面和行星需要好的视宁度。视宁度好坏用1到10来表示,10表示仰望天顶明亮星星的时候,星星非常稳定,不闪烁。如果星星闪烁快速,那么视宁度1到4,如果闪烁中等速度,那么5到6。如果星星闪烁缓慢,甚至不闪烁, 那么我们面对的是非常理想的夜空了,视宁度为7到10 。 总之,闪烁越慢越好。

资料来源:《FSQ85 说明书》


During a night of good seeing, the TSA-120 can be usedat up to 100x per inch of aperture. These rare nights of exceptional seeing will reveal fine planetary filaments and small craterlets on the moon. A the lower end, about 10X per inch Or so will p oduce breathtaking wide field view of nebulae and comets

在好视宁度的夜晚,TSA-120 可以用到100+倍率 /英寸(有效口径)(编者:120/25.4X100=472)。 在极少的具有优秀视宁度的夜晚里, 这能揭示行星纹理和月面上的小环形山。在低端,大略10倍/英寸左右(120/25.4 X10=47.2倍), 这个镜子可以带给你震撼的宽视场星云和彗星目视效果。

资料来源:《TSA120 说明书》

-3-TSA102 相关资料:

On a night () very good seeing 'he TSA-102 telescopes can be used a 100X per inch ,of aperture, and on some nights, of exceptional seeing, 120X more.

在好视宁度的夜晚,TSA-1020 可以用到100+倍率 /英寸(有效口径)(编者:102/25.4X100=402倍), 在一些特好视宁度的夜晚
,更能到达120X(102/25.4 X120 ==480)

其他说明与120 相同。

资料来源:《TSA102 说明书》


酥麻苦瓜 发表于 2012-8-16 13:36


卡西利亚斯 发表于 2012-8-16 13:45


whyaaaning 发表于 2012-8-16 14:16


smartmars 发表于 2012-8-16 14:19

酥麻苦瓜 发表于 2012-8-16 13:36 static/image/common/back.gif

翻译完了, 老师请批改作业

smartmars 发表于 2012-8-16 14:48

阅读上诉文字后, 感觉要用85 目视两样东西是必须买的

(1)满月目视   9MM(50倍)本人使用ES 11MM82度   PL5。6
   (3)最高倍率(绝好视宁度下,加1.5X后) 2MM(本人常使用204倍得到很好的效果,组合是ES5X巴罗+ ES11MM 82度)
(4)大视场中低倍数也不错,(本人使用中 ES14MM 100度(漫步宇宙的感觉)ES9MM 120度(路上))

smartmars 发表于 2012-8-16 14:52

   关于计算极限放大率的常数1.4X----20X, 我的理解是根据镜子,天气等因素选取。常听人说的2倍口径3倍口径,也该是这个常数的选取。高桥里的选取说法是每英寸100倍, 或每英寸20倍之类的。
一般取 2倍到3倍, 按这里的说法是视宁度到10 , 可以取到4

smartmars 发表于 2012-8-16 15:10

我在泉州城市边缘使用, 按常数2 配置目视系统, 85 到204 倍, 可以有不错的效果。 看行星 月面, M42

superman517 发表于 2012-8-16 15:39


酥麻苦瓜 发表于 2012-8-16 16:16


量子力学 发表于 2012-8-16 23:09

题目应该 TSA102,TSA120

smartmars 发表于 2012-8-16 23:50

量子力学 发表于 2012-8-16 23:09 static/image/common/back.gif
题目应该 TSA102,TSA120

老师来了 , 欢迎!  题目改了, 内容也要编辑。 懒得搞了。  哈哈 

smartmars 发表于 2012-8-17 08:04


fhazy 发表于 2013-8-19 14:16


天狼星666 发表于 2014-7-16 05:08


blacka11 发表于 2014-12-6 12:00


忽然天冷 发表于 2016-1-18 18:44

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