人与自然 发表于 2012-12-30 22:08


本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2012-12-30 23:07 编辑

Gazing into the sky on a clear night is a favorite pastime of many.
And a collection of dazzling photographs released this year by NASA makes it easy to see why.The stunning images, primarily captured by the agency's Hubble Space Telescope, show swirling palettes of colored gas, dust and countless stars as they sparkle in space.
Many of the visually spectacular formations are the result of cosmic collisions - where a smaller galaxy plunges right through the heart of a larger one, shooting out the other side.
As the traveling galaxy passes through the center of its bigger neighbor, it sets up gravitational ripples that disrupt red and blue clouds of gas and dust and trigger the formation of new stars.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C29C000005DC-732_964x983.jpg Crash: This galaxy is having a bad millennium and its unlikely to improve any time soon. The upper left galaxy used to be a normal spiral galaxy, minding its own business, until the one toward its right, crashed into it
著名的触角星系。这两个长有“触角”的星系正在发生碰撞。这两个星系分别为NGC 4038和NGC 4039星系,是目前已知的互相之间距离最近的星系。科学家通过研究后发现它们在数亿年以前便开始合并,而且在宇宙中展现了无比壮观的景象。科学家认为,这两个长“触角”的星系合并是研究星系合并最好的例子。而且科学家还认为,星系长“触角”是两个星系之间相互撞击的结果。通过研究这两个触角星系相撞,可以更好地预测25亿年后银河系和我们的邻居仙女座星系之间撞击后会有什么结果。

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C2F7000005DC-619_964x1379.jpg The great eruption: Astronomers are watching a delayed broadcast of a spectacular outburst from the unstable, behemoth double-star system Eta Carinae, dubbed the 'Great Eruption'
船底座伊塔星(Eta Carinae)可能正在成为超新星

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C2EB000005DC-229_964x981.jpg Hot stars: Peering deep inside the hub of the neighboring Andromeda galaxy, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered a large, rare population of around 8,000 hot, bright stars

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C22E000005DC-340_964x957.jpg The Crow: Antennae Galaxies are a pair of distorted colliding spiral galaxies about 70 million light-years away, in the constellation of Corvus (The Crow)

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C222000005DC-144_964x819.jpg Light-years away: About 300 million light-years away, only four of these five galaxies are actually locked in a cosmic dance of repeated close encountershttp://tech.sina.com.cn/d/2012-03-03/09116797567.shtml
这张哈勃图表显示的是3亿光年之外,位于名叫斯蒂芬五重星系里的星系,以前科学家认为只有4个星系紧密聚集在一起。该图表还显示了另一个在附近盘旋的星系NGC 7320C(左)。据悉它曾与这个群体里的星系相撞
  新浪科技讯 北京时间3月3日消息,据国外媒体报道,太空那么大,你可能会认为星系会自己找个角落儿呆着。但是在首个已知的致密星系团的实例中,这张令人惊叹的图片显示的5个星系——4个嫩黄色斑点和1个淡蓝色亮斑,竟然紧密聚集在宇宙的同一个角落。
  据美国宇航局说,NGC 7319、7318A、7318B和 7317这四个相互缠绕在一起的星系都是黄色的,且带有弯曲的尾巴,距离地球大约有3亿光年。编号是NGC 7320的那个蓝色星系距离地球只有4000万光年。哈勃网站上的一张图表(下图)显示,这四个星系外围的另一个星系也与它们紧密结合在一起。NGC 7320C距离地球也是3亿光年,科学家认为,它曾与这个星系团发生1到2次撞击。该网站上写道:“这个星系可能已经让该星系团的成员增加到5个。但是毫无疑问,NGC 7320C显然是这个宇宙舞蹈团里的坏孩子。”高速撞击在星系之间并不罕见。涉及到这种猛烈撞击的至少是两个星系,它们撕扯附近星系的恒星和气体,并把它们扔入浩瀚太空。
  这种残酷的银河杀戮是由星系团的星系之间的太空存在的神秘辐射造成的,它被认为是由星系NGC 7318B以每小时数百万英里的速度坠落到该星系团中心造成的巨大的银河冲击波。据哈勃网站上说,这种撞击已经诞生了新生命,形成超过100个恒星簇,而且每个都包含数百万颗恒星。
  它们还培养了很多小星系,这些小星系就位于它们的较大创造者附近,例如在NGC 7319的长尾巴里发现15个侏儒星系。据该网站上说,每个恒星簇从大约200万岁到超过10亿岁不等。这意味着这些单个星系之间的撞击史由来已久,这也标志着以前太空里的这种冲突比现在更常见。天文学家认为这种猛烈撞击最终会导致4个紧密聚集在一起的星系合并在一起。(孝文)

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C2D2000005DC-120_964x1021.jpg Wow: This composite image of a portion of the Tarantula Nebula's central cavity illustrates the profound effect new stars can have on their environment

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C253000005DC-202_964x959.jpg Clusters: Astronomers have caught two clusters full of massive stars that may be in the early stages of merging. The clusters are 170,000 light-years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small satellite galaxy to our Milky Way

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C2FB000005DC-993_964x684.jpg Black hole: Two jets powered by the gravitational energy of a supermassive black hole in the core of the elliptical galaxy Hercules A
距离我们6 亿5 千万光年远的武仙座星系团A星系的黑洞喷流

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C2E3000005DC-633_964x896.jpg Old: This image provided by NASA and taken by the Hubble Space Telescope shows previously unseen early galaxies including the oldest one at 13.3 billion years old

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C21A000005DC-7_964x1021.jpg Sparkling: Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have photographed a festive-looking nearby planetary nebula called NGC 5189
又到了给圣诞树装饰的时节。天文学家也不例外,借助由美国宇航局(NASA)和欧洲空间局(ESA)合作的哈勃太空望远镜,拍摄了一个邻近的行星状星云NGC 5189。这个明亮而复杂的星云,就像一个哈勃风格的、围绕着闪光缎带、玻璃吹制的圣诞装饰品。
复杂的美丽结构的一个惊艳案例就是NGC 5189的蓝色叶瓣。大部分行星状星云有着节点和丝状结构。作为质量流失过程的结果,行星状星云将形成两个嵌套结构,互相成一定的角度,并从中心向不同的方向扩散。

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C22A000005DC-58_964x634.jpg The Furnace: Lying 45 million light-years away from Earth in the southern constellation of Fornax (The Furnace), this bright star-forming ring surrounds the heart of the barred spiral galaxy

Supernova: A new photo of Eta Carinae system's largest star suffering a near-death experience before it goes supernova in the near future. The star is once more visible to the naked eye at night, although it's nowhere near as bright as it was back in the 19th century还是船底座 Eta 星
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C242000005DC-285_964x959.jpg Cosmic collision: The unusual form seen here is the result of a cosmic collision with a smaller galaxy which plunged right through the heart of the larger one星系碰撞,其中小星系穿越了大星系核心(什么星系?)

Dying star: A photo of U Camelopardalis, a star nearing the end of its life located in the constellation of Camelopardalis 天空之眼:鹿豹座U星(U Camelopardalis,缩写U Cam),是一颗处于晚年的恒星。它的燃料正在变少,燃烧越来越不稳定。每隔数千年,鹿豹座U星的中心都会喷出一个圆球气体,包括一层正在融合的氦气。在这张图片中,上次喷射出的气体呈现一个稀薄的圆泡,清晰可见。

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C296000005DC-171_964x756.jpg Hot gas: Herbig-Haro 110 is a geyser of hot gas from a newborn star that splashes up against and ricochets off the dense core of a cloud of molecular hydrogen赫比格-哈罗110天体(Herbig-Haro object或HH天体)。这种天体是宇宙中由新生恒星所形成、状似星云的天体。新诞生的恒星以秒速将近数百公里的高速不断喷出气体,这些气体会与恒星周围的气体云和灰尘云激烈碰撞、产生光芒。赫比格-哈罗天体普遍存在于恒星生成区,在单一新生恒星的极轴附近常可见到排成一列的多个赫比格-哈罗天体。赫比格-哈罗天体是相当短暂的天文现象,不会持续超过数千年。在气体持续发散至星际物质中时,赫比格-哈罗天体也就渐渐模糊不可见。哈伯太空望远镜观察了数个复杂的HH天体,其中有些正在消逝,另外一些因为与星际物质的碰撞渐趋激烈而越来越明亮。HH天体最早在19世纪由美国天文学家舍本·卫斯里·伯纳姆(Sherburne Wesley Burnham)所观测,但当时被纪录为一发射星云。直到1940年代,美国天文学家乔治·赫比格与墨西哥天文学家吉列尔莫·哈罗才开始分别对HH天体展开研究,并确认了HH天体是恒星演化的过程。如今赫比格-哈罗天体即是为纪念两人的贡献而命名。
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C232000005DC-107_964x894.jpg The Swan: Located just beyond the tip of the tail of the constellation of Cygnus (The Swan), this butterfly-shaped cloud of glowing gas and dust is the wreckage of a star similar to the Sun鹈鹕星云?天鹅星云?

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/30/article-2254802-16B0C2B3000005DC-271_964x810.jpg Drifter: Two very different galaxies are drifting through space together in this image. The peculiar galaxy pair is called Arp 116 which is composed of a giant elliptical galaxy known as Messier 60 or M60 (C) and a much smaller spiral galaxy, NGC 4647 (upper right)
翻译:本版G版 http://www.astron.ac.cn/bencandy-3-7621-1.htm
在这张由美国宇航局(NASA)的哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的图像中,有一对迥异的星系。这个奇特的星系对编号Arp 116,由巨椭圆星系M60和小很多的旋涡星系NGC 4647组成。暗淡而蓝色的NGC 4647直径与我们银河系类似,仅为M60的2/3,质量更小得多。

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2254802/Dazzling-collection-Hubble-Telescope-photographs-released-year-captures-countless-swirling-stars-sparkle-space.html#ixzz2GXrKMcyb
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xszwz2007 发表于 2012-12-31 00:05

GAIHAKUKAN 发表于 2012-12-31 00:34


汗淋学士 发表于 2012-12-31 04:39

GAIHAKUKAN 发表于 2012-12-31 00:34 static/image/common/back.gif


苍穹旋律 发表于 2012-12-31 05:34


洛神 发表于 2012-12-31 12:48


天天向上lin 发表于 2012-12-31 18:49


夕阳べ 发表于 2013-1-2 13:44


cqhlj 发表于 2013-1-3 12:00


人与自然 发表于 2013-1-3 18:32

cqhlj 发表于 2013-1-3 12:00 static/image/common/back.gif


ghgff 发表于 2013-1-4 10:22


灿烂的奔跑 发表于 2013-1-7 23:56

啥时候 下黑 也能拍出超级深场 那就好了:victory:

358058175 发表于 2013-1-8 13:48


Enchner 发表于 2013-1-9 09:10


大圣星云 发表于 2013-1-9 15:33




天空之城HYB 发表于 2013-1-13 11:51


星空巨兽 发表于 2013-1-14 14:04


sdfrog 发表于 2013-1-14 14:42

Cosmic collision: The unusual form seen here is the result of a cosmic collision with a smaller galaxy which plunged right through the heart of the larger one


sdfrog 发表于 2013-1-14 14:47

The Swan: Located just beyond the tip of the tail of the constellation of Cygnus (The Swan), this butterfly-shaped cloud of glowing gas and dust is the wreckage of a star similar to the Sun


sdfrog 发表于 2013-1-14 14:50

The Furnace: Lying 45 million light-years away from Earth in the southern constellation of Fornax (The Furnace), this bright star-forming ring surrounds the heart of the barred spiral galaxy

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