panyue 发表于 2008-11-22 21:13


船底座星云: 54MB

The Carina Nebula is a large bright nebula that surrounds several clusters of stars. It contains two of the most massive and luminous stars in our Milky Way galaxy, Eta Carinae and HD 93129A. Located 7500 light years away, the nebula itself spans some 260 light years across, about 7 times the size of the Orion Nebula, and is shown in all its glory in this mosaic. It is based on images collected with the 1.5-m Danish telescope at ESO''s La Silla Observatory. Being brighter than one million Suns, Eta Carinae (the brightest star in this image) is the most luminous star known in the Galaxy, and has most likely a mass over 100 times that of the Sun. It is the closest example of a luminous blue variable, the last phase in the life of a very massive star before it explodes in a fiery supernova. Eta Carinae is surrounded by an expanding bipolar cloud of dust and gas known as the Homunculus (''little man'' in Latin), which astronomers believe was expelled from the star during a great outburst seen in 1843.


船底座星云是一个巨大明亮的被一些恒星包围着的星云。它包含着银河系内两颗最大最亮星星,即船底座伊塔星和HD 93129A 。它位于7500光年之外,星云本身涵盖了大约260光年,相当于猎户座星云的7倍,镶嵌在这璀璨的光辉中。它是由丹麦ESO香格里拉大罗天文台1.5米口径的望远镜拍摄的。作为其光亮超过太阳100万倍的船底座伊塔星(图中最亮的这颗恒星),被称为为银河系中最明亮的恒星,其规模超过太阳的100万倍。这是最近的蓝色光变例子,在爆炸称为一颗火热的超新星前的最后阶段的中它是一颗质量非常大的恒星。船底座伊塔星周围是不断扩大的两极云的尘埃和被称为生命体(拉丁语为小个子)的气体,其中天文学家称,它是在1843年一次巨大的爆发中从恒星中脱离出来的。

炙热的恒星托儿所(Glowing Stellar Nurseries)

下载地址: 10.2M

Colour composite image of RCW120. It reveals how an expanding bubble of ionised gas about ten light-years across is causing the surrounding material to collapse into dense clumps where new stars are then formed. The 870-micron submillimetre-wavelength data were taken with the LABOCA camera on the 12-m Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope. Here, the submillimetre emission is shown as the blue clouds surrounding the reddish glow of the ionised gas (shown with data from the SuperCosmos H-alpha survey). The image also contains data from the Second Generation Digitized Sky Survey (I-band shown in blue, R-band shown in red).



[ 本帖最后由 panyue 于 2008-11-23 11:19 编辑 ]

江涛 发表于 2008-11-22 22:23


水星人 发表于 2008-11-22 22:24


江涛 发表于 2008-11-22 22:28


luwenye 发表于 2008-11-22 22:39

::42:: ::42:: ::42::

panyue 发表于 2008-11-23 10:37


panyue 发表于 2008-11-23 11:20


小叶3 发表于 2008-11-23 11:30

::070821_10.jpg::      真漂亮的图片
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