新浪科技讯 北京时间12月17日消息,据英国《每日邮报》报道,科学家表示,土星的最大卫星——土卫六“泰坦”上可能存在活冰火山,它们会喷出氨和甲烷而不是熔岩。
从国际合作项目“卡西尼”号飞船拍摄的雷达图片来看,最近的“泰坦”表面曾出现液体流动。这一发现说明,土卫六上可能存在活冰火山。“卡西尼”号雷达组科学家罗萨丽·洛佩斯(Rosaly Lopes)表示:“冰火山是太阳系中最令人好奇的特征之一。形象地说,如果意大利的维苏威火山是一座冰火山,它喷出的‘熔岩’会把庞贝古城的居民冻结。”
美国亚利桑那州大学“卡西尼”号任务科学家乔纳森·卢尼勒(Jonathan Lunine)表示,最新数据显示,冰火山不仅曾在过去的地质时期在“泰坦”上出现过,现在也仍有可能存在于这颗卫星之上。于2005年登陆土卫六表面的“惠更斯”号探测器显示,土卫六曾一度有冰火山“出没”。
此次观测发现在美国地球物理学联合会于旧金山举行的会议上公布,但并不是所有与会者都相信这一证据。美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心行星科学家杰夫·摩尔(Jeff Moore)说,观测发现虽然极具诱惑力,但却缺乏决定性。“的确有一些事情发生,但究竟是什么,目前还不清楚。”自2004年以来,“卡西尼”号便一直绕土星轨道运行,研究它的环以及卫星。
16日,宇航局宣布“卡西尼”号发现了土卫二“恩克拉多斯”正形成地壳的证据。这一过程与曾经在地球上发生的过程类似——地表裂开并向外扩展,形成地壳提高了地下存在液态水海洋的可能性。“卡西尼”号成像组负责人卡罗琳·波尔科(Carolyn Porco)在接受英国广播公司采访时说:“我们掌握的有关土卫二存在液态水的证据正一点点增多。”
土卫二的新地壳是由状如老虎斑纹的裂缝形成的,这些裂缝与劈开地球洋中海脊的裂缝类似。曾参加这一项目的康奈尔大学博士保罗·赫尔芬斯坦(Paul Helfenstein)说:“我们在土卫二上看到了一种类型的地表裂缝扩展,这种扩展非常不对称,就像是一条传送带。如果源自一个对流井的假设成立,这种扩展只能朝一个方向推进。地球上也能出现这种现象,但必须在非常特殊的条件下。” 甲烷喷发一定也是很壮观的啦::070821_04.jpg:: 土卫六上冰火山如果甲烷喷发,一定很壮观。::070821_04.jpg::
本帖最后由 q5968661 于 2008-12-18 18:15 编辑Possible Cryovolcanoes on Titan
A cold volcano seems like an oxymoron, but active "cryovolcanoes" may actually be spewing a super-chilled liquid into the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan. The beauty of Cassini's long and now extended mission is the numerous flybys the spacecraft is able to take of several of Saturn's most interesting moons. We reported yesterday how scientists have been able to see how Enceladus' surface and its geysers are changing over time, and now data collected during several recent flybys of Titan show alternations in that moon's surface as well. "Cassini data have raised the possibility that Titan's surface is active," said Jonathan Lunine, a Cassini interdisciplinary scientist from the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, at the University of Arizona, Tucson . "This is based on evidence that changes have occurred on the surface of Titan, between flybys of Cassini, in regions where radar images suggest a kind of volcanism has taken place."
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Amazing Close-up Images Show Enceladus is Changing
Saturn's moon Enceladus not only has jets of water vapor spewing from vents on the southern hemisphere, but the moon's surface in the same region shows evidence of changes over time, providing surprising indications of Earth-like tectonics. New high resolution images from the Cassini spacecraft's recent flybys of Enceladus show close views of the moon's distinctive "tiger stripe" fractures, yielding new insight into what may be happening inside the fractures. "Of all the geologic provinces in the Saturn system that Cassini has explored, none has been more thrilling or carries greater implications than the region at the southernmost portion of Enceladus," said Carolyn Porco, Cassini imaging team leader.
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"cryovolcanoes":冰火山还是冷火山? 土卫二是太阳系中反光率最高的星体,明晃晃的表面比镜子还亮 ::070821_09.jpg::天文上又有新发现!顶