本帖最后由 森林里 于 2009-2-24 12:31 编辑美国航空航天局费米伽马射线太空望远镜的观测活动中表明,宇宙中可能并非所有形式的光都是以相同的速度传播。超高能伽马射线在时空的量子乱流中传播时,其速度可能会降低。如果在今后的观测中能够证实这一点,它将会撼动整个现代物理学基础,而且也许能够为追寻“万物至理”指出一条明路,进而统一20世纪物理学的两大支柱理论学说:爱因斯坦的广义相对论和量子力学。
“这次爆发给我们提出了一系列的疑问,”米歇尔森说,“在今后的几年内,我们或许会发现更理想的爆发样本,从而获取一些问题的答案。” 原文? sorry, 忘记了~~不好意思~~
Most Powerful Gamma-Ray Burst May Point to New Physics
Observations from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope hint that all forms of light may not travel through space at the same speed. Very-high-energy gamma rays may be slowed down as they propagate through the quantum turbulence of space-time. If future observations bear this out, it will rock the foundations of modern physics, and perhaps point the way to a "theory of everything" that would help unify the twin pillars of 20th-century physics: Einstein’s general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.
This artist’s concept depicts what a gamma-ray burst might look like if we could view it up close (this is not something we’d recommend). The explosion triggers two jets, whose particles travel no less than 99.9999 percent the speed of light.
European Southern Observatory
Fermi, formerly known as the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), launched in June 2008. Its intended purpose is to the study the extreme universe — exploding stars, cosmic jets, annihilating particles, and other stuff that we don’t want happening near Earth. Soon after launch, Fermi started picking up gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), powerful explosions usually triggered by dying stars.
On September 16, 2008, Fermi picked up the most powerful GRB observed to date. The burst took place 12.2 billion years ago. Intriguingly, the highest-energy gamma rays from this GRB arrived later than the low-energy gamma rays. The higher a gamma ray’s energy, the shorter its wavelength. These high-energy gamma rays, detected by Fermi’s Large Area Telescope (LAT), have wavelengths one-thousandth the size of an atomic nucleus.
NASA’s Swift satellite picked up the X-ray afterglow of the September 16th gamma-ray burst.
NASA / Swift / Stefan Immler
As predicted by quantum mechanics, and as verified by countless laboratory experiments, space-time becomes turbulent at very tiny scales, as "virtual particles" pop into existence for fleeting moments. According to some theories that attempt to unify quantum mechanics with general relativity, very-short-wavelength gamma rays will "feel" this turbulence, which would retard their velocity. In other words, if these theories accurately describe nature, high-energy gamma rays travel slightly slower than the speed of light.
This effect would be so subtle it would be nearly impossible to measure in a laboratory experiment. But as Fermi project scientist Steve Ritz (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center) notes, GRBs give us a chance to conduct the experiment in space by letting gamma rays run a very long race across the vast distances of intergalactic space. These explosions are so powerful they can be seen to immense distances. In fact, the September 16th burst is the most powerful observed to date, and was easily detected by Fermi. With Fermi’s ability to detect very-high-energy gamma rays, and pin down their sky coordinates, it is uniquely suited to carry out this experiment.
The 16.5-second delay for the highest-energy gamma ray observed in this burst is consistent with some of these theories of quantum gravity, which is an exciting development. But before Fermi’s scientists uncork their champagne bottles, they must rule out alternative explanations. And this will require observations of many more GRBs.
After all, the most straightforward interpretation of the time delay seen in the September 16th burst is that the mechanism that produced the burst created the highest-energy gamma rays a few seconds later than their lower-energy counterparts. "Burst emissions at these energies are still poorly understood, and Fermi is giving us the tools to figure them out," says LAT lead scientist Peter Michelson of Stanford University, whose team reports its results in the February 19th Science Express.
But over the next few years, Fermi will detect more and more bursts. If Fermi sees a time lag for high-energy gamma rays that becomes larger with increasing distance, this would present compelling evidence that these theories of quantum gravity are indeed telling us something profound about nature at its most fundamental scales. At that time, Fermi scientists may do more than just uncork the champagne; they can start reserving themselves a round-trip ticket to Stockholm.
"This one burst raises all sorts of questions," says Michelson. "In a few years, we'll have a fairly good sample of bursts, and we may have some answers." 森林里兄开始发威了~~~
http://www.astronomy.com.cn/bbs/thread-102837-1-1.html 森林里兄开始发威了~~~
positron 发表于 2009-2-23 12:30 http://www.astronomy.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
不过我是不定期的,因为要上班。闲的时候就会翻一些。 如果光速不是恒定的,类星体的红移现象会不会有其他解释? 证实的话铁定诺贝尔啊。。。 7# 愚石
一个类似的、比较有趣的问题是GZK疑难,也是关于高能光子和背景场的相互作用的,有兴趣的朋友就去wiki吧。 楼主的翻译没搞错吗?我们无数的实验表明虽然在介质中,粒子运动的速度可以超过正常情况下光在该介质中的速度,但是真空中光速恒定是毫无疑问的。
现在物理界也够燥的,为了出名什么都想呢。 如果是一次超新星爆发或类似爆发的话,高能γ射线本来就是在最后阶段才产生的,我倒是认为这个间距能够很好的说明恒星核心在最后阶段的变化有多快。 在我们所熟悉的低能小尺度范围内, 光速c的常数性是经受了很高精确度的实验检验的. 但是在很高能量, 以及像这种穿越了宇宙学尺度得到的积累效应是否体现出和现行理论的偏离却是未知数而且是值得研究的. 有些量子引力理论预言了光速随着能量的变化, 高能光子跑得比低能光子慢, 或者等效地说光子存在一个正比于能量(或者能量平方, 或者更高次方等)的"质量"项, 有一种形象的理解就是时空中存在量子泡沫, 低能光子看来这些泡沫尺度太小(可以和其波长比较)根本不足以影响它们, 而高能光子则会体验到在量子泡沫里面穿行, 等效行走路程变长, 因而看起来速度变慢.
近期有不少利用TeV gamma射线研究这个问题的, 有的还发表在Phys.Rev.Lett.上. 例如
http://scitation.aip.org/getabs/servlet/GetabsServlet?prog=normal&id=PRLTAO000101000017170402000001&idtype=cvips&gifs=yes ::yun2::实在是佩服各位的理论基础及能力~~~我已经晕了~~