gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-13 15:56


本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-4-28 12:05 编辑



Stars at Milky Way Core 'Exhale' Carbon, OxygenMarch 12th, 2009
Written by Anne Minard

Carbon and oxygen have been spotted in the dust around stars in the center of the Milky Way galaxy, suggesting that the stars have undergone recent disruptions of some kind — and hinting at a new way that stars can send heavy elements — like oxygen, carbon, and iron —out across the universe, paving the way for life.
Scientists have long expected to find carbon-rich stars in our galaxy because we know that significant quantities of carbon must be created in many such stars. But carbon had not previously shown up in the clouds of gas around these stars, said Matthew Bobrowsky,an astrophysicist at the University of Maryland and a co-author of a new study reporting the discovery.
“我们知道,相当数量C元素由这些恒星制造的,科学家相当期待发现富C恒星。但是,以前我们并没有在这些恒星附近的气体云中发现(大量的)碳元素。”最新研究报告的作者、马里兰大学的天体物理学家Matthew Bobrowsky如是说。
“Based on our findings, this is because medium-sized stars rich in carbon sometimes keep that carbon hidden until very near the end of their stellar lives, releasing it only with their final ‘exhalations’,” explained Bobrowsky.



gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-13 16:00

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-4-28 11:48 编辑

NASA/JPL-Caltech/J. Hora (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
'Cat's Eye' Planetary Nebula

The "Cat's Eye" nebula, or NGC 6543, is a well-studied example of a"planetary nebula." Such objects are the glowing remnants of dust and gas expelled from moderate-sized stars during their last stages oflife. Our own sun will generate such a nebula in about five billionyears.
NGC 6543,俗称“猫眼”星云,是研究“行星状星云”的一个范本。当中等质量的恒星走到它们生命的末期时,就会逐步抛出这样一个由气体、尘埃组成的炽热外壳残余。我们的太阳在50亿年后就会产生这样的星云。

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has studied many such planetary nebulaein infrared light, including a variety of more distant ones, which have helped scientists identify a population of carbon-bearing stars near our galaxy's center.

The infrared emission from the Cat's Eye is generated by a variety of elements and molecules. The bright inner region of this nebula shows a complex structure reminiscent of a feline eye. Outside this compact region lies a series of other structures representing material that was ejected slightly earlier in the central star's life, when it was agiant star.

The image is a composite of data from Spitzer's infrared array camera.Light with a wavelength of 3.6 microns is rendered as blue, 5.8 micronsis displayed as green and 8.0 microns is represented in red. The brightness of the central area has been greatly reduced to make itpossible to maintain its visibility while enhancing the brightness ofthe much fainter outer features. Overall colors have been enhanced to better show slight variations in hue.



gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-13 16:01

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-3-27 15:10 编辑

About the Object (1)Object name:Cat's Eye, NGC 6543Object type:NebulaPosition (J2000):RA: 17h 58m 33.42sDec: 66° 37' 59.52"Distance:3300 Light YearsConstellation:Draco      About the Data            Spitzer Data      Image Credit:NASA/JPL-Caltech/J. Hora (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)Instrument:IRACWavelength:3.6 Micron (Blue), 5.8 Micron (Green), 8.0 Micron (Red)Release Date:2009/03/12      Additional Info       Related links:Galactic Dust Bunnies Found to Contain Carbon After All               



gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-13 16:02

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2010-11-24 12:31 编辑


Stars at Milky Way Core 'Exhale' Carbon, Oxygen

March 12th, 2009,Written by Anne Minard

Carbon and oxygen have been spotted in the dust around stars in the center of the Milky Way galaxy, suggesting that the stars have undergone recent disruptions of some kind — and hinting at a new way that stars can send heavy elements— like oxygen, carbon, and iron — out across the universe, paving the way for life.
Scientists have long expected to find carbon-rich stars in ourgalaxy because we know that significant quantities of carbon must be created in many such stars. But carbon had not previously shown up in the clouds of gas around these stars, said Matthew Bobrowsky, an astrophysicist at the University of Maryland and a co-author of a new study reporting the discovery.
长期以来,科学家都很期待在银河系内发现富碳恒星,因为我们知道大量的C元素是它们制造的。但是,新研究报告的联合作者、马里兰大学天体物理学家Matthew Bobrowsky 说:“以前我们并没有在这些恒星附近的气体云中发现(大量的)碳元素。”
“Based on our findings, this is because medium-sized stars rich in carbon sometimes keep that carbon hidden until very near the end of their stellar lives, releasing it only with their final ‘exhalations’,” explained Bobrowsky.
The new results appear in the February issue of the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Bobrowsky and his team, led by J. V. Perea-Calderón at the EuropeanSpace Astronomy Centre in Madrid, Spain, used the Spitzer Space Telescope to view each star and its surrounding clouds of dust and particles, called a planetary nebulae. The researchers measured the light emitted by the stars and the surrounding dust and were able to identify carbon compounds based on the wavelengths of light emitted by the stars. Looking in an area at the center of the Milky Way called the“Galactic Bulge,” the team observed 26 stars and their planetary nebulae and found 21 with carbon “signatures.”
Bobrowsky和他的团队,由位于西班牙马德里的欧洲天文学中心的J. V. Perea-Calderón牵头(关系好复杂的说——译注),使用Spitzer红外空间望远镜观测了多个带有行星状星云的恒星(这些星云由气体尘埃等组成,貌似废话)。 研究人员测量恒星和它的尘埃环的光谱,从而把碳化合物谱线从恒星的光谱线中分辨出来。在银河中心的“星系核球区”,研究人员研究了26个恒星和它们的行星状星云,发现其中的21个带有碳“签名”。
But the scientists did not just find carbon around these stars;they also found oxygen in these 21 dust clouds, revealing a surprising mixture of ingredients for space dust. They report in their paper that this is likely due to a thermal pulse where a wave of high-pressure gas mixes layers of elements like carbon and oxygen and spews them out into the surrounding cloud.
The finding of carbon and oxygen in the dust clouds surrounding stars suggests a recent change of chemistry in this population of stars, according to the authors.
“Stars in the center of the Milky Way are old and ‘metal-rich’ with a high abundance of heavy elements,” Bobrowsky said. “They are different in chemical composition than those found in the disc, farther out from the center.”
Studying the chemistry of the stars helps scientists learn how the matter that makes up our earth and other planets in our galaxy left its stellar birth places long ago.
As a star burns hotter and hotter, the hydrogen gas that originally made up almost all of its mass is converted, through nuclearfusion, first to helium, and then to progressively heavier elements.The hottest region in the core fuses together the heaviest elements. And these can reach the surface of the star only when its life is almost over.
“The Big Bang produced only hydrogen and helium,” Bobrowsky said. “Heavier elements like carbon and oxygen only come from getting ‘cooked up’ in stars. Nuclear reactions in stars created the heavier elements found in ‘life as we know it’.”
In the last 50,000 years of their 10 billion-year lives,sun-sized stars expel carbon atoms along with hydrogen and helium to form a surrounding cloud of gas that soon disperses into space, perhaps to eventually become the stuff of new stars, solar systems, or perhaps even life on some earth-like planet. Much larger stars expel their heavier matter in massive explosions called supernovae.
“All the heavy elements on Earth were created by nuclear fusion reactions in previous generations of stars,”said Bobrowsky. “Those earlier stars expelled those elements into space and then our solar system formed out of that gas containing all the heavy elements that we now find in Earth and in life on Earth.”

题头图片:猫眼星云 NGC 6543
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/J. Hora (Harvard-SmithsonianCfA)
版权:美国宇航局(NASA),加州理工学院、喷气推进实验室(JPL),哈佛—史密松天体物理中心(CfA)J. Hora
Source: Astronomy & Astrophysics and Spitzer, via AAS

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-14 00:43


positron 发表于 2009-4-28 10:38

1# gohomeman1


另外,最后的"stellar lives"译成主序星阶段就行了嘛,相信作者肯定是这个意思。

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-28 11:30

1# gohomeman1


另外,最后的"stellar lives"译成主序星阶段就行了嘛,相信作者肯定是这个意思。
positron 发表于 2009-4-28 10:38 http://www.astronomy.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif

不过,主序星英文一般都写为Main-Sequence Star,而这些作者的恒星生命末期一般都是指新星、超新星爆发。他不写这个词,我不好这样翻译。

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-28 11:58


a1b1c1lxy 发表于 2010-6-29 11:48

人与自然 发表于 2010-6-29 12:57


gohomeman1 发表于 2010-11-24 12:34


小脚丫 发表于 2010-11-25 11:34

贼牛叉 顶顶

ytz0110 发表于 2010-11-26 21:32


超越光速 发表于 2010-12-10 19:25

lengbaifu 发表于 2010-12-11 11:53

adedu 发表于 2010-12-11 14:27

哈哈 又知道一个好的网站 多去看看

chrisred 发表于 2012-1-10 09:57

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查看完整版本: 银河核心的恒星在抛出碳、氧