gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-17 01:19

APOD 2009.3.16——22图集 火卫二,全球光害,春分点,掠日彗星

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-4-28 23:31 编辑







gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-17 01:20

2009 March 16
Martian Moon Deimos from MRO
Credit: HiRISE, MRO, LPL (U. Arizona), NASA

Explanation: Mars has two tiny moons, Phobos and Deimos. Pictured above, in a recently release image by HiRISE camera onboard the Mars-orbiting Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), is Deimos, the smaller moon of Mars. Deimos is one of the smallest known moons in the Solar System measuring only about 15 kilometers across. The diminutive Martian moon was discovered in 1877 by Asaph Hall, an American astronomer working at the US Naval Observatory in Washington D.C. The existence of two Martian moons was predicted around 1610 by Johannes Kepler, the astronomer who derived the laws of planetary motion. In this case, Kepler's prediction was not based on scientific principles, buthis writings and ideas were so influential that the two Martian moons are discussed in works of fiction such as Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels, written in 1726, over 150 years before their actual discovery.

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-17 01:23




說明: 火星有兩個小衛星,它們分別是火衛一(Phobos)與火衛二(Deimos)。這一張照片是最近由火星探勘號(MRO)上的HiRISE 相機所拍攝的火衛二,它是火星的衛星中較小的那一個。事實上,火衛二是太陽系中最小的衛星,直徑大約15公里。這個小小的火星衛星是在1877年由在華盛頓特區的美國海軍天文台工作的美國天文學家 Asaph Hall所發現的。其實,早在1610年左右,行星運動定律的發現者刻卜勒就預測火星會存在有兩顆衛星。儘管,刻卜勒的預測並無科學原理為根據;但是,直到火星的衛星真正地被發現之前的150年,刻卜勒的想法卻深深地影響科幻小說中有關火星衛星的討論,例如在1726年Jonathan Swift所寫的Gulliver's Travels,便是一個典型的例子。

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-17 01:23



micyang 发表于 2009-3-17 21:18

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-18 13:02

2009 March 18
GLOBE at Night: Help Track Light Pollution
Credit & Copyright: Globe at Night Project,UCAR, International Year of Astronomy 2009

Explanation: How many stars can you see?Through next week, the GLOBE at Night project invites people from all over the world to go outside at night, look up, and see!Specifically, people are invited to go out an hour after sunset and look for the constellation Orion toward the west.Rather than count Orion's stars directly, however, the GLOBE at Night website has made things easier by providing several star charts to which you can compare your view of Orion.Possible matches extend from a bright sky where only a few Orion stars are visible, to a very dark sky where over 100 Orion stars are visible.Pictured above are results from last year's sky observation campaign.Since 2009 is the International Year of Astronomy, it is hoped that an even better map can be created this year.By participating in this easy and fun activity, you are helping humanity to better understand how light pollution is changing across the Earth.

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-18 13:03

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-3-18 13:07 编辑




說明: 在這片星空中你看見多少顆星星呢?下個星期,GLOBE at Night計畫邀請全世界的人們,在日落後走出戶外,看看天空!特別地,待在戶外一個小時,往西方天空觀察獵戶座。並不是直接去計算所看到的星星數目,GLOBE at Night網站提供了幾個簡單的圖片,來對應你所看到的獵戶座星空。在獵戶座範圍哩,光害嚴重的地區,僅可見數顆星星,但是在光害小的地區,可見超過一百顆星星。上圖為去年的觀測結果。2009年為全球天文年(IYA),希望今年能夠有更好的觀測密度,有更多人響應此活動。藉由參加這個有意義且好玩的活動,能讓人們更加瞭解地球上各地區光害 汙染的程度。

井蛙 发表于 2009-3-18 14:45

7# gohomeman1

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-19 00:41


gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-20 13:24

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-4-28 12:45 编辑

2009 March 20
Sunset at the Portara
Credit & Copyright: Anthony Ayiomamitis(TWAN)

Today, the Sun crosses the celestial equator heading north at 11:44UT.Known as an equinox, this astronomical event marks the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the south.It also marks the beginningof Norouz,the Persian (Iranian) new year.Equinox means equalnight.
With the Sun on the celestial equator,Earth dweller swill experience 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.Of course, in the norththe days will grow longer, theSun marching higher in the sky as summerapproaches.To celebrate the equinox, consider this scenic view of the setting Sun from the island of Naxos in the Aegean Sea.Recordedlast June, the well-planned image capturesthe Portara (big door) in adramatic silhouette.Measuring about 6 by 3.5 meters, the Portara is thelarge entrance to theGreek island's ancient, unfinished Temple ofApollo.


gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-20 13:26

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-3-20 14:02 编辑



gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-20 14:10

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-3-20 14:13 编辑


sagalliant 发表于 2009-3-20 23:57


gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-22 16:40

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-3-22 16:42 编辑


2009 March 22

Credit: LASCO,SOHO Consortium,NRL,ESA,NASA

Explanation: The Sun destroyed this comet.Arcing toward a fiery fate, this Sungrazer cometwas recorded by the SOHO spacecraft's Large Angle Spectrometric COronagraph(LASCO) on 1996 Dec. 23.LASCO uses an occulting disk, partially visible at the lower right,to block out the otherwise overwhelmingsolar disk allowing it toimage the inner 5 million miles of the relatively faintcorona.The comet is seen as itscoma enters the bright equatorialsolar wind region(oriented vertically).Spots and blemishes on the imageare background stars and camera streaks caused by charged particles.Positioned in space tocontinuously observe the Sun, SOHO has now been use to discover over 1,500 comets, including numerous sungrazers.Based on their orbits, they arebelieved to belong to a family of comets created by successivebreak ups from a single large parent cometwhich passed very near the sun in the twelfth century.The Great Comet of 1965, Ikeya-Seki, was also a member of the Sungrazer family, coming within about 650,000 kilometers of the Sun's surface.Passing so close to the Sun, Sungrazers are subjected to destructive tidal forces along with intense solar heat.This comet, known as SOHO 6, did not survive.

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-22 16:44


影像提供: LASCO, SOHO Consortium, NRL, ESA, NASA

說明: 太陽摧毀了這顆彗星。1996年12月23日,SOHO衛星的廣角日冕儀 (LASCO)拍攝到這顆掠日彗星,當時,它正循著弧形軌道衝向太陽。廣角日冕儀用影像右下角可見的圓形掩日盤來遮住眩目之日盤,以拍攝離太陽八百萬公里女內的黯淡日冕。在拍攝這張照片時,彗星的彗髮正好要穿過太陽明亮的赤道太陽風區 (在此張影像中垂直上指)。照片中的亮點和條狀雜訊,分別是背景恆星和射進相機的帶電粒子所造成的。由於SOHO衛星所在的位置能24小時不停地觀測太陽,到目前為止,它已經發現了1,500顆彗星,其中有許多是掠日彗星。根據它們的軌道,它們應該是一個掠日彗星家族的成員,是單一顆大型彗星的碎片。這顆大型彗星,可能是在十二世紀回歸時,太接近太陽時,被太陽強大的潮汐扯碎成許多碎片,形成了這個掠日彗星家族。1965年的池谷-關大彗星 (Comet Ikeya-Seki),也是這個掠日彗星家族的成員之一,當時,它以65萬公里的高度掠過太陽。由於掠日彗星非常靠近太陽,它們會受到太陽強大潮汐力和熱能的摧殘。上面這顆被命名為SOHO 6的彗星,在這次掠過太陽時煙飛雲滅,並沒有存活下來。


gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-22 16:49


摩羯Capricom 发表于 2009-3-22 16:54


最爱NBA 发表于 2009-3-22 18:24


AJJ 发表于 2009-3-22 18:29


tsiolkovsky 发表于 2009-3-22 18:53

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查看完整版本: APOD 2009.3.16——22图集 火卫二,全球光害,春分点,掠日彗星