APOD 081007:恒星风吹出的尘埃山脉——哈勃遗产团队10周年纪念
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-12-18 12:29 编辑时间是比较久了,这是为索引帖发的
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos!Eachday a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe isfeatured, along with a brief explanation written by a professionalastronomer.
2008 October 7
Dust Mountains in the Carina Nebula
Credit: NASA,ESA,Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA); Acknowledgement: N. Smith et al. (JHU)
Bright young stars sometimes sculpt picturesque dust mountains soon after being born.Created quite by accident, the energetic light and winds from these massive newborn stars burn away accumulations of dark dust and cool gas in a slow but persistent manner.Such is the case in NGC 3324, a star forming region near the edge of NGC 3372, the energetic and expansive Carina Nebula.Pictured above, in scientifically assigned colors, is only a small part of NGC 3324.The Carina Nebula itself is one of the largest star forming regions known and home to Eta Carinae, one of the most unstable and variable stars known.The above image was created from archived Hubble Space Telescope data in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Hubble Heritage Project. The Hubble Heritage Project has created, so far, nearly 130 visually stunning images.
本图是Hubble传承工程10周年的纪念图,Hubble迄今为止已经获得了130个左右令人震撼的好图(说的是1998——2008年的10年,比如我们看到的M51、M42、NGC 3372、M81、M82等等,我记得下过200MB的jpg)。本图是人工配色的(就是说不是天然色),仅仅是NGC 3324的一角。NGC 3324是充满活力的船底座大星云边缘的一块恒星形成区。船底座大星云本身就是超大质量恒星之家,比如我们熟知的海山二(Eta Carinae)就是一个相当不稳定的变星(我记得特别为它设定了一类变星——高光度蓝变星)。
明亮的年轻恒星有时候在其诞生不久就会塑造出生动的的尘埃山脉。形成这样的图像是偶然的巧合,但新生大质量恒星的强劲辐射和恒星风却持续而缓慢的吹散暗尘埃和冷气团。事件发生在NGC 3324中。
PS: Heritage原意当然是文物、遗产的意思,但是Hubble明明还没作古,怎么就成了文物遗产工程了?去看了官网,还真有这么一说呢。
::hairsmile::估计是快退休了,Nasa提前帮他办了离退休手续~ Carina Nebula itself is one of the largest star forming regions known