gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-31 00:42

哈勃040422:升空14周年纪念图,戒指星系 AM 0644-741

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-12-17 15:36 编辑

戒指星系 Graham A, AM 0644-741, IRAS 06443-7411

这个星系是纪念哈勃上天14周年而发表的图,我发此图是作为TOP 100图集的参考资料。

戒指星系位于南天的剑鱼座(飞鱼座),离我们约3亿光年,本身大小约15万光年。科学家认为,戒指星系的这个奇特形状是由于碰撞造成的。当两个星系相撞时,就像一块石头扔进水里引起一圈圈涟漪那样。急速的碰撞改变了星系中恒星和气体的轨道,使它们向外扩展。蓝色的亮环中正在形成大质量恒星,这些新形成的恒星发出极强的光和热使圆环格外漂亮。理论研究显示,这个星系不会永远继续膨胀。在大约 300万年后,它将达到最大半径,然后瓦解。


gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-31 00:49

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-12-17 15:35 编辑


April 22, 2004 09:03 AM (EDT)
News Release Number: STScI-2004-15
太空望远镜科研所2004年第15#新闻公报,美国东部时间2004.4.22 09:03公布。
The Lure of the Rings

April 22, 2004: Resembling a diamond-encrusted bracelet, a ring of brilliant blue star clusters wraps around the yellowish nucleus of what was once a normal spiral galaxy in this new image from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (HST). This image is being released to commemorate the 14th anniversary of Hubble's launch on April 24, 1990 and its deployment from the space shuttle Discovery on April 25, 1990. The galaxy, cataloged as AM 0644-741, is a member of the class of so-called "ring galaxies." It lies 300 million light-years away in the direction of the southern constellation Volans.
2004.4.22:哈勃望远镜发现了一个如同钻石手镯般漂亮的星系,一圈由辉煌的蓝巨星构成的星团环围绕在微微泛黄的星系核心外围。这个星系曾经是一个普通的漩涡星系。本图在庆祝哈勃14周年的纪念会上公布。哈勃望远镜于1990.4.24随发现号航天飞机发射升空,并于4.25(由机械臂)部署在太空。本图星系编号 AM 0644-741,是所谓的“戒指星系”类别星系之一。它位于南天的飞鱼座,离我们大约3亿光年。

Q & A: Understanding the Discovery
   1. What is the size of and distance to the ring galaxy AM 0644-741?
戒指星系 AM 0644-741多少大,离我们多远?
      The sparkling blue ring that encircles the nucleus of AM 0644-741 is 150,000 light-years in diameter, making it larger than our entire home galaxy, the Milky Way. AM 0644-741 lies 300 million light-years away in the direction of the southern constellation Volans.
由闪闪发亮的蓝色星环围绕的AM 0644-741 (长轴)直径约15万光年,比我们的整个家园——银河系大。它位于南天的飞鱼座,离我们大约3亿光年。
   2. How did the ring of new stars form in this galaxy?
      Ring galaxies are an especially striking example of how collisions between galaxies can dramatically change their structure, while also triggering the formation of new stars. They arise from a particular type of collision, in which one galaxy (the "intruder") plunges directly through the disk of another one (the "target"). In the case of AM 0644-741, the galaxy that pierced through the ring galaxy is out of the image but visible in larger-field images. The resulting gravitational shock imparted due to the collision drastically changes the orbits of stars and gas in the target galaxy's disk, causing them to rush outward. As the ring plows outward into its surroundings, gas clouds collide and are compressed. The clouds can then contract under their own gravity, collapse, and form an abundance of new stars.
戒指星系是星系间冲突会改变星系结构的一个特别显著的实例,这次冲突同时引发了新恒星诞生的狂潮。它们缘起于一次特殊的星系冲突:一个星系(入侵者)直穿过另一个漩涡星系的盘面(目标)。就AM 0644-741而言,这个穿透星系在本图中已经看不见,但可从更大视野的图中看到。此次穿越的引力波动效应就是彻底改变了目标星系中恒星和气体的运行轨道,把它们推向星系外围。随着引力波向外围扩散,星云物质发生碰撞、压缩然后星云会在自身引力下收缩聚集,并形成大量的新巨星。(正如1#楼所言,想象一块石头落入水中产生的波澜——译注)

   3. Why does the ring of stars appear blue?
      The rampant star formation explains why the ring is so blue: it is continuously forming massive, young, hot stars, which are blue in color. Another sign of robust star formation is the pink regions along the ring. These are rarefied clouds of glowing hydrogen gas, fluorescing because of the strong ultraviolet light from the newly formed massive stars.
泛滥的巨星形成解释了为何星团指环是蓝色的:指环区正在持续形成年轻的炽热巨星,这些巨星都是蓝色的。另一个证明正在强劲产生巨星的迹象是指环区到处可见的粉红色地带,这是灼热的稀薄氢气云受到附近新形成的巨星强紫外辐射产生的荧光(参考M42、NGC 3372的颜色——译注)。
   4. What would the sky look like from a planet contained within this galaxy?
      Anyone who lives on planets embedded in the ring would be treated to a view of a brilliant band of blue stars arching across the heavens. The view would be relatively short-lived because theoretical studies indicate that the blue ring will not continue to expand forever. After about 300 million years, it will reach a maximum radius, and then begin to disintegrate.

PS:radius原文是半径,但读起来很不通顺;be treated to 是被用………招待,还是不写上更读得通。——gohomeman1

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-31 00:51

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-3-31 20:21 编辑




gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-31 00:55

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2010-1-12 09:30 编辑


About the Object研究对象
Object Name:AM 0644-741, Lindsay-Shapley Ring Galaxy
对象名称:AM 0644-741, Lindsay-Shapley 戒指星系
Object Description:Ring Galaxy
Position (J2000):R.A.   6h 43m 16s.59   Dec. -74° 14' 22".23
坐标(儒略纪元2000星历表): 赤经 06时43分16.59秒,赤纬 -74°14′22.23″
Constellation:   Volans
Distance:Approximately 300 million light-years (92 million parsecs)
Dimensions:This image isroughly 3 arcminutes (260,000 light-years or 81,000 parsecs) wide.

About the Data 数据来源
Data Description:   数据说明
These data are from the HST calibration from the following proposal: 9983: K. Noll, L. Frattare, H. Bond, C. Christian, F. Hamilton, Z. Levay, T. Royle and I. Jordan (STScI), and J. Higdon (Cornell University).
本文图像根据第9983#申请的哈勃数据库图像创建。他们是:太空望远镜科学研究所(STScI) K. Noll, L. Frattare, H. Bond, C. Christian, F. Hamilton, Z. Levay, T. Royle, I. Jordan 和康奈尔大学 J. Higdon
Instrument: ACS/WFC
Exposure Date(s): January 16/17, 2004
Exposure Time: 2.8 hours
Filters:F435W (B), F555W (V), F625W (r), F814W (I)
滤光器:四个宽带滤光器 625nm的红光,555nm的广义黄绿光,435nm的蓝光,814nm的近红外线。

About this Image关于图像
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Release Date: April 22, 2004

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-3-31 01:02

本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-3-31 15:53 编辑


3628 X 2357 ,10MB

3940 X 3889,19MB

kson 发表于 2009-3-31 08:20


霓虹彩云 发表于 2009-3-31 08:37


武汉棒槌 发表于 2009-3-31 09:29

3322587 发表于 2009-3-31 13:17


不知所谓 发表于 2009-3-31 19:47


zll1985 发表于 2009-3-31 20:27


gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-8 23:58

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