gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-2 22:25

APOD 090402 天文100小时全球活动开始啦!

2009 April 2
100 Hours of Astronomy Begins
Credit & Copyright: Tamas Ladanyi (TWAN)


Today, 100 Hours of Astronomy begins, a cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 celebrating the 400th anniversary of Gallileo's original telescopic exploration of the sky. Running from April 2 through April 5, many different public programs are planned worldwide as part of the project, starting with today's opening event at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Featuring one of Galileo's two remaining telescopes, the event will be webcast live. Of course, the sky examined by Galileo can still be appreciated today, with much more capable instruments that are widely available. But this skyward view from a private observatory in Veszprem Hungary also includes objects Galileo did not see when he gazed into the night. Recorded on March 26, the image captures the paired trails of the International Space Station (the brighter trail) and the shuttle orbiter Discovery in low Earth orbit, as well as the streak of a passing airplane.

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-2 22:28


影像版權與提供: Tamas Ladanyi (TWAN)

說明: 為慶祝伽利略用望遠鏡探索天空的四百周年慶,2009國際天文年重要的100小時的天文觀測計畫在今天啟動。在4月2日到5日這段期間,全球各地將舉行許多事先規畫的公開活動,而今天在美國.費城富蘭克林博物館 (Franklin Institute)舉行的開幕活動,正式啟動這系列活動。該博物館收藏有伽利略留傳下來的兩部望遠鏡之一,這項活動將透過網路實況分享出來。當然伽利略當年探索的天空,我們仍然可用現在到處都找得到的現代設備加以探索;不過上面這幅在匈牙利Veszprem一座私人天文台拍攝的星空影像,則含有當年伽利略仰望天空時看不到的物體。這幅在3月26日記錄的影像,除了星空之外,也捕捉到國際太空站(較亮)和發現和太空梭的流跡,以及一架路過的飛機。

gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-2 22:32


gohomeman1 发表于 2009-4-2 22:33


zzx204 发表于 2009-4-3 08:56

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