林夏 发表于 2009-5-29 11:56

【翻译】2009年7月22日日全蚀--2. 日食的天气预报--2.1 综述

本帖最后由 林夏 于 2009-6-8 12:56 编辑




2. Weather Prospects for the Eclipse
2. 日食的天气预报

2.1 Overview
2.1 综述

    Summer—Northern Hemisphere summer—is the wet, monsoon season across the subtropics, from Africa to India to Asia. Wet means high humidity, instability, and numerous thunderstorms that bring high levels of cloudiness. Wet also means that eclipse-seekers will have to accept lower probabilities of success than in recent eclipses—and this is a 6-minuteplus eclipse—the longest of the 21st century.

    It is not all gloomy news, however. There are places tucked away along the path of the Moon’s shadow that promise a little more sunshine than the rest and there are strategies to improve the odds.

    Monsoons—the term means “seasonal wind”—are caused by the heating of the land by the high summer Sun. Heating warms the atmosphere and creates a land-based low that draws air inland from the warm subtropical waters. In India, the flow is from the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. In China, the flow is from Southeast Asia and the South China Sea. Over India, the monsoon flow extends northward to the slopes of the Himalayas, but in China and Japan, it pushes up against the cooler, drier, polar air from the north. This creates a broad frontal zone that moves back and forth over the Chinese mainland in response to forcing from larger weather patterns.
    季风(术语,即“季节风”),是盛夏的太阳导致的陆地热气所产生的。热气加热了大气,产生了一个【陆基?】低压,然后从温暖的亚热带水域把空气吸入内陆。在印度,气流来自阿拉伯海和印度洋。在中国,气流来自东南亚和南中国海。季风流(似乎没有这个词组monsoon flow——译注)越过印度后,延伸至喜马拉雅山脉北坡,但是在中国和日本,它抬升自己以抵抗来自北方的更冷的、更干的、截然相反的空气。【这产生了一个宽阔的锋面带,然后锋面在中国大陆带来回地移动,响应着来自更大天气形式的压迫,】

    The frontal band is known as the “mei-yu” front in China and the “baiu” or “tsuyu” in Japan—rainy-season fronts, in effect. By mid-July, the tsuyu has begun to weaken over Japan, but the mei-yu retains its identity and structure in China, typically lying over the Yangtze valley in July and August.

    On most days, the mei-yu can be seen in satellite photos angling across inland China, or straddling the coast, bringing broken-to-overcast cloudiness to regions under its influence.

    When waves of low-pressure move along the front, cloudiness increases and steady rains can be expected, occasionally with flooding. Away from the mei-yu, skies are dotted with convective clouds that frequently grow into afternoon thunderstorms, though still offering better chances of seeing the eclipse than sites along the front.

    With or without the presence of the mei-yu front, the eclipse path is embedded in a humid and unstable airmass from India to the Cook Islands. Most North American and European travelers will find the humidity oppressive and energy sapping on the continents, with dew points in the mid-20s Celsius.
    不管有没有梅雨锋的出现,从印度到库克群岛,日食路径都已嵌入潮湿和不稳定的气团中。大部分在大陆的北美和欧洲的旅行者在露点温度为20多摄氏度时,将会感受到潮湿沉闷和体能消耗。(dew-point temperature 露点温度;是指空气在水汽含量和气压都不改变的条件下,冷却到饱和时的温度。形象地说,就是空气中的水蒸气变为露珠时候的温度叫露点温度。——译注)

    Rain is often welcome, as it cools the air in spite of the 100% humidity that it brings. Air conditioning is eagerly sought as an oasis of cool in the sultry tropical heat.

    In India and China, summer is also the season for tropical storms with typhoons in the Pacific and cyclones in the Bay of Bengal. Only the sections of the eclipse path over the Himalayas, deep in inland China, or along the equator are completely immune from the possibility of an encounter with these rotating storms. The typhoon season in India is typically in a mid-season quiet period during the eclipse.

    Once the eclipse path moves away from the Asian mainland, it drops sharply southeastward toward the equator.

    Weather patterns are now under the control of Earth’s large circulation systems: the belt of subtropical highs near 30° north latitude; the easterly trade winds that occupy the zone south of the highs; and the region of cloudiness that marks the Intertropical Convergence Zone, about 5° north of the equator.

    These zones each have their own characteristic cloud patterns, and so the eclipse path alternately moves through regions of high and low cloudiness, some of which offer good viewing prospects.

kson 发表于 2009-5-29 14:08


林夏 发表于 2009-5-29 14:21


ma007 发表于 2009-5-29 15:08

There are places tucked away along the path of the Moon’s shadow that promise a little more sunshine than the rest and there are strategies to improve the odds.

我的理解是他指 隐藏在月亮阴影路径下的一些地区是有机会比其他地方天气好的(也就是 a little more sunshine than the rest 比其余地方阳光更多,这里tuck away 指隐藏的意思)因此是可以提高观测成功率的

林夏 发表于 2009-5-29 15:47

本帖最后由 林夏 于 2009-5-29 15:50 编辑


There are places tucked away along the path of the Moon’s shadow that promise a little more sunshine than the rest and there are strategies to improve the odds.



林夏 发表于 2009-5-29 22:24


林夏 发表于 2009-5-30 13:14

本帖最后由 林夏 于 2009-5-30 13:49 编辑

1.是先moves back and forth,再越过中国大陆

      信风(trade wind)在赤道两边的低层大气中,北半球吹东北风,南半球吹东南风,这种风的方向很少改变,它们年年如此,稳定出现,很讲信用,这是trade wind在中文中被翻译成 “信风”的原因。

  中国古代文献中有“信风”这个词,指的是“随时令变化,定期定向而来的风,即季候风”。查《辞源》“信风”条可以看到这个解释及引用文献。所以,信风这个词可以是泛指,也可以是如这里现代气象学中的专指trade wind的意思。

  西方古代商人们常借助信风吹送,往来于海上进行贸易,这一点导致Trade wind 有时候被译成“贸易风”,但这是望文生义,是不对的。Trade这个词并非现代英语中贸易的意思,而是来自中古英语,相当于path、track的意思。所以,trade wind原意是“在常轨上的风”的意思。网上的英文维基百科有trade wind条,解释了这个问题。另可查The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000。


eclipse722 发表于 2009-5-30 13:25

林夏 发表于 2009-5-30 15:35

本帖最后由 林夏 于 2009-5-30 16:28 编辑

could you please speak in Chinese?


林夏 发表于 2009-5-30 19:11

Thank you for q5968661's help.
But how to translate "in response to forcing from larger weather patterns."?What does it mean?
At last, please check it again.

ma007 发表于 2009-5-30 20:45


There are places tucked away along the path of the Moon’s shadow that promise a little more sunshine than the rest and there are strategies to improve the o ...
林夏 发表于 2009-5-29 15:47 http://www.astronomy.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
他说的策略应该指的就是去这些地区观测的意思,只不过用词有点夸张了,strategy虽然表面指策略,我觉得这里翻译成“办法”更恰当。这句话是一句因果关系,而不是并列句,我认为翻成 因此我们是有办法来提高观测成功率的 较恰当。

林夏 发表于 2009-6-8 12:55


spin 发表于 2009-6-8 13:14

在我来说 就是大致看一下文章意思



林夏 发表于 2009-6-8 15:57

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