图片最小尺寸为406×406,最大尺寸为惊人的29566×14321(4.23亿像素),最大一张图片有345MB,其中将近一半的图片均大于10MB。大于100MB的图片用Windows照片库无法查看,建议选用Photoshop查看http://image-7.verycd.com/3c5b06a1852037e14f00db1e220f9a3753966(600x)/thumb.jpg http://image-7.verycd.com/01ac6ddbe34ed5a37727c1d2ba0169e9188413(600x)/thumb.jpg http://image-7.verycd.com/98e2c4a5ed4c58d506e16633a4d8a78c136208(600x)/thumb.jpg http://image-7.verycd.com/1a1227547a86e2b0cc11634e2cf16bb556032(600x)/thumb.jpg
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heic0905a Dramatically backlit dust lanes in NGC 7049
heic0904f Quadruple Saturn moon transit snapped by Hubble
heic0817a Magnetic monster NGC 1275
heic0719a Holiday Wishes from the Hubble Space Telescope
heic0715a Extreme star cluster bursts into life in new Hubble image
heic0707a Star birth in the extreme
heic0706a Stellar Nursery in the arms of NGC 1672
opo0624a ACS Image of NGC 5866
heic0615a Colliding galaxies make love, not war
opo0613a Nearby Dust Clouds in the Milky Way
heic0604a The magnificent starburst galaxy Messier 82
heic0602a Largest ever galaxy portrait - stunning HD image of Pinwheel
heic0601a Hubble's sharpest view of the Orion Nebula
heic0515a Most detailed image of the Crab Nebula
heic0514a Young stars sculpt gas with powerful outflows
opo0511a Hubble Spies Cosmic Dust Bunnies
heic0506a Out of this whirl: The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) and companion
heic0506b The Eagle has risen: Stellar spire in the Eagle Nebula
heic0503a Light continues to echo three years after stellar outburst
opo0501a A Poster-Size Image of the Beautiful Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC
heic0416a Symphony of colours in the Tarantula
heic0411a Hubble studies sequences of star formation in neighbouring
heic0406a Hubble sees galaxies galore
opo0328a Hubble Mosaic of the Majestic Sombrero Galaxy
heic0305a A perfect storm of turbulent gases
heic0301a The Boomerang Nebula - the coolest place in the Universe?
opo0301a Hubble Looks Through Cosmic Zoom Lens
heic0206a A 'wallpaper' of distant galaxies is a stunning backdrop for a
runaway galaxy
heic0206b Hubble's newest camera takes a deep look at two merging galaxies
heic0206c Hubble's newest camera images ghostly star-forming pillar of gas
and dust
heic0206h The Mice/NGC 4676 (ACS Full Field Image)
opo0201a Thackeray's Globules in IC 2944
heic0114a Nebula NGC 2080, nicknamed the 'Ghost Head Nebula'
opo0110a The Heart of the Whirlpool Galaxy
heic0109a The Red Spider Nebula: Surfing in Sagittarius - not for the
heic0108a Hubble images remarkable double cluster
heic0106b Composite ultraviolet-visible-infrared image of NGC 1512
opo0028a The Spirograph Nebula
opo0006a Light and Shadow in the Carina Nebula
opo9942a The Trifid Nebula: Stellar Sibling Rivalry
opo9941a A Grazing Encounter Between two Spiral Galaxies
opo9925a Magnificent Details in a Dusty Spiral Galaxy
opo9912a Multiple Generations of Stars in the Tarantula Nebula
opo9901a Looking Down a Barrel of Gas at a Doomed Star
opo9828c Saturn In Natural Colours
opo9545a Maelstrom of Star Birth
opo9544a Pillars of Creation
opo9433a True colour Image of Impact Zones D and G
opo0921a Planetary nebula K 4-55
opo0917a Galaxy Cluster MACS J0717
heic0904a Quadruple Saturn moon transit snapped by Hubble
heic0901a Unusual Spiral NGC 4921 in the Coma Galaxy Cluster
opo0834a Hubble Image of NGC 3324
opo0822a Hubble sees stars and a stripe in celestial fireworks
heic0817b NGC 1275 multi-wavelength composite
heic0809a The majestic globular Omega Centauri
heic0808a Galaxy NGC 2397 with an explosive secret
heic0804a The gargantuan galaxy NGC 1132
hubble_earth Hubble Space Telescope over Earth
hubble_space Hubble Space Telescope in space
opo0745a Mars: Closest Approach 2007
heic0717a Arp 87
opo0714a Hubble Monitors Jupiter in Support of the New Horizons Flyby
heic0712a Uncovering the Veil Nebula
heic0712b Uncovering the Veil Nebula
heic0711a Stellar fireworks are ablaze in galaxy NGC 4449
heic0710a Hubble photographs grand design spiral galaxy M81
heic0709b Hubble finds dark matter ring in galaxy cluster
heic0703a Hubble reveals NGC 2440
opo0635a Extraterrestrial Fireworks
heic0619a Star on a Hubble diet
opo0619b Jupiter's New Red Spot - HST ACS/HRC: April 8, 2006
opo0609b The Pluto System on Feb. 15, 2006 (Non-annotated)
heic0609a Cassiopeia A - The colourful aftermath of a violent stellar
opo0607a Hubble Snaps Images of a Pinwheel-Shaped Galaxy
heic0604d Great observatories composite
heic0603b Magellanic gemstone in the southern sky
heic0702a New stars shed light on the past
heic0601d The Orion Nebula's biggest stars
heic0601g Sculpting the landscape
opo0525a Hubble Catches Scattered Light from the Boomerang Nebula
heic0504a Saturn's dynamic aurorae
heic0502a Hubble finds infant stars in neighbouring galaxy
opo0432d A New View of the Helix Nebula
opo0423a A Bright Supernova in the Nearby Galaxy NGC 2403
opo0417b The Heart of the Trifid Nebula
opo0415a The Lure of the Rings
heic0414a Dying star creates fantasy-like sculpture of gas and dust
heic0413a Hubble peers inside a celestial geode
heic0611b Hubble Ultra Deep Field
opo0404a An Abrasive Collision Gives One Galaxy a "Black Eye
heic0402a Supernova blast bonanza in nearby galaxy
opo0331a Hubble Photographs Turbulent Neighborhood Near Eruptive Star
opo0330a Firestorm of Star Birth Seen in a Local Galaxy
opo0324a Celestial Composition
opo0322i Hubble's Sharpest Ever Colour View
opo0320a Celestial Fireworks
heic0312a Mega starbirth cluster is biggest, brightest and hottest ever
seen (artist's impression)
opo0309a Rainbow Image of a Dusty Star
heic0308a The mysterious 'Garden-sprinkler' nebula 打开电驴,复制上面的地址即可 图片最小尺寸为406×406,最大尺寸为惊人的29566×14321(4.23亿像素),最大一张图片有345MB,其中将近一半的图片均大于10MB。大于100MB的图片用Windows照片库无法查看,建议选用Photoshop查看。 太漂亮了::070821_13.jpg:: 太大了!看小图就行了,没必要那么多细节,我们又不是研究,是欣赏的!::070821_01.jpg:: 这么大呀,会不会让我的电脑死机呀!? 谢谢分享,300多M的图片是够大的。 电驴上居然还有这种东西~长见识了~ 感谢神仙