2009年12月03日 08:44新闻晨报记者 陈抒怡
晨报讯 如果你错过了上个月的狮子座流星雨,那么在2009年最后一个月的夜空,则可因双子座流星雨的到场弥补遗憾。记者昨日获悉,本月13日和14日晚,将是观测双子座流星雨较为有利的时间。
错过上个月狮子座流星雨的天文爱好者本月可望弥补遗憾 具体什么时间流量最大,最利于观测,有更详细的介绍吗? 本帖最后由 meteorobs 于 2009-12-3 14:57 编辑
One of the finest, and probably the most reliable, of the major annual showers presently observable, whose peak this year is virtually coincident with new Moon. The Geminid radiant culminates around 2h local time, but well north of the equator it rises about sunset, and is at a usable elevation from the local evening hours onwards, while in the southern hemisphere, the radiant appears only around local midnight or so. Even from more southerly sites, this is a splendid shower of often bright, medium-speed meteors, a rewarding sight for all watchers, whatever method they employ. The peak has shown slight signs of variability in its rates and timing in recent years, with the more reliably-observed maxima during the past two decades all having occurred within 2h20m of the time given above. The main predicted timing favours places from all across the Americas eastwards to western Europe and western Africa. An earlier or later timing would extend this best-visible zone some way eastwards or westwards respectively. Some mass-sorting within the stream means the fainter telescopic meteors should be most abundant almost 1° of solar longitude (about one day) ahead of the visual maximum, with telescopic results indicating such meteors radiate from an elongated region, perhaps with three sub-centres. Further results on this topic would be useful.
简介如下:双子座流星雨是每年最优秀、最可靠的流星雨之一。尤其是今年几乎没有月光干扰,中速明亮的流星对于任何地区的观察者来说都是很棒的。每年双子座流星雨的活动期在12月的7日至17之间,今年的极大时刻位于14号世界时5h10m,也就是北京时间14日下午13:10。最佳观测地横跨美洲、西欧和西部非洲。对于我国的观测者来说12号至15号期间选择天气晴朗的一天,到郊外环境黑暗、视野开阔的地点观看就可以了。双子座从天黑后就会升起,直到天亮前才落下。所以有条件的同好建议整夜观测。在1999年的双子座流星雨期间,北京天文同好会的爱好者们在极大的一整夜观测到了近千颗流星! 哎 有设备 没天气 哎 爱牧夫,爱天文,信春哥,得晴天!!! LS说真的???别忘了带躺椅啊。。。 5# meteorobs
so~这次打死也不信春哥,信曾哥!~~ ::070821_13.jpg:: 期待好天氣,這囬的獅子座流星雨我總共看到二十來顆,沒有預想的大。。。。這囬期待雙子座的吧。。。 超期待,祈求好天气,南京 總不能老是信春哥啊... 回LS,因为信曾哥得晴天的图还没有人做出来,所以只好继续先信下去了。。。 ::070821_13.jpg::据说双子很好色::42:: LS很火星倒是。。。