SOHO卫星探测器95年发射,现在已经运行了10几年,由于资金问题和新的太阳空间探测器SDO(Solar Dynamics Observatory )即将发射,预计在不久SOHO项目即将停止运行。以下是专家在SOHO彗星主页的发言:Dear All,
It's time I filled you in on the status of the Sungrazer project --
specifically, the SOHO aspect of it.As you may or may not know, SOHO
is now very much in a phase of 'extended operations', which
essentially means it does the same thing for virtually no money.So,
for example, instrument teams (e.g. LASCO) are no longer funded to
analyze/study the data.There is only a small amount of funding for
very basic operations.
What does this mean for the Sungrazer project?I'll be blunt: it
means that the project no longer has funding to continue.In the last
year I have been actively pursuing funding opportunities with
proposals to NASA, but with no success.I am working a last couple of
possibilities but these may or may not work out, or be successful.
Even if one of these do result in success, it will be several months
at least before I could obtain any funds.
Therefore, I am sad to say that as of now, I have no option but to put
the Sungrazer project into 'hibernation'.
What does this mean?It means that you can keep making reports but I
will not be able to perform the confirmations or the measuring
(astrometry) of new SOHO comets.For now, the website can remain
active but I can not promise it will always be like that -- it depends
what happens to the project in the future.I do have limited funds to
work on the STEREO aspect of the comets, so I can still measure any
new non-Kreutz comets found in STEREO images, keep an occasional check
on the website, add 'new users' to the list, etc.
I will try to volunteer some of my free time to measure any
particularly interesting SOHO comets, but the order of priority will
have to be (from highest to lowest priority) : non-group, non-Kreutz,
'new' Kreutz, archive Kreutz.Logistically, this will get difficult
if new comets are not confirmed.We'll have to work something out there.
So that's where we are.I will still be here, but you will see a lot
less of me especially in relation to SOHO comets.You can, of course,
continue to email me reports if the website is down.I will keep you
all updated with any news that affects the project.
A copy of this message has been sent to the SOHOHunter and
'STEREOHunter' groups.
Best wishes,
以及相关SDO的报道: 啊。。英文的。。。 ::070821_20.jpg::钱不是万能的,但没有钱也是不行的……不知道SDO会给我们呈现出怎样不同的太阳~~~ 一分半翻译下吧! 额……其实专家就是说自己已经很努力很努力的去筹资金了,但最终还是没有成功~话说,基本上整篇都在说这个吧~~~忽忽~~~~ 其实~`专家就是针对资金和今后的SOHO彗星验证问题说了一些。 太可惜了:sleepy: 即将发射的SDO 不要不要!!我不要!!!
::070821_07.jpg:: 有替代的没有?如果没有,观测那么多年的数据量,到地球磁场要变化时候没前了?经常没事还上官网看看当天有黑子没呢!! 曾经见证了一代彗星猎手的SOHO就这样停运了……::070821_20.jpg:: 1# 七月流火2
不是一般的啰嗦,估计释迦摩尼都要扛不住了。 今天刚刚了解了一点,就说可能要终止运行~~~ 钱吖 ::070821_20.jpg::