关于满月 what' a full moon
本帖最后由 武夫 于 2009-12-16 19:42 编辑百度百科:满月是指月亮和太阳的黄经差达到180度时的瞬间(也称望),以及此时的月相(也称望月)。
Wikipedia:Full moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the geocentric apparent (ecliptic) longitudes of the Sun and Moon differ by 180 degrees; the Moon is then in opposition with the Sun.
请问哪一个才是真正的满月?是16时19分~6时59分的月亮?还是17时35分~7时54分的月亮?望在白天又该如何确定? Another issue - how the moon actually looks in the sky. If the full moon comes at 1 a.m. in your time zone, and your calendar therefore shows the after-midnight date as the date of full moon, you might - if you're not watching the time of full moon - be fooled into thinking the moon looks most full that evening. But in fact the moon would have looked most full the evening before ... —— Deborah Byrd ——
国外的友人是这样认为的,“如果望发生在午夜之后(如1 a.m.),那么日历就会把午夜后那天的日期标为满月的日期。如果你没有看满月的时间,你就有可能误以为那天晚上的月亮最圆。但事实上应该是前一晚上的月亮看起来最圆”。
. 本帖最后由 浪淘沙 于 2009-12-17 19:51 编辑
比如北京时间2010年1月1日 3:12是定望时刻,那么中国的天文年历,标注满月(望日)的日期就是1月1日。
但若用美国时间,定望时刻是2009年12月31日 15:12(或14:12冬令时?),那么美国的天文年历,满月就标注在12月31日了。
这个可以请在美国留学的几位朋友查一下当地出版的天文年历,验证一下我的说法。我也不知道其它国家是按哪种方式标注满月日期的。 本帖最后由 武夫 于 2009-12-18 14:11 编辑
如果望发生在中午12点,是今晚的还是昨晚的月亮较圆?其它时间又是如何确定的?谁圆是以谁最接近望为准吗? 见前面回复,望日以定望时刻(北京时间)所在的日期为准,不以月亮最圆时刻为准。
“望”是一种天象。其它天象的纪录日期也是同理。 那位国外友人对此的看法。
If the full moon comes at noon (local time), that evening's moon will look slightly more full than the moon the evening before. But it will look almost identical to the moon you'll see in the west before dawn that morning.
The differences here will be very small ... almost no perceptible different in the actual appearance of the moon itself. From one evening to the next, however, there will be a noticeable difference in the time of moonrise. The moon rises - on average - about 50 minutes later each day. So - assuming the full moon comes at noon (local time) - you'll see the moon slightly above the eastern horizon at sunset on the day before full moon. And you'll see the moon rise into a darkened sky, after sunset, on the day of full moon. If the moon were full precisely at sunset (again, local time) you'd see it rise at sunset - because the full moon is opposite the sun.
Deborah 2010年1月底有一次火星冲日,
2010-01-29 19:44:10 TD
2010-01-3003:43:03 UT
请问这一次火星冲日发生在哪天? 最近的未来的一次定望时刻是: