longyun 发表于 2010-1-16 19:22

自制GPS发射机系列之二 —— 星载设备

本帖最后由 longyun 于 2010-1-16 19:27 编辑

2.4 GPS和 GLONASS星载设备





2.4. GPS & GLONASS satellite on-board equipment

Since the two systems are similar, GPS and GLONASS satellites carry almost the same on-board equipment as shown on Fig.06. For the navigation function alone, the satellites could be much simpler, carrying a simple linear transponder like on civilian communications satellites. The required navigation signals could begenerated and synchronized by a network of ground stations.

However, both GPS and GLONASS are primarily intended as military systems. Uplinks are undesired since they can be easily jammed and a network of ground stations can be easily destroyed. Therefore, both GPS and GLONASS satellites are designed for completely autonomous operation and generation of the required signals. Synchronization is maintained by on-board atomic clocks that are only periodically updated by the ground stations.

Both GPS and GLONASS satellites carry a cesium atomic clock as their primary time/frequency standard, with the accuracy ranging between 10^-12 and 10^-13. Much smaller and lightweight rubidium atomic clocks are used as a backup in the case the main time/frequency standard fails, although rubidium atomic clocks are an order of magnitude less accurate. Due to the stable space environment these atomic clocks usually perform better than their ground-based counterparts and any long-term drifts or offsets can be easily compensated by uploadin the required correction coefficients in the on-board computer.

The output of the atomic time/frequency standard drives a frequency synthesizer so that all the carrier frequencies and modulation rates are derived coherently from the same reference frequency.

The on-board computer generates the so-called navigation data. These include information about the exact location of the satellite, also called precision ephemeris, information about the offset and drift of the on-board atomic clock and information about other satellites in the system, also called almanac. The first two are used directly by the user's computer to assemble the navigation equations. The almanac data can be used to predict visible satellites and avoid attemptin to use dead, malfunctioning or inexistent satellites, thus speeding-up the acquisition of four valid satellite signals with a reasonable GDOP.

Besides the transmitters for broadcasting navigation signals, GPS and GLONASS satellites also have telecommand and telemetry radio links. In particular, the telecommand link is used by the command stations to regularly upload fresh navigation data into the on-board computer. Usually this is done once per day, although the on-board computer memory can store enough data for several weeks in advance. In addition to dedicated telemetry links, part of the telemetry data is also inserted in the navigation data stream.

gohomeman1 发表于 2010-1-16 20:37


longyun 发表于 2010-1-22 14:27


tjbdlzg 发表于 2011-4-15 07:52

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