重子声学振荡(Baryon acoustic oscillations)
本帖最后由 voyagerbb 于 2010-2-1 15:22 编辑这是英文维基中的一个词条,英文原文出自:
Baryon acoustic oscillations
In cosmology, baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) refers to an overdensity or clustering of baryonic matter at certain length scales due to acoustic waves which propagated in the early universe. In the same way that supernova experiments provide a "standard candle" for astronomical observations, BAO matter clustering provides a "standard ruler" for length scale in cosmology. The length of this standard ruler (~150 Mpc in today's universe) can be measured by looking at the large scale structure of matter using astronomical surveys. BAO measurements help cosmologists understand more about the nature of dark energy (the acceleration of the universe) by constraining cosmological parameters.
1 The Early Universe
2 Cosmic Sound
3 Standard Ruler
4 BAO Signal in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
5 BAO and Dark Energy Formalism
5.1 General Relativity and Dark Energy
5.2 Measured Observables of Dark Energy
7 External links
1 早期宇宙
2 宇宙的声音
3 标准尺度
4 斯隆数字巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey)中的BAO信号
5 BAO与暗能量的公式化形式
5.2 暗能量的可测量性
6 参考文献
7 外部链接
The Early Universe
The early universe consisted of a hot, dense plasma of electrons and baryons (protons and neutrons). Photons (light particles) traveling in this universe were essentially trapped, unable to travel for any considerable distance before interacting with the plasma via Thomson scattering. As the universe expanded, the plasma cooled to below 3000 K—a low enough energy such that the electrons and protons in the plasma could combine to form neutral hydrogen atoms. This recombination happened when the universe was around 400,000 years old, or at a redshift of z = 1100. Photons rarely interact with neutral matter, therefore at recombination the universe suddenly became transparent to photons, allowing them to decouple from the matter and free-stream through the universe. In other-words, the mean free path of the photons became on the order of the size of the universe. The cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation is light emitted after recombination which is only now reaching our telescopes. Therefore when we look at Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data, we are looking back in time to see an image of the universe when it was only 400,000 years old.
早期宇宙由一种热的,致密的电子和重子(质子和中子)的等离子体构成.在这样的宇宙中,光子(轻的粒子)的传播基本上会被阻挡住,在通过汤姆逊散射跟等离子体相互作用之前根本无法传播.随着宇宙的膨胀,等离子体的温度降至3000开以下---该温度足够低以至等离子体中的电子跟质子可以结合成中性的氢原子.这个再复合的过程发生在宇宙的年龄约40万年的时候,也即红移1100的时候.光子几乎不跟中性物质发生相互作用,因此对光子来说,在再复合的时候宇宙骤然透明,从而使其从物质退耦并在宇宙中自由流动.换句话说,光子的平均自由程成为跟宇宙尺度一个数量级的.宇宙微波背景辐射(cosmic microwave background, CMB)是再复合之后发出的光线,并且刚刚到达我们的望远镜.因此当我们查看威尔金森微波各向异性探测器(Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, WMAP)的数据的时候,我们是在沿着时间往回看一幅宇宙年龄只有40万年的时候的图像.
Figure 1: Temperature anisotropies of the CMB based on the five year WMAP data.
图一: 基于WMAP五年数据的CMB温度各向异性图.
WMAP indicates (Figure 1) of a smooth, homogeneous universe with density anisotropies of one part in 105. However, when we observe the universe today we find large amounts of structure and density fluctuations. Galaxies, for instance, are 106 times more dense than the universe's mean density. The current belief is that the universe was built in a bottom-up fashion, meaning that the small anisotropies of the early universe acted as gravitational seeds for the structure we see today. Overdense regions attract more matter, while underdense regions attract less, and thus these small anisotropies we see in the CMB become the large scale structures we observe in the universe today.
Cosmic Sound
Imagine an overdense region of the primordial plasma. While overdensity gravitationally attracts matter towards it, the heat of photon-matter interactions creates a large amount of outward pressure. These counteracting forces of gravity and pressure create oscillations, analogous to sound waves created in air by pressure differences.
Consider a single wave originating from this overdense region in the center of the plasma. This region contains dark matter, baryons and photons. The pressure results in a spherical sound wave of both baryons and photons moving with a speed slightly over half the speed of light outwards from the overdensity (Figure 2, row 1). The dark matter only interacts gravitationally and so it stays at the center of the sound wave, the origin of the overdensity. Before decoupling, the photons and baryons move outwards together (Figure 2, rows 2-3). After decoupling (Figure 2, row 4) the photons are no longer interacting with the baryonic matter so they diffuse away (Figure 2, rows 5-6). This relieves the pressure on the system, leaving a shell of baryonic matter at a fixed radius. This radius is often referred to as the sound horizon. Without the photo-baryon pressure driving the system outwards, the only remaining force on the baryons is gravitational. Therefore, the baryons and dark matter (still at the center of the perturbation) form a configuration which includes overdensities of matter both at the original site of the anisotropy and in a shell at the sound horizon (Figure 2, row 7-8).
The ripples in the density of space (shown at the bottom of Figure 2) continue to attract matter and eventually galaxies formed in a similar pattern, therefore one would expect to see a greater number of galaxies separated by the sound horizon than by nearby length scales. This particular configuration of matter occurred at each anisotropy in the early universe, and therefore the universe is not composed of one sound ripple, but many overlapping ripples. As an analogy, imagine dropping many pebbles into a pond and watching the resulting wave patterns in the water. It is not possible to observe this preferred separation of galaxies on the sound horizon scale by eye, but one can measure this signal statistically by looking at the separations of large numbers of galaxies.
Figure 2: BAO soundwave propagating outward from a single overdensity over time. The baryon density is shown in the left-most column, the photon density is in the middle column, and a graph of the mass profiles are in the right-most column.
Standard Ruler
The physics of the propagation of the baryon waves in the early universe is fairly simple, so cosmologists can predict the size of the sound horizon at recombination. In addition the CMB provides a measurement of this scale to high accuracy. However in the time between present day and recombination the universe has been expanding. This expansion is well supported by observations and is one of the foundations of the Big Bang Model. In the late 90's, observations of supernova determined that not only is the universe expanding, it is expanding at an increasing rate. Better understanding the acceleration of the universe, or dark energy, has become one of the most important questions in cosmology today. In order to understand the nature of the dark energy, it is important to have a variety of ways of measuring this acceleration. BAO can add to the body of knowledge about this acceleration by comparing observations of the sound horizon today (using clustering of galaxies) to the sound horizon at the time of recombination (using the CMB). Thus BAO provides a measuring stick with which to better understand the nature of the acceleration, completely independent from the supernova technique.
BAO Signal in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is a 2.5-m wide-angle optical telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico. The goal of this five-year survey was to take images and spectra of millions of celestial objects. The result of compiling the Sloan data is a three-dimensional map of the objects in the nearby universe. The SDSS catalog provides a picture of the distribution of matter such that one can search for a BAO signal by seeing if there is a larger number of galaxies separated at the sound horizon.
斯隆数字巡天(SDSS)是一个2.5米的宽视场光学望远镜,位于新墨西哥州的Apache Point天文台.这项耗时五年的巡天项目的目的是拍摄上百万天体的图像和光谱.编纂斯隆数据的结果就是得到一个三维的近邻宇宙中天体的三维图.SDSS星表提供了一个物质分布的图像以使人们能够通过看是否存在大量的间距为声学视界的星系来搜寻BAO信号.
The Sloan Team looked at a sample of 46,748 luminous red galaxies (LRGs), over 3816 square-degrees of sky (approximately five billion light years in diameter) and out to a redshift of z = 0.47. They analyzed the clustering of these galaxies by calculating a two-point correlation function on the data. The correlation function (ξ) is a function of comoving galaxy separation distance (s) and describes the probability that one galaxy will be found within a given distance bin of another (See SDSS Detection Figure). One would expect a high correlation of galaxies at small separation distances (due to the clumpy nature of galaxy formation) and a low correlation at large differences. The BAO signal would show up as a bump in the correlation function at a comoving separation equal to the sound horizon. This signal was detected by the SDSS team in 2005.. SDSS confirmed the WMAP results that the sound horizon is ~150 Mpc in today's universe.
斯隆团队检视了一个包含46748个亮红星系(luminous red galaxies, LRG)的样本,这些样本分布于超过3816平方度的天区上(直径约50亿光年)并远至红移0.47.他们通过计算两点相关函数的方式分析了这些星系的成团性.相关函数 (ξ)是星系的共动间距的函数并且描述了在距离一个星系一定的尺度内找到另一个星系的几率(参见斯隆探测的图).人们期望星系在小的间距上有强的相关性(由于星系形成的结团性质)而在大尺度的距离上相关性则比较低.BAO信号则表现为相关函数在等于声学视界的尺度处的一个突起.这一信号在2005年被斯隆团队探测到.SDSS证实了WMAP的关于在今天的宇宙中声学视界的尺度约为1.5亿秒差距的结果.
BAO and Dark Energy Formalism
General Relativity and Dark Energy
In general relativity, the acceleration of the universe is parametrized by a scale factor a(t) which is related to redshift:
The Hubble parameter, H(z), in terms of the scale factor is:
H(t)=\frac{\dot a }{a}
whereis the time-derivative of the scale factor. The Friedmann equations express the expansion of the universe in terms of Newton's gravitational constant, GN, the mean pressure, P, the Universe's density , the curvature, k, and the cosmological constant, :
其中 是尺度因子对时间的导数.弗里德曼方程用牛顿引力常数\G_N,平均压强P,宇宙密度,曲率k和宇宙学常数的形式表示出了宇宙的膨胀:
file:///Users/yuebin/Documents/Fanyi/Baryon_acoustic_oscillations_files/15f8400c33bd7efd9acaa8d3e6b4bfd6.pngfile:///Users/yuebin/Documents/Fanyi/Baryon_acoustic_oscillations_files/fa4eb64bebf93f540cd1d8b2f15d2577.pngH^2=\left(\frac{\dot a}{a}\right)^2=frac{8\pi G}{3}\rho-\frac{kc^2}{a^2}+\frac{\Lambda c^2}{3}
.\dot H+H^2=\frac{\ddot a}{a}=-\frac{4\pi G}{3}\left(\rho+\frac{3p}{c^2}\right)+\frac{\Lambda c^2}{3}
Observational evidence of the acceleration of the universe implies that (at present time) . Therefore the following are possible explanations:
The universe is dominated by some field or particle that has negative pressure such that the equation of state:
file:///Users/yuebin/Documents/Fanyi/Baryon_acoustic_oscillations_files/151bd542b0dc745fb022e50f706fe622.pngw=\frac{P}{\rho} < -1/3
There is a non-zero cosmological constant, .
General relativity is incorrect and therefore the Friedmann equations are not applicable.
In order to differentiate between these scenarios, precise measurements of the Hubble parameter as a function of redshift are needed.
Measured Observables of Dark Energy
The density parameter, , of various components, x, of the universe can be expressed as ratios of the density of x to the critical density, \rho_c:
file:///Users/yuebin/Documents/Fanyi/Baryon_acoustic_oscillations_files/dc3dda15b67217abf527c835b42a51cb.pngfile:///Users/yuebin/Documents/Fanyi/Baryon_acoustic_oscillations_files/42f19a811be890e47190ad9b30489927.png\rho_c=\frac{3H^2}{8\pi G}
\Omega_x=\frac{\rho_x}{\rho_c}=\frac{8\pi G \rho_x}{3H^2}
The Friedman equation can be rewritten terms of the density parameter. For the current prevailing model of the universe, ΛCDM, this equation is as follows:
file:///Users/yuebin/Documents/Fanyi/Baryon_acoustic_oscillations_files/b6d51483c6be4cd5f279c46a7854691f.pngH^2(a)=\left(\frac{\dot a}{q}\right)=H_0^2\left[\Omega_m a^{-3}+\Omgea_r a^{-4}+\Omega_k a^{-2}\+\Omega_\Lambda a^{-3(1+w)}right]
where m is matter, r is radiation, k is curvature, Λ is dark energy, and w is the equation of state. Measurements of the CMB from WMAP put tight constraints on many of these parameters however it is important to confirm and further constrain them using an independent method with different systematics.
The BAO signal is a standard ruler such that the length of the sound horizon can be measured as a function of cosmic time. This measures two cosmological distances: the Hubble parameter, H(z), and the angular diameter distance, dA(z), as a function of redshift (z). By measuring the subtended angle, Δθ, of the ruler of length, Δχ, these parameters are determined as follows:
\Delta \theta=\frac{\Delta \chi}{d_A(z)}
the redshift interval, Δz, can be measured from the data and thus determining the Hubble parameter as a function of redshift:
c\Delta z=H(z)\Delta \chi
Therefore the BAO technique helps constrain cosmological parameters and provide further insight into the nature of dark energy.
(下略) 本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2010-1-31 15:21 编辑
好文章啊,岳兄翻译这些最拿手了。几点改进建议请看论坛短消息。 好多红叉叉 好猛的文章啊,赞一个! 我来帮岳兄贴图,首先是WMAP图,注意图中的红~蓝只对应了10万分之一的温度差别,现在的测量技术确实了得
接着是那张初期演化的大图 本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2010-2-1 11:26 编辑
本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2010-2-1 11:48 编辑
谢谢楼上各位高手的奉献!!! ::070821_09.jpg::好强大! 统一一下叫法
Baryon acoustic oscillations译为“重子声波震荡” 10# 武子
不过既然国台主页上的英汉天文学词典的推荐译名为"重子声学振荡",所以我就用了那个译法. 宇宙真是奇迹 好文章,挖出来!
怎么下载这个译文的啊急需!! 好强大