本帖最后由 northwolfwu 于 2010-2-4 12:33 编辑
Dear all,
I developed a PocketPC program for controlling the DSLR camera and SBIG SG-4 smart autoguider. Several features are included and other features (for example, robofocuser control) will come soon. A freeware version is also available.
In brief, DSLR Portal is the software for a Windows Mobile device (PocketPC) to control a DSLR camera and a SBIG SG-4 smart autoguider. It is developed to have key features required for astro-imaging so that a laptop and its huge battery pack are no longer needed in the field. The features are:
* Control of the SBIG SG-4 smart autoguider - DSLR Portal commands calibration and autoguiding of the SG-4. Guiding errors are plotted on the screen. DSLR Portal is the only software available now that can show graphs of guiding errors from the SBIG SG-4.
* Exposure control of a camera - The number of frames and exposure length can be preset.
* "Automatic dithering" which is important for a bayer-matrix CMOS to get better images
* Require only one port of a PocketPC (serial port or Bluetooth)
* Simple and mobile setup
The detail of the software is here: 能用palm很好,其实什么都不用也行,我认识的朋友都是这么用的。
什么时候这能普及到我们大多数深空摄影爱好者就好了。 哦,有这等好事? sg4本来就是独立使用的 为啥还要palm和ppc,如果是840k那才有意义 就是就是,用PALM就丧失了SMART GUIDER的意义::070821_18.jpg:: SG4设置的时候还是需要PC的,设置一次以后基本上不用动了。
用Palm是个扩展的功能,不是必须用的,不过对于SG4的使用状态,调试来说,感觉还是有好处的。 SG4是自动导星的设备,ls的同好可以多用用论坛的搜索功能,会有很多意想不到的收获。