本帖最后由 mandii 于 2010-3-25 19:13 编辑有意人士欢迎加入以下即时聊天群组,主题为天文,闲聊和美食。
加群号64092786 。
Welcome everybody come here for instant chat room about Astronomy , leisure chatting and good meal .
add the group no. 64092786 .
::070821_10.jpg:: 现在的天文QQ群越来越多了::070821_06.jpg:: 群主能把我拉进去吗?我是手机party,手机不方便加入,我的qq:410646129谢谢! 我的Q现在加不了人了,等你下次用PC直接加群好吗?
我随时欢迎你。::070821_09.jpg:: 本帖最后由 mandii 于 2010-3-25 14:51 编辑
直到目前新增了有30来位同好加入本群, 谢谢大家支持。
本群主要目标定位于打造一个全球化的天文即时聊天平台,同时在美国以及港澳台同胞最有代表性的天文论坛里公告加群信息。http://www.astronomyforum.net/ho ... atory-made-own.html 以互联东西方国家的天文同好网民,吃饱没事干,工作闲时的时间里,大家一起坐在电脑旁聊聊天。
{:2_189:} PUSH PUSH PUSH ::pill:: 本帖最后由 mandii 于 2010-4-1 20:35 编辑
Today !
The first day of International Astronmy Month .
Our international chatting room "SomeDAY" ,as mentioned before , has totally invited 94 persons from America , Taiwan , Hong Kong and Mainland China to join in as menbers , we have a good chat in our leisure time in these days . And has come to a historial glory moment right now ! That we are so gladed to invite the BIG China telescope manufacturer , "The KSON Telescope " to join as our dedicated member of the chat room , and helps to manage our chat room , and we decided to expand one more chat room so called " 中国天文科普义工群 " to invite people all over the world comming and enjoy your tea time in both rooms .
The Group Name : SomeDAY
The Group no. : 64092786
The Group Name : 中国天文科普义工群
The Group no. : 4822388
Come and enjoy your tea , right now !
反应热烈 ! 震惊中外 !前无先例!后有承继!
本群今日很荣幸邀请到中国开信(Kson)总公司的发言人谢小平先生作为荣誉会员,并担任总群管,以及邀请几位天文界的资深同好担任群管,群特地安排,添加一个新群(中国天文科普义工群)于本贴中, 以加大各方朋友们的人数,发扬天文国际化聊天,以及国际化天文普及的使命。哈哈!
SomeDAY 还有6名便暴满了,暴满后各位可以PM发私人信息给本人,以另作安排。
The USA astronomy forum promotion :
http://www.astronomyforum.net/ho ... ry-made-own-12.html