mandii 发表于 2011-6-20 11:40


aa : 2011-06-17 15:39
對了,你是用 DSI I 拍的嗎?

MANDII : 2011-06-18 09:59
有的照片也有用DSI拍,会在贴里写清楚DSI的拍摄参数 。
如果贴里是标明web cam的,那就是这部摄像头。
aa 兄于论坛里的天文作品之多,张张都有水平,有目共睹,我看过不少的。


Starman27 : 06/19/11 11:27 AM from Illinois, Iowa
Nice shot!

MANDII : 06/19/11 11:28 PM
Thank you Sir , Herman .

The Command Module Effect... by azure1961p from USA

MANDII : 06/17/11 11:54 PM
Well , both of you are well said .
what I am feeling is that moon has much much thing to see , than any others . There is so many landsacpes on the moon , each time you can look at them , by the use of telescopes . So we should find , and discover more things to observe on the moon ground , as much as we can . That's good .

Looking moon is better than planets , because we probably cannot see much details on a planet( Jupitor / Saturn ) , so everytime it's basicly same details to look at these planets . And you have to use very advanced telescope to reveal the details in a planets , this make the cost increase. And there is not so many planets to look at as well . So basicly each time is same as I said previously .

Comparing Deep sky objects , there is much much these objects , visual observation mainly on clusters and galaxies , imaging is engaged in nebulas . And the cost of telescope is comparatively not so high , so it's worth to look at Deep sky . However , main problem is that there is not so many good days we can have chance to observe deep sky , it is very sensitive to local weathers .

Thus , MOON OBSERVATION , is the cheapest , oftenly enjoyable target for us , than any of others ,probably as of now , and as of comming years of time which are said that the weather condition is getting bad and more bad than now . The sky is getting polluted always .

Best Regrads ,

Sarkikos : 06/18/11 11:41 AM from Suburban Maryland, USA

Yes, you don't need a big powerful telescope to see plenty of detail on the Moon. My 90mm f/13.3 Mak has become my most-used Moon scope. It is very light, easily portable, can be moved on the tripod with one hand. I can set it up on the front porch, or walk it around to the side of my house or a relatively glare-free area by a nearby pond. Sure, my 10" Newt will resolve a dozen or so craterlets in Plato and the rille in Alpine Valley, but the little Mak is true grab-and-go and will show enough detail to keep me busy for hours.

And in many areas, including my neighborhood, the light pollution has gotten so bad that it is really a waste of time to look at much else besides the Moon, planets and double stars. I save the faint stuff for my trips to a dark site. But at the dark site, I avoid looking at the Moon, planets and double stars. It just makes good sense.


MANDII : 06/19/11 11:33 AM
Mike , when I was very young , I like going out many places ,Travelling etc ... instead of staying at home . At that time , I did not know there is the moon around me . When I am middle young as of now , I am getting tired going out . Most of the time I am at home or at office , of course not all the time I mean mostly saying . So, I can do fixed point observation only . And I am gradaually knowing how to use my telescope , to open one more window in looking at the night sky . I gradually learn how to navigate the ground on the moon . Funny indeed . Better than watching TV at home .

三叶虫 发表于 2011-6-20 11:54


mandii 发表于 2011-6-20 12:07

三叶虫 发表于 2011-6-20 11:54


漫天星辰 发表于 2011-6-20 14:54


xiaobo2 发表于 2011-6-20 19:19

回复 32# mandii


三叶虫 发表于 2011-6-20 20:04

这个 ,祝你有个很好开始的天文之路。
mandii 发表于 2011-6-20 12:07 PM


mandii 发表于 2011-6-21 09:09

本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-6-21 09:11 编辑


xiaobo2 发表于 2011-6-20 19:19


xiaobo2 发表于 2011-6-21 09:15

回复 32# mandii


mandii 发表于 2011-6-21 10:12


   就是9.17那张比利牛斯山脉感觉山峰上有点色差么 ...
xiaobo2 发表于 2011-6-21 09:15

喔... 山峰上是好像有点偏绿的,不确定是不是巴罗引起,

mandii 发表于 2011-6-21 11:22


aa: 2011-06-20 18:47

最近敗了 DBK41 還有摸索中...表情
遇到的問題比 toucam 多很多

MANDII : 2011-06-21 09:44
呵呵那时候无聊看到家里有颗摄像头在垃圾堆里放久没用,好生念头便把它头拆走,试下拍月效果 。
没想到就一直那样用到现在,也凑合用了大半年。恩,你说的罗技那部我有听说过,还有DBK 和toucam 都很出名,专门拿来拍行星月亮的,我没用过不懂过中有什么难用之处,到时候也得买部试试看了,呵呵。

mandii 发表于 2011-6-21 13:55

aa :2011-06-21 11:45

上線查了一下 "清华同方" 賣的東西還真多
之前我在網路上有看到一個網頁介紹各種不同拍天文的 webcam


MANDII : 2011-06-21 12:51

哦。。。这些都是专门拍天文的呀,那以后可方便多了,只要在掏宝上搜索一下这些机种便能轻松买到了。 对了我看到SPC 900 nc 也榜上有名,这部机子我看过不少同好的战积的。这样一来,说明这网页可靠性挺高了。那以后可多了好多的选择了,真的感谢aa兄这么保贵的信息。另一张网页里貌似还有各式的驱动软件,都蛮不错。

mandii 发表于 2011-6-21 17:18

aa : 2011-06-21 14:07
SPC900 NC 這台不錯,他的 CCD 跟 toucam 的一樣

我最近的測試,覺得 DBK41 跟 toucam 比,並沒有好很多
以價格來說,DBK41 是 toucam 的 10 倍,不過拍出來的作品並沒有好10倍

MANDII : 2011-06-21 15:56
吓 ! 这样呀! 还好你现在说了下,本来我早上给你那样说倆说后,还有点意思在打量进一台DBK的,

爱车族 发表于 2011-6-21 22:16


xiaobo2 发表于 2011-6-22 08:35

回复 109# mandii

   巴罗是罪魁祸首 还是马卡这样超级大焦比可以免用巴罗::070821_21.jpg::

mandii 发表于 2011-6-22 09:29

本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-6-22 09:34 编辑

好一句超级马卡 ! ::070821_09.jpg::


mandii 发表于 2011-6-22 09:32

本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-6-22 09:35 编辑

爱车族 发表于 2011-6-21 22:16


mandii 发表于 2011-6-23 12:04


David: 星期四 23 六月, 2011 08:14

I suggest you do more research on this because having used Toucam and DBK cameras, I will never go back to Toucam.

You will never expect the performance to improve in scale with the cost for any telescope or accessories. Also, how good a picture is can vary a lot between different people. I suggest you make up your own opinion by looking at different pictures by different cameras.

Also, for die-hard moon photographers, we use monochrome camera like DMK41 rather than DBK41. Of course, the DMK will not work with planets unless you use RGB filters.

Also, I consider DMK31 to be better than DMK41 because it is a better compromise between CCD size and frame rate.

MANDII : 星期四 23 六月, 2011 11:16

我刚刚也做了功课,查到资料香港有得卖,都挺方便打个电话便买得到,DMK41和DBK41价钱差不多,也要个5000来元。 另DAVID前辈你提到还得分mono和非mono彩色版之别,这点也要非常谨慎才行。 Touch cam 可能就4,5百块。基本上我也觉得DBK,DMK这些都是最好的选择,在这个拍月拍行星方面,不可能不比toucam 好。


mandii 发表于 2011-6-23 17:54


aa: 2011-06-23 15:44

DAVID前辈 說的沒錯
因為 DMK31 最快截取速度是每秒 30 frame
而 DMK41 只有 15 frame
拍行星還是用 DMK21/DBK21 比較好,因為他可以到每秒 60 frame
不過用 DMK21 拍月面會太小,只有 640x480
所以 DMK31 是比較折衷的選擇

mono 的好處是感度高,但是拍行星時,你要再加買 LRGB 的濾鏡及流鏡盤

color 的好處是不用濾鏡及鐿鏡盤,不過因為感度沒有 mono 好,所以拍出來的效果沒有 mono 好

我會選 color 是因為比較懶...
表情 表情

MANDII : 2011-06-23 17:58

mandii 发表于 2011-8-29 09:17


mandii 发表于 2011-8-29 11:45


aa:2011-08-29 10:29

說到月亮,我也很久沒用 DBK41 拍了

然後一直心癢,想買 DBK21 來拍木星。表情

MANDII : 2011-08-29 11:48
我分别于5月16日和23日计划好要看的倆个月面点,也下了档案(plan_03 和 plan_04)于贴上 ,结果到现在就是一直没法实现到,呵呵,反而随心随意即兴一点当时想看那个景点就那个,也许那样会好点。以前拍深空时也遇到同样情况,我曾经花了整整倆个多月时间做了一个予定的深空数据库,计划要拍3,40多个,结果都无法实现,只有一倆个拍到,呵呵后来也没做那样的计划了。

你还好啦,最近拍到那么多的深空,还是用2000mm的C8 。表情
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