Jeff_lu 发表于 2011-1-6 20:57


Luminova 40-114675Tasco Luminova 114mm Newtonian reflector. This model has good useable diameter and will resolve sharp images up to about 270 magnifications. This high power is controlled by the slow motion flexible controllers on the equatorial mount, and makes a very useful instrument for amateur astronomy.
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Tasco Luminova 114mm Newtonian reflector. This model has good useable diameter and will resolve sharp images up to about 270 magnifications. This high power is controlled by the slow motion flexible controllers on the equatorial mount, and makes a very useful instrument for amateur astronomy.

A good beginners kit!


Diameter in mm: 114mm
Focal Length in mm: 900mm
Focal Ratio: F/8
Optical Design: Newtonian reflector
Eyepiece (s): SR4mm, H12.5mm, H25mm
Mount Type: Equatorial 1
Highest Practical Power: 270X
Resolving Power (arc sec): 1.02
Tripod: Adjustable aluminium
Accessories: SkyWatch CD-ROM with 10,000 object data base, Moon filter.
Faintest Stellar Magnitude: 13
Finder-scope: Optical 6x24mm
Focuser Diameter: 31.7mm
Slow-Motion Control: Both axes by flexible cable
Counterweight (s): supplied
Piggyback Bracket: Yes
Accessory Tray: With tripod
Shipping Weight/pc: 1451g (14.51Kg)

长春目视派 发表于 2011-1-6 21:10


heyings 发表于 2011-1-6 21:25


Jeff_lu 发表于 2011-1-7 11:40


假猩猩 发表于 2011-1-8 00:36

貌似可组36倍,72倍,225倍?   ……求教老鸟......

公爵M16 发表于 2011-1-8 02:05

lileimufu 发表于 2011-2-24 17:12


实况卡卡 发表于 2011-3-12 14:01

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