Celestron Super C8 Plus Telescope 怎么样?
* Clear aperture - 8" (200mm)
* Light grasp - 843 times the unaided eye
* Cassegrain focal length - 80" (2000mm)
* Magnification - 77.9x (26mm eyepiece), 285.7x (7mm eyepiece)
* Resolution (Dawes limit) - 0.6 arc sec; 210 lines per millimeter
* Corrector coatings - Special multiple magnesium fluoride coatings
* Mirror coatings- Aluminum silver with optional Starbright silver coatings for both primary and secondary mirror.
* Faintest stellar magnitude - 14 (visual), 16 (photographic)
* Focal ratio - f/10
* Image scale - 0.76 degrees per inch
* Illuminated field- 2.75" circle
* Near focus - 25 feet
* Secondary obstruction - 2-3/4" (12%)
* Finder scope - 8x50mm, right angle, illuminated reticle (also serves as Polaris alignment finder)
* Visual back - 1.25" (2" optional)
* Eyepieces, 1.25" - 7mm Orthoscopic, 26mm Plossl
* Star diagonal - Mirror type, 1.25"
* Setting circle diameter - RA 8" (driven), DEC 4.25"
* Electric clock drive - Celestron-Beyers worm gear drive, 3 watts (110v, 60 Hz)
* Drive gear - 7.54" PD
* Polar axis - 1-3/8" tapered
* Optical tube weight - 11.25 pounds
* Telescope weight (with fork) - 23 pounds without tripod and wedge (The Celestron Product Guide and Reference Manual says 36 pounds)
* Optical tube dimensions - 9" diameter, 17" long
* Carrying case - 13"x16"x30"
* Shipping weight - 48 pounds without tripod and wedge
* Standard features - internal sliding focus assembly, piggyback camera mount, lens caps, carrying case, power cord
* Optional features - Wedge with bubble level and latitude scale; heavy-duty Celestron Adjustable Tripod with locking steel legs
Here are the specifications for the Celestron Equatorial Wedge 5/8:
* Dimensions - 12"x10"x12"
* Weight - 5.25 pounds
* Latitude adjustment range - 0 degrees to 60 degrees
* Latitude fine adjustment - Yes
* Deluxe latitude adjuster - Yes
* Bubble level - Yes
* Mounting holes - (3) 5/16" slots
* Color - Black
Here are the specifications for the Adjustable Tripod 5/8:
* Height (legs retracted) - 29"
* Height (legs fully extended) - 51.5"
* Area of base (footprint) with legs retracted - 424 sq. in.
* Area of base (footprint) with legs fully extended - 1032 sq. in.
* Photographic extension - 21" above the top of the tripod head
* Weight - 15 pounds (without wedge)
* Mounting bolt - (3) 5/16x18 (wedge); (1) 1/4x20 (camera)
* Color - Black 有没有问过是哪年的镜子哦?没有用过叉式的架子~如果配件全,成色新的话这个价格还可以吧~~
自取?LZ离那边近么?油钱不便宜哦呵呵~~~ 如果还有的我也去买一个去~::070821_08.jpg:: 回复 2# kidschwein
是自己开车去取啦,不过刚刚卖家发邮件说可以各自开一半路程。就不知道这个架子是不是赤道仪?看起来也不想经纬仪,重来没看到过这种架子。以前只用过一个60mm的小折射,这次算是鸟枪换炮啦,哈哈。 这只不过是老款C8,双叉臂经纬仪,加个赤道仪楔变成赤道仪式的,可以抵消场旋,进行拍摄。配件比较齐全些。 回复 4# 3dmaxhy
看上去不是赤道仪,是叉式经纬仪。不过按LS说的应该是加一块东西调整出一个仰角,之后就可以做赤道仪用。不过那样的话不知道跟踪速度之类的有没有问题~~不太了解~~500多块买一套东西也不算贵,慢慢再倒腾哈哈~~ 回复 3# 繁★之夜
如果只要C8OTA的话astromart上很多啊~~都不贵的,3,400刀搞定~ 这只不过是老款C8,双叉臂经纬仪,加个赤道仪楔变成赤道仪式的,可以抵消场旋,进行拍摄。配件比较齐全些。 ...
林夏 发表于 2011-2-3 13:39 http://www.astronomy.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
你买到好东西了,要知道,这个东东R.A.的蜗轮可是著名的ED. BYER.磨制的359齿超级涡轮,至于光学,翻翻剑桥天文爱好者指南就知道了 你买到好东西了,要知道,这个东东R.A.的蜗轮可是著名的ED. BYER.磨制的359齿超级涡轮,至于光学, ...
ezxxxj 发表于 2011-2-3 13:56 http://www.astronomy.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
但是LZ,只花3000多RMB,买一台,也是很划算的,可以算是高端的入门机了,用坏了不心疼。其实,最值钱的,还是那些配件,主机卖了,或者改造,配件还是照样能用。 老款的配件,质量可是相当好的。