高桥 FSQ-106N 拍摄的 超大图 深空作品
本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-4-2 21:43 编辑来源:http://www.skyimager.com/
NGC7023 Wide Field有时它被称为彩虹星云,有时人们又叫她艾丽斯星云
(Click here for 100% of full size - 2.9MB)
Date: 日期June - July , 2008
Exposure: 曝光LRGB - 405m : 285m : 300m : 345m
27 x 900s L, 19 x 900s R, 20 x 900s G, 23 x 900 B
Processing: 图片处理CCDAutoPilot4 used to collect data over multiple nights. CCDSoft for image acquisition, CCDStack on a x64 Vista machine for Image calibration, Astrodon LRGB filters (35 flats each L,R,G,B, Bias subtracted and Sigma Clip combined, 65 bias frames Sigma Clip combined, 40 x 900s darks Sigma Clip combined), alignment, normalization, FITS master files creation, and RGB raw TIFF creation. Photoshop CS2 for final LRGB processing, final layers adjustment and jpg conversion for the website.
Conditions: 拍摄天气情况Good to Excellent, Mag 6-7 Skies
Scope: 拍摄主镜FSQ-106N
Camera: 拍摄CCDSBIG STL-11000M, -20°
本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-4-2 21:43 编辑
NGC 7000北美星云
(Click here for 100% of full size - 2.6MB)
Date: July 15 - August 26 , 2007
Exposure: S2HaO3RGB - 330m : 330m : 360M : 165m : 165m : 195m
11 x 1800s S2, Ha, 13 x 1800s O3, 11 x 900s R,G, 13 x 900 B
Processing: CCDAutoPilot3 used to collect data over multiple nights. CCDSoft for image acquisition, CCDStack on a x64 Vista machine for Image calibration, Astrodon LRGB filters (15 flats each L,R,G,B, Bias subtracted and Sigma Clip combined, 25 bias frames Sigma Clip combined, 24 x 900s darks Sigma Clip combined, 30 x 1800s darks Sigma Clip combined), alignment, normalization, FITS master files creation, and RGB raw TIFF creation. RGB was processed and used for the stars to get a more natural star coloring. Photoshop CS2 for final S2HaO3RGB processing, final layers adjustment and jpg conversion for the website.
Conditions: Good to Excellent, Mag 6-7 Skies
Scope: FSQ-106N
Camera: SBIG STL-11K, -25° & Apogee U16M, -20°
本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-4-2 21:44 编辑
NGC 2264体星云(Cone Nebula)
(Click here for 100% of full size - 2.6MB)(Click here for Ha full Res Image)
Date: January 1 - March 17 , 2008
Exposure: LHaRGB - 120m : 1230m : 230M : 220m : 230m
12 x 600s L, 41 x 1800s Ha, 23 x 600s R, 22 x 600 G, 23 x 600s B
Processing: CCDAutoPilot3 used to collect data over multiple nights. CCDSoft for image acquisition, CCDStack on a x64 Vista machine for Image calibration, Astrodon LRGB filters (15 flats each L,R,G,B, Bias subtracted and Sigma Clip combined, 25 bias frames Sigma Clip combined, 24 x 600s darks Sigma Clip combined, 30 x 1800s darks Sigma Clip combined), alignment, normalization, FITS master files creation, and RGB raw TIFF creation. Ha was combined with the Lum image using both Maximum and Minimum combine routines. Photoshop CS2 for final LHaRGB processing, final layers adjustment and jpg conversion for the website.
Conditions: Good to Excellent, Mag 6-7 Skies
Scope: FSQ-106N
Camera: SBIG STL-11K, -25°
The Andromeda Galaxy
(Click here for 100% of full size - 3.2MB)(Click here for my FSQ/ST-10XME attempt on 09-12-2004)
Date: October 18, 2007
Exposure: LRGBHa : 580:645:485:550:540 (multiple 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes exposures)
Processing: CCDAutoPilot3 used to collect data over multiple nights. CCDSoftV5 for image acquisition, CCDStack on a x64 Vista machine for Image calibration, Astrodon HaLRGB filters (15 flats each Ha,L,R,G,B, Bias subtracted and Sigma Clip combined, 25 bias frames Sigma Clip combined, 12-1800s and 15-900s darks Sigma Clip combined), alignment, normalization, FITS master files creation, and RGB raw TIFF creation. Photoshop CS2 for final HaLRGB processing, final layers adjustment and jpg conversion for the website.
Conditions: Very Good, around mag. 6-7.
Scope: Takahashi FSQ-106N @ f/5
Camera: SBIG ST-11K/FW8, -20°
本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-4-2 21:45 编辑
Date: October 17, 2004
Exposure: Ha (3nm) 280m : 14 x 1200s
Processing: Image acquisition with CCDSoftV5, MaxIm for Image calibration,(16 flats dark subtracted and Sigma Reject combined, 25 bias frames Sigma Reject combined, 15-1200s darks Sigma Reject combined), dead/hot pixel removal, alignment, normalization. Photoshop CS for final processing and jpg conversion.
Conditions: Clear, Mag 3-4 Skies
Scope: Tak FSQ-106N, f/5 (2.65 arcsec/pix), Vixen 102mm Flourite @ f/9 for guiding.
Camera: SBIG ST-10MXE, -20°, SBIG ST-237A for guiding
本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-4-2 21:45 编辑
IC 1396内的象鼻
(Click here for 100% of full size - 6.06MB)(Click here for my AP155/ST-8E shot of just the Elephant's Trunk)
Date: July 6-23, 2007
Exposure: HaLRGB : 150:495:555:495:390
5 x 1800s Ha, 33 x 900s L, 37 X 900s R, 33 X 900s G, 26 X 900s B
Processing: CCDAutoPilot3 used to collect data over multiple nights. CCDSoft for image acquisition, CCDStack on a x64 Vista machine for Image calibration, Astrodon Ha,L,R,G,B filters (15 flats each Ha,L,R,G,B, Bias subtracted and Sigma Clip combined, 25 bias frames Sigma Clip combined, 12-1800s darks Sigma Clip combined), alignment, normalization, FITS master files creation, and RGB raw TIFF creation. Photoshop CS2 for final HaLRGB processing, final layers adjustment and jpg conversion for the website.
Conditions: Good to Excellent, Mag 6-7 Skies, very clear and low humidity.
Scope: FSQ-106N @ F/5 on a Paramount ME
Camera: SBIG STL-11K, -20°
IC 434马头
The Horsehead Complex
(Click here for 75% of full size - 1.8MB)(Click here for 100% of full size - 2.7MB)(Click here to see a 90 ° CCW rotated view at 50%)
Date: December 10, 2005
Exposure: LRGB 40:240:180:210 : 8 x 300 L, 18 x 600 &4 x 900 R, 12 x 600 & 4 x 900 RG, and 15 x 600 & 4 x 900 B
Processing: CCDAutoPilot3 and CCDSoftV5 for image acquisition, CCDStack for Image calibration,(5 flats each RGB, dark subtracted and median combined, 20 bias frames median combined, 10-900s darks median combined), alignment, normalization, color combining. PixInsight for background correction and color gradient removal. Photoshop CS for final color balance and jpg conversion.
Conditions: Average, Mag 3-4 Skies
Scope: Takahashi FSQ-106N
Camera: SBIG STL-11000, Astrodon LRGB filters, -20°
本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-4-2 21:46 编辑
(Click here for 100% of full size - 3.9MB)
Date: October, 2008
Exposure: LRHaGB - 360m : 225m : 420m : 165M : 180m
24 x 900s L, 15 x 900s R, 14 x 1800s Ha, 16 x 900s G, 12 x 900 B
Processing: CCDAutoPilot4 used to collect data over multiple nights. CCDSoft for image acquisition, CCDStack on a x64 Vista machine for Image calibration, Astrodon LRGB filters (35 flats each L,R,G,B,Ha, Bias subtracted and Sigma Clip combined, 65 bias frames Sigma Clip combined, 40 x 900s darks, 25 x 1800s darks, Sigma Clip combined), alignment, normalization, FITS master files creation, and RHaGB raw TIFF creation. Photoshop CS2 for final LRHaGB processing, final layers adjustment and jpg conversion for the website.
Conditions: Good to Excellent, Mag 6-7 Skies
Scope: FSQ-106N
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M, -20°
M42 Plus
(Click here for 100% of full size - 3.1MB)
Date: January, 2009
Exposure: HaRGB - 990m : 44m : 44m : 32m
33 x 1800s Ha, 22 x 120s R, 22 x 120s G, 16 x 120s B
Processing: CCDAutoPilot4 used to collect data over multiple nights. CCDSoft for image acquisition, CCDStack on a x64 Vista machine for Image calibration, Astrodon LRGB filters (40 flats each Ha,R,G,B, Bias subtracted and Sigma Clip combined, 65 bias frames Sigma Clip combined, 25 x 1800s darks, Sigma Clip combined), alignment, normalization, FITS master files creation, and RGB raw TIFF creation. Photoshop CS2 for final LRGB processing, final layers adjustment and jpg conversion for the website.
Conditions: Fair to Good, Mag 6-7 Skies
Scope: FSQ-106N
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M, -25°
(Click here for 100% of full size - 4.4MB)
Date: June 8-22 , 2007
Exposure: HaLRGB - 240m : 255m : 270m : 210m : 195m
8 x 1800s Ha, 17 x 900s L, 18 x 900 R, 14 x 900s G, 13 x 900s B
Processing: CCDAutoPilot3 used to collect data over multiple nights. CCDSoftV5 for image acquisition, CCDStack on a x64 Vista machine for Image calibration, Astrodon HaLRGB filters (15 flats each Ha,L,R,G,B, Bias subtracted and Sigma Clip combined, 25 bias frames Sigma Clip combined, 12-1800s and 15-900s darks Sigma Clip combined), alignment, normalization, FITS master files creation, and RGB raw TIFF creation. Photoshop CS2 for final HaLRGB processing, final layers adjustment and jpg conversion for the website.
Conditions: Good to Excellent, Mag 6-7 Skies
Scope: FSQ-106N
Camera: SBIG STL-11000, -20°
Date:November 20 and 21, 2009
Scope:Takahashi FSQ106 at f5 on the Takahashi NJP Mount
Autoguider:SBIG ST-402 with 60mm guidescope, focal length 227mm
Camera:Apogee U16M at -20C, with 7 position 50mm square filter wheel (Apogee FW50-7S)
Filters:Baader LRGB filters, 50mm square
Exposures:Luminance 150'; R 45'; G 40'; B 60', unbinned.Total exposure 4.9 hours
http://www.starrywonders.com/m45u16large.jpg M81, M82, Integrated Flux Region (rollover)
Date:March 24, 2007
Scope:Takahashi FSQ-106 on the G11 Losmandy Mount.
Autoguider:ST402 with e-finder.
Filters:Luminance, R, G, B Type II filter set (Astronomik).
Exposures:L: 60 x 4'; R: 12 x 5'; G: 12 x 5'; B: 12 x 6'.Total exposure duration 7.2 hours.
Conditions:Temperature 45 degrees at start of session; above average transparency; fair seeing; calm.Imaging performed at -20 degrees C throughout.
The California Nebula (NGC 1499) in Hydrogen Alpha
Dates:October 14, 2006
Scope:Takahashi FSQ106, on the G11 Losmandy Mount.
Autoguider:SBIG STV with e-finder.
Camera:Maxcam CM10.
Filter:Astronomiks 6nm Ha filter.
Exposures:26 x 10' unbinned, total exposure 4.3 hours.
Conditions:Temperature 45 degrees F, average transparency, average seeing; intermittent breeze; clear.
本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-4-2 21:47 编辑
Simeis 147 (SH2-240) in Hydrogen Alpha暗淡超新星遗骸Simeis 147 Ha滤镜
Date:Ha- October 22, 2007 (bottom half); December 13, 2008 (top half).The years are correct- I did not get a chance to acquire the top half of this image until now!
Scope:Takahashi FSQ106 at f5 on the Takahashi NJP Mount
Autoguider:SBIG ST-402 with 60mm guidescope, focal length 227mm
Camera:STL11K -20C
Filters:Baader 7nm Ha filter, 50.8mm unmounted
Exposures:Ha for each half was 210'; Total exposure 7 hours
本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-4-2 21:42 编辑
A Rose of a Different Color: NGC 2237-2239 in SII, Ha, and OIII不一样的玫瑰
Date:November 29 (Ha), December 11 (OIII), December 12 (SII), 2009
Scope:Takahashi FSQ106 at f5 on the Takahashi NJP Mount
Autoguider:SBIG ST-402 with 60mm guidescope, focal length 227mm
Camera:Apogee U16M at -20C, with 7 position 50mm square filter wheel (Apogee FW50-7S)
Filters:Baader narrowband filters, 50mm square
Exposures (20 minute subs):Ha, 240 minutes; OIII, 240 minutes, SII, 300 minutes, all unbinned.Total exposure 13 hours
本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-4-2 21:41 编辑
The Horsehead Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha马头Ha滤镜
Date:December 2, 2006.
Scope:Takahashi FSQ106, on the G11 Losmandy Mount.
Autoguider:SBIG STV with e-finder.
Camera:Maxcam CM10
Filter:Astronomik Ha (6 nm) filter.Diffraction spikes were created using kite string in front of the objective.
Exposures:23 x 10' Ha
Conditions:Clear, cold, and a little breezy- temperatures down to about 35 degrees F during the night.
IC1396 内的象鼻
Dates:August 20, 26, 27, 28, 31; September 1, 2010
Scope:Takahashi FSQ106 at f5 on the Takahashi NJP Mount
Autoguider:SBIG ST-402 with 60mm guidescope, focal length 227mm
Camera:Apogee U16M at -20C, with 7 position 50mm square filter wheel (Apogee FW50-7S)
Filters:Baader narrowband filters, 50mm square
Exposures:Ha, 6 hours; OIII, 5 hours; SII, 6 hours; R, 3 hours; G, 3 hours; B, 3 hours, all unbinned.Total exposure 26 hours.
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附上作者Steve Cannistra Using an Astrodon MonsterMOAG with a Tak FSQ-106N Word文档链接