What's the difference between them? 对淘宝商城建议离远点。 我觉得淘宝还好。,。。。 回复 3# 460724213
兄弟是 “淘宝商城”。。 以前听过一个坛子里的同好说上面第二个PL17用着不错。。。实际就不清楚了::luguo:: 没多大区别,就是一个带眼罩,一个火山口而已。 白色的貌似2011新款? In fact,the second one is the same as the first one in the aspect of optical quality.But the sencond one has different colour,so you would think it is different.BTW,the second one is just like the plossls produced by Sky-Watcher. In fact,the second one is the same as the first one in the aspect of optical quality.But the sencond ...
gzljh96 发表于 2011-4-25 08:54 PM http://www.astronomy.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
But which one should I choose? But which one should I choose?
scorpio_tiger 发表于 2011-4-26 18:28 http://www.astronomy.com.cn/bbs/images/common/back.gif
Maybe the first one...My school has that one.