(悄悄话:水版审核的同学们,当你审核这帖子的时候,请快快让这个帖子通过~~因为我真的很急。。我保证这帖子纯天然无任何添加剂哦。。。赶紧按pass啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊yct50.gif )正文:
目前歌曲目录已经有《Shoulders of Giants》,来吧来吧~~尽情地推荐吧~~5092D.GIF
另外送上《Shoulders of Giants》分享一下~很调皮的一首歌~~5092D.GIF
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzgwOTI2NzY=.html 本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-7-19 13:21 编辑
The Chromatics团体演唱的另一首
NASA -- The Sun Song
AstroCappella: The Sun SongMusic and Lyrics by Karen Smale
Our star, the Sun is a big ball of gas
And it's 99 percent of our solar system's mass
It's an average star in our Milky Way
Warming the Earth every day
What powers our Sun and makes it so bright?
Come on and tell me, what makes all that light?
Hans Bethe long ago reached the conclusion
It changes Hydrogen to Helium by nuclear fusion
When fusion takes place light is created
And it makes its way out (although rather belated)
Through the Photosphere that's the part that we see
The light comes out and shines on you and me
(....du ....du....du)
About a million Earths could fit in the Sun
But if you were there you wouldn't have much fun
It's six thousand degrees at the photosphere
And much hotter inside the solar atmosphere
There are a few places where it's not so hot
Like at the center of a big sunspot
But heat is relative it's still pretty warm
Sitting on a sunspot would do you great harm
Galileo discovered sunspots
What are those things, those funny dots?
They're cooler parts, scientists feel
Caused by a stronger magnetic field
Those spots move around the face of the Sun
Proving to all... solar rotation!
A strange kind of movement, to do a full roll
25 days in the middle, 36 at the poles
What about flares? I've heard of them here
They're like giant explosions in the Chromosphere
The magnetic fields above those sunspots
Reconnecting again after being in knots
Above the Chromosphere the Corona is placed
It's millions of degrees and reaches way into space
It's very thin, but read my lips
That's the part that you see in a solar eclipse
That's the end of our song about Mr. Sun
We hope that you find that learning is fun
But never look at the Sun, you could go blind
Just keep on enjoying that warm sunshine!::42:: 木有天文歌曲
友情帮顶 小白船~~~
朗朗上口啊~~~~ 我推荐几个吧 有的你可能听过
《apologize》----timbaland,《fireflies》、《the saltwater room》---owl city,《can't stop love》---Darin Zanyar,《ererbody hurts》---艾薇儿,《21 Guns》----Green day,《in pieces》----Linkin park,《4:am forever》----Lostprophets,《Melt the snow》----shayne ward,《stay here forever》---Jewel,《I'll be missing you》---puff daddy,《Behind bule eyes》---软饼干乐队,《Home》----Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros ,《The sound of silence》、《斯卡保罗集市》------保罗.西蒙暂时就想起来这么多 LS是天文歌曲吗~ ::070821_05.jpg::天文歌曲我看成外文歌曲了..... 回复 5# 家猫战斗力
看错了 ,看成外文了::070821_03.jpg:: 。。。。。。。。。。。。
《月之暗面》 一首纯音乐 回复 4# zn2019
人家要天文主题或者涉及天文的歌。。。yct60.gif 回复 8# donkeybegood
看错了,看错了,::070821_13.jpg:: http://news.ifeng.com/bluestar/mp3/concerto%20pour%20une%20voix-earth.mp3
歌曲: concerto pour une voix-earth
作者: Francis Goya 回复 10# 天道无极
这首歌恐怕跟天文拉不上关系吧,这首天籁之声我在高一就听过了,就《放牛班的春天》的男主角跟一作家女儿的合作,不过你这是纯音乐。::0014:: 回复 2# redstar
噢。。谢谢呗::070821_13.jpg:: 回复 3# 7click
朝鲜童谣呐。。。虽说相关性不是很强。。不过也谢谢你::070821_13.jpg:: 回复 5# 家猫战斗力
LS? 回复 14# donkeybegood
楼上~ 回复 6# zn2019
::30:: 吃点鱼补补眼睛。。。 回复 15# 家猫战斗力
哦哦::40:: 06年神曲
还有北航校歌新仰望星空 回复 18# redstar