太阳镜SolarMax II 60
米德公司 Coronado 太阳镜 SolarMax II 60Taken with a Imaging Source Mono DMK21AU04.AS /Solarmax II 60 BF15/
Processed and colour added in Photoshop CS
Taken with a Imaging Source Mono DMK21AU04.AS /Solarmax II 60 BF15/
Processed and colour added in Photoshop CS
Taken with a DMK 21AUO4.AS Monochrome camera and a Solarmax II 60 BF 15
SUN 4 Prominences in a row with no Solar diskTaken with a DMK 21AUO4.AS Monochrome camera and a Solarmax II 60 BF 15 镜子真漂亮啊!抱箍上的金色小棍是什么宝贝啊? 这个宝贝真漂亮,看看眼,以前没见过哈哈哈哈 我只关注价格。。。。。。 本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-7-21 10:08 编辑
回复 16# 14547234
回复 17# tpyg007
SMT60-5 $1,299.00
SMT60-15 $1,649.00 回复 18# steveyzh
这么贵!!! 好像是好东西哦,但是60的口径分辨率那么高真是难以置信呢