steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:25


本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-7-23 08:20 编辑

来源: 老外很强悍~ 犹豫翻译不准确,文字部分贴原文,包涵~yct42.gif 按以下不同结构部分上传图片,有些设计还是有亮点主镜座主镜箱蜘蛛架及副镜,(副镜也要冷却)副镜箱轴承组装DOB主要部件跷板箱和底板DOB自动系统运往观测地组装2011年最新修改

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:26


jzlhsr 发表于 2011-7-23 01:32


steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:42

3" square steel tube was used as the frame of the cell. Calculations show no part flexes more than 0.0002 of an inch....

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:43

Time for some welding!

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:44

We got the tour of Vaughn's workshop and loaded the mirror crate
into the back with a half inch on each side to spare....

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:46

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:47

Stuff is getting attached to the cell....

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:49

The remote colimation feature puts spring tension on the belt since they can strech over time....

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:50

The larger sprocket is pinned to a 1/2-20 threaded rod which passes through a custom brass insert. The other end of the rod is attached to the cross member and secured so the cross member can only teeter-totter with the triangle supports at each end....


steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:52

All the mounting holes are there with the exception of the light blocking pieces of 1/4" Masonite board....

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:54

Here all the wiring is done. in the clear bag near the center of the cell are the RH (relative humidity) sensor and the 5 thermocouples....

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:55

The control box and TC meter along with the wiring harness. The white connector at the right is the remote collimation 9 pin cable that goes to a small hand paddle with three center-off ON_OFF_ON toggles and a master ON_OFF once colimation is done. Then it just unplugs from the control box and is stored.

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:56

1/4" stainless steel cable wraps around the perimeter and there are two support stanchions at 45 degree points with 2" travel linear bearings attached. Once the mirror is put in place the cable will be placed on the center of gravity, taking into consideration the 1/2" depth of the curve on the frontside and the 19 hexagons (no shortage of math problems). The linear bearings will give near-zero friction when the mirror is tilted by collimation and keep the mirror centered....

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 01:59


The pole blocks are shown and the lines on the walls where the bulkhead plate will sit on the oak corner brackets.

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 02:00

One of two blowers are seen here along with the linear bearing and the 3/4-10 threaded rod with the unfinished mirror clip. Between them is an anchor bolted to the side of the box with a 3/8-16 threaded stud sticking out....

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 02:00

As seen here, using one of the secondary cage stanchions as a truss pole, the truss will pass through the pole block (and bulkhead plate not shown but will sit on top of the oak coner bracket) and get threaded onto the anchor stud. The block will be tightened for a two point attachment of the truss. The poles are very sturdy in this arrangement unlike a single pole block attachment....

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 02:01

The pole blocks are getting attached after things are leveled and a plumbline hanging down from the apex of two truss poles. The three fans are seen which will blow across the mirror to eliminate the surface heat layer....

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 02:02

Mirror cover in place....

steveyzh 发表于 2011-7-23 02:06

6" diameter 1/2" thick aluminum blanks were used to create the pivotable secondary holder with a 3/4"-10 threaded rod. It uses a 2"x2"x6" block of aluminum for the center block of the spider to which the vanes will be attached. The two fans and six vent holes allow air flow to cool the secondary mirror.

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查看完整版本: [多图]36寸[914mm口径]DOB