zn2019 发表于 2011-7-29 13:49


本帖最后由 公爵M16 于 2011-7-31 01:58 编辑

转帖地址:华尔街日报 http://cn.wsj.com/gb/20110722/BRF102053.asp?source=MoreInSec


英国《每日电讯报》7月20日的报道说,美国希望与中国展开谈判,以便为两国各自的太空项目草拟出一些“交通规则”。报道援引美国国防部负责太空政策的副助理部长Gregory Schulte的话说,美国认识到中国现在已经是一个从事太空活动的主要国家,中国民用和军用太空项目的水平不可小觑,这引起了华盛顿的忧虑。

报道说,据Gregory Schulte称,中国已经开发了可设置在宇宙空间的“干扰发射机和激光器”;上周有消息显示,中国的间谍卫星现在可以一次连续6小时监测地面目标,达到了美国间谍卫星的水平。报道援引Gregory Schulte 的话说,美国想与中国讨论建立太空交通规则的方法,讨论以何种方式降低美中双方在太空发生误判或误会的风险。


                                                         US wants China to draw up 'rules' for space
The United States has said it wants to open talks with China in order to draw up some "rules of the road" for their respective space programmes.
       Space shuttle Atlantis' last trip home

By Malcolm Moore, Shanghai12:30PM BST 20 Jul 2011
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/template/ver1-0/i/share/comments.gif6 Comments

The US recognises that China is now a "major space-faring country," said Gregory Schulte, deputy assistant secretary of Defence for space policy.

However, he said the fact that China's military and civilian space programmes are "essentially one" has caused concerns in Washington.

China has said it plans to send a man to the moon by 2025, and has also developed space-borne "jammers and lasers" according to Mr Schulte. Last week, it emerged that China's spy satellites can now monitor targets for six hours at a time, putting them on a par with US spy satellites.

"We're waiting to pick the date for the first discussion, but we're ready to go in to talk about this strategy, to talk about what we think responsible use of space looks like," said Mr Schulte. "To talk about ways to create rules for the road, and to talk about ways to reduce the risk of mishap or miscalculation or misunderstandings."

The Pentagon is also hoping to discuss cyber warfare, nuclear weapons and missile defence with China as soon as a date is set for talks, he added.
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查看完整版本: 英报:美国想与中国共订太空规则