请看简介The FS-152 is the newest addition to the Takahashi© fluorite apochromatic FS-Series. It has been designed with the serious observer or astrophotographer in mind.
The 4" focuser is standard with a built-in camera angle adjuster. The camera angle adjuster enables the observer or astrophotographer to turn the ocular or camera 360 degrees to better view or frame an object to be photographed. In order to optimize the photo/visual use of the FS-152, a special f/5.9 reducer and f/8.1 field flattener have been designed. The custom reducer produces a 65mm circle, 4.1" across, on medium format film while the flattener will produce an incredible image circle of 90mm.
The standard EM-200 or optional NJP mounts provide a stable, accurate platform for the FS-152. The integral polar alignment telescope and R.A. axis level make accurate polar alignment to within 2 arc minutes of the celestial pole quick and easy. The reticle is designed to be used in either Hemisphere until the year 2030. No other manufacturer uses such a highly accurate polar telescope.
Price As Shown: $ 16,165
Product # TSS1551
*Suggested retail price of system as illustrated. This is for comparison purposes only. Please contact your authorized Takahashi dealer or Texas Nautical Repair Inc. for exact price and availability. All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice
SPECIFICATIONS for the FS-152 (Tube assembly only)
Optical System Fluorite Apochromat Doublet
Coating Front Full-Multi-Coated
Aperture 152mm
Focal Length 1216mm
Focal Ratio F/8.0
Light Grasp 472x
Resolving Power 0.77"
Limiting Magnitude 12.7
Image Circle Ø65mm w/RD-reducer
Ø90mm w/FT-reducer
Photo Field 4.1° w/RD-reducer
4.2° w/FT-reducer
Tube Diameter 155mm
Tube Length 1390mm
Weight 10.4kg (22.9lbs)
Finder Scope 7x50 6.3°
本体尊容 用FS—152拍摄的2张精彩天体照片!
M31仙女座星系 第2张!
拍摄就更见功夫了 拍摄者见功力!可以和过马路\新疆高兴有一拚!!! 镜子真不错,但价钱也相当可怕! 最初由 我在山下 发表拍摄者见功力!可以和过马路\新疆高兴有一拚!!!
汗颜!我和人家高手的差距远了去了!把我和过马路兄放在一起很不配,恳请“我在山下”同好同意让版主删除这两帖。 呵呵~ 武仙座球状星团:
希望我们重庆能够早些时候看到这个档次的好镜子。 武仙座球状星团:能否用中文做一下简介。