liangyue 发表于 2011-9-16 00:23

practice spoken English

What is the best way to study english? After 10 years of study, from middle school to college graduation, most Chinese students still cannot answer this question, although many of them spend nearly 1/3 of their studying time in English.

With ten years of english study and a vocabulary of 4000+, you can call yourself an educated person, at the top10% of the Chinese population. However, measured against the standard of English-Speaking countries, this is just the begaining. You are, in some way, equivalent to their primary school graduates.

What should a primary school graduate do? Persueing futher education, of course. But, in China, you find youself a college graduate now. You are not up, nor down, you are in the middle way!

What should be your way ahead, elite of the Chinese society? Just give up? Your 10 years of Kungfu would turned into ashes.

Should we join a training school? It depends, if you have a lot of money, you can find some school to be your guardians. But for most of the college graduate workers, the prices are unaffordable.
Even if you have a school to guide you, what should be the courses contain?
Should it be a oral english course? Or Business English course? If your aim it to go to other countries for a short visit, and you need short training courses, these courses may suit you.

But as the elite 10% of the Chinese society, your dream should go beyond these! You should remember, oral english are----something shallow and superficial. Someone will tell you the daily english vocabulary is 2000, that’s enough, but remember, this is the standard for non-educated people, vagabunds maybe, for them all adverbs, adjectives etc can be substituted by a single word begaining with the letter F.

As educated people, you should have a large vocabulary----10000 at least, to read article on the newspaper, to read or write business reports, or to read and write something related to your working field.

What is the shortcut form 4000 to 10000? From 10000 to 20000?

Practice? Right, but in what way? Reading the same sentences or articles again and again? Well that’s the beginners way of reading. When you are more than 20 years old, this is something outdated, you can use it, but it shouldn’t dominate your english study.

The best way to study a language is----to use it!
Yes, be brave enough to use it! You’ve already studied it for 8 years, at least.

The number one super high-way is to listening to English broadcastings or watching english TV programs. These are perfect foreign teac*** you do not need to pay! In the begaining, you may understand only part of the broadcasting, but as time gose by, after 1 month, you will find youself on the fast track. This, you can do it for yourself.

Still there is a better way of learning english----forming small circles to study English News together. Ours is a changing world and thanks to the power of internet, the best written english article, or news report is just a click away! You can get the best and the lattest new from the internet, well written, well organized and still developing. Why still cling to the old text books generations ago, or why still choose the “read again and again” model?

Using english to know the world, tha’ts the best way to study English.
It is in this spirit that we formed the English Reading Club. Our model is: members should select the best news or article, or poem, to share that literature with fellow members in our every Saturday activity.

Many of us used to be English Corner Goers and many of us still are. But we find the common English corner unsatisfying, there are always old topic again and again, between Chinese friends or between Chinese friends and a single Laowai.

The great Tang Emperor Tang Taizong said: if you follow excellent examples you get midway, if you follow middle examples, you get lower! It is undisputable that we should follow excellent examples.

In our english Reading Club, everyone are equal and do not need to pay, because every one contribute to the our sharing and discussion. We devide our club into 10-people groups, to teach each other. In each activity, everyone should prepare a small article to read and explain it to other people, in this way, we can train our listening skill and speaking skill, and most important of all, we are using english to persue knowledge. We are using english to know the world, from the small street of your community to the larger Xiamen Island, from Fujian to China, and From Asia to the World and beyond, politics, sports, science, food, transportation, the way to live a beautiful life, these are our sustainble topics, runing in the grand river called time.

In this way, English is serving you, not the opposite.
We are masters of English language, not its slaves!

So, I am calling each of you, real earnest learners of English, to join our club! Just a step forward, don’t be afraid, there is a brand new world waiting for you. This is the door you dreamed 10 years ago, now, sesame, Open the Door!

eyuhouyun 发表于 2011-9-16 06:44

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