yuansoul 发表于 2011-12-14 08:38


戒烟戒酒的人又捡起来 fall off the wagon
借酒消愁 drown one's sorrows
又当婊子又立牌坊 have it both ways
心怀觊觎 have designs on
言语过分 go overboard
牵着鼻子走 lead by the nose
厚颜无耻 have the cheek to do something
败局已定 handwriting on the wall
吞吞吐吐 hem and haw
追悔莫及 kick oneself
妒火中烧 green with envy
毛骨悚然 hair stand on end
偏远地区 hole in the wall
有钱 have deep pocket
抢先动手 have a head start
书呆子 dweeb
习惯成自然 grow on you
有所进展 go places
刀山火海 hell and high water
从头到尾 from stem to stern
开诚布公 lay one's card on the table
中途换人 change horse in midstream
彻头彻尾 dyed in the wool
公司开张 hold out one's shingle
垂死挣扎 grasp at straws
大肆吹捧 lay it on thick
假公济私 feather one's nest
刀山火海 hell and high water

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