星特朗的制冷CCD (转自skyandtelescope)
Celestron unveils its Nightscape CCD Camera ($1,499), a new one-shot color camera for deep-sky imaging. This model features Kodak’s 10.7-megapixel KAI-10100 color CCD sensor with 4.75-micron-square pixels in an array measuring 17.9 by 13.5 millimeters in a compact 4-inch-diameter housing. The Nightscape CCD Camera incorporates regulated thermoelectric cooling capable of reducing the sensor’s temperature to as much as 20ºC below ambient temperature, and an internal mechanical shutter that makes it a snap to record dark calibration frames. A full-frame image buffer allows you to simultaneously record a new image while downloading the previous one. Each purchase comes with Celestron’s AstroFX camera-control and post-processing software, as well as drivers for MaxIm DL, an AC power supply, a 10-foot USB 2.0 cable, and a 2-inch-to-T-thread adapter.
很强大。。。厉害,就是一台没镜头的相机 星特朗推出其夜景CCD相机(1,499美元),一个新的拍摄深空成像的彩色摄像机。这种模式的特点与数组中的4.75微米平方像素在一个紧凑的4英寸直径的住房13.5毫米,17.9柯达10.7万像素的启- 10100彩色CCD传感器。夜景CCD相机采用监管的热电冷却能力降低了传感器的温度远低于环境温度为20º C,和内部的机械快门,使得它能够轻松地拍摄黑暗校准帧。全画幅的图像缓冲区,允许您同时记录了一个新的形象,同时下载前一个。每个购买带有Celestron的AstroFX相机控制和后处理软件,以及Maxim的DL,交流电源,一个10英尺长的USB 2.0电缆,和2英寸T型螺纹适配器的驱动程序 谷歌翻译,非本人所为 莫非LZ乃骨灰级星空探客。。。::070821_10.jpg:: 可以在下载图像的同时拍下一张 它是指下载到电脑上 如果是电荷正往AD转换器跑的时候 那可就牛了x了 看上去很不错哇::070821_04.jpg:: 看上去是不错,价格好像也不错哦呵呵