Synta Optical Technology CorporationNo. 28 Huqiu Xi Road
Suzhou, China
小蔡 and all DXs:What thread on the posted photo of Orion80ed? Is it a M42x.75 for T-ring?
I want to use prime-focus mode with a 300D. Do I need anything else? JasonYang,你可以去http://groups.yahoo.com/ 加入它的ORION 80ED群组,那里也许能找到答案,或者直接电话询问ORION,电话号码可以在下面的网站里找到,页面最下方。
http://www.telescope.com 这个东西能买到么?如果不能的话,越研究越难过:D.
Ordered !!!
f0x, 小蔡同好 and 各位DXs:终于定了Orion80ED. Order placed to www.telescope.com, with a T-ring to my Canon camera.
BTW, I have joined the Yahoo ORION 80ED群组 a couple of days ago.
Highly recommend Orion80ED "User Manual", I got it from Orion website --> Customer Service --> Orion80ED (pdf). VERY GOOD. It explained everything.
Thanks again!
Should be easy to read. 恭喜,恭喜,估计这是坛子里C/P最高的APO镜子了。 最初由 小蔡 发表严格的说ED镜子很难达到真正的APO,所以TV的几款ED镜子虽然素质很高,但也没说是APO,而 Megrez 80II似乎连SEMI-APO都危险。
同意,因为我目前正在用Megrez 80 II,不过这个镜子对于初学者来说已经完全够用了(昨天看见土星的卡缝了)。我相信除了它的做工比Orion好之外,光学素质要差不少。
回复: Ordered !!!
最初由 JasonYang 发表f0x, 小蔡同好 and 各位DXs:
终于定了Orion80ED. Order placed to www.telescope.com, with a T-ring to my Canon camera.
BTW, I have joined the Yahoo ORION 80ED群组 a couple of days ago.
真羡慕,我在买Megrez II前和Orion联系了好几次,他们就是不卖,还建议我亲自去美国买。要是可能的话,真希望老兄能给国内的同好做这款镜子的代理。 我那个镜子还没到,NND等得我急死了,只要天天研究目镜。 小蔡,不妨趁等的时候再order一个scopetronix 的 Maxview 40数码相机适配器,可以拍鸟和亮天体。
看看Megrez II
focuser denebman 我对拍摄天体没有多少兴趣。
Experience of 80ED (引用) FYI.
各位DXs:I'be been paying attention to the optical quality of the ED80. I've not taken any astro-photos yet though I took some nice photos together with my 300D. But somebody submitted experience to compare TV76/85($2000+) with 80ED($500), which might help you. FYI.
You tested the heck out of that thing!! Out at the dam where the
group I am a member of (Austin Dam Astronomers)meet every week, we
put the 80ED side by side with the TeleVue 76 and an 85. And
although both TeleVues were better scopes, they were not fifteen
hundred dollars better.
I am still amazed at the views. I'm just looking forward to ANY kind
of good seeing. We've been clouded over for a long long time here.
The last two Friday nights were a handfull of hopeless sucker-hole
seekers with their telescopes waiting for something to show. It's
pathetic really. And here I used to make fun of Trekkies.
Andy Raiford
Cedar Park, Texas
--- In Orion_ED@yahoogroups.com, "Timothy Hickman" <hickman@b...>
> I wanted to give a delayed first light report on my ED80
> I have had the scope for 3 weeks and wanted to really test it
before Orion's 30 day retunn time ran out..
> I took it over to a friend house last night who is very experenced
with refractors and has a
> very fine APO scope and did some test and compairs with two of his
> The ED80 shows good contrict rings on either side of focus not
identifical but close.
> With the focuser section just right against the tube as shipped
colination is perfect.
> Good laser sight tube and star test every thing centered nicely
including the airy disk.
> I had been concerned since Jupitor several times being soft at
160x. but it turned out to be my 3.8mm
> lens when I used my friends barlow and used my 5 mm ortho I was
getting nice images at 240x Wow.
> It has a good Ronchi test. Doubles split nicely.
> I have gotten a Rigel finder and a Wiliams Optics diagonal for it
as well.
> In general a great scope out of the box a definate keeper.
> Tim Hickman
引用: Yang 兄好,
你是否知道在New York哪家店可以买到?我有一位朋友近期回国,想请他给我带一部,但邮购来不及了,他想到店里去看看。
To: Enjoyit兄
Hello there,I am afraid that you might have to purchase from Orion (www.telescope.com). I didn't see any other store carrying this ED80 scope.
But even you want to buy it right now, this 80ED scope has been backordered to July 04.
1. ask your friend to call Orion and see whether this scope is available.
2. ask whether they can make a "next day" delivery (normally they do).
Hope this helps.
Jason S&T上已经连续两期没有Orion 80 ED的广告了。