[求助] 国内哪儿买视得乐望远镜最便宜
想买一个视得乐望远镜,由于国内视得乐代理商高得离奇的价格,迟迟未能出手,请问各位DX,谁知道国内哪儿视得乐望远镜的价格最低??多谢了…… Steiner的望远镜多数是Sports-Autofocus设计,并非理想的观星双筒镜,而且价格往往高得离谱。如果您的财力够买得起Steiner的话,还不如选择尼康的 10X70 或Fujinon 的10 X 50 的镜子。如果非要买Steiner的话,可以考虑25 X 80 那款(他们的销售部门说的,近视度数小于500 时可以聚焦),价格大约是5000 RMB。 谢谢谢谢。你说的那款25X80应该是视得乐的远望4890,国内一般的价格都在15000左右。你说的5000是哪里有卖?不会是国外吧? 无忌玩双筒的高手特别多,对高档器材特别感兴趣,不妨去那里问问 最初由 单行道 发表谢谢谢谢。你说的那款25X80应该是视得乐的远望4890,国内一般的价格都在15000左右。你说的5000是哪里有卖?不会是国外吧?
Thank you for your enquiry.
We would like to apologize for the late reply.
We have just finished with a major exhibition (SITEC).
Regarding your enquiry, we regret to inform that we do not carry such model.
However, if you are interested, we will order the product from Steiner
Germany for you.
We will quote you at $1200, inclusive of 4% gst.
Delivery date, to be confirmed.
Thank you and we await your reply.
Adrian Tay
Marketing Executive
Boon & Co 非常感谢楼上的,我买视得乐是野外用的,并非观星用的。:)
看来还是要去国外购买。。:( 既然这样,再给你些信息,是Steiner的技术部门发给我的。您可以考虑他们给海员设计的7X50那款。Steiner的双筒镜不便宜,最后的决定权在您自己。
thanks for your mail.
Well, it is always the same thing: you will find somebody who is
impressed by an optic and others are not with the same product.
Especially in Marine binoculars we are definitely worlds number 1. The
Commander V, our top Marine product is the leading professional
binocular, which is used by every professional yachtsman. This binocular
has been selected to be the binocular on board of the Illbruck challenge
- winner of the Volvo Ocean Race (the toughest yachting race of the
This year we introduced the Skipper which would be appr.around 450 USD,
the small brother of the Commander V.
Steiner invented the binocular with an in-built compass back in 1978. In
1973 we produced the first binocular with Nitrogen filling, which
ensures a fog-free inner part of the binocular. In 1985 we introduced
the nitrogen pressure filling via a 2-valve system, which allows to
check and re-fill the Nitrogen if neccessary.
Today we still lead the way, the competitors have to meet. A lot of
armed forces (e.g. US Marines, German Bundeswehr, Austalian Army, New
Zealand and and and) throughout the world rely on our products, because
of the quality and ruggedness.
The differences between a rather cheap Nikon and a High Quality
Commander V or a Skipper are various:
* Commander comes along with a 30 yrs warranty
* The construction is extremely rugged
* They are guaranteed water-pressure prrof down to 5 metres (Skipper 2)
* The light transmission of the Commander is the best available on the
market. At daylight this might not be important, but at low light
condition (fog, darkness, night) you will see much more, than with a
cheap one.
* Bigger compass for more precise bearing
Well, that's it for today. skipper可是个好东西。我在我们这里的商店里见到有卖的,7*50的带罗盘,光学巨好,虽然我没大用过什么好镜子,呵呵。请教denebman老兄,这款skipper和司令5比起来差距大么?谢谢。 其实这两款望远镜我只是在代理商那里看了一小会儿。具体的规格区别我只好从他们给我的目录上摘抄一段:
1. 司令5(带指南针):SportsAutoFocus聚焦,镀膜:High Definition XP, 5米防水,重量:1145克,保证:30年。(司令5据说是给专业航海人士设计的)
2. Skipper (7X50, 带指南针):SportsAutoFocus聚焦,镀膜:High-Contrast, 2米防水,重量:1125 克, 保证:10年。(对象:The skipper is the lowest-priced professional marine binoculars and hence our anseer to the frequent demand for binoculars that have all the features of professional marine binoculars while attracting you with their low cost)
感觉比较厚重,表面饰皮还算精细。在商场灯光下没觉得光学上有什么特别。我最不喜欢的一点就是所谓的自动聚焦,有时看近距离目标很不合适。总体来讲,Steiner在国内外都没有比较一致的肯定评价,国外网站上我看到两篇抱怨文章,一篇称它的成像质量有问题(20X80那款),一篇甚至直接称其为German TASCO(廉价低档货),给人感觉Steiner的宣传做得比较过分,缺乏实质的东西。虽然Steiner曾赢得过美国军方的订单,但我认为适合美军的东西不见得就适合我们个人。(更何况他们也承认:“你手中的武器永远是政府用最低的竞标价买的”)所以在下个人认为,您如果有足够的银子,不妨眼界放宽些。我参加过本地的一个观鸟活动,发现同好们多数都用Swarovski 和Nikon 的SE系列,既然那么多人都不约而同选用这两个牌子,一定不是巧合。望兄台投资前三思,多做比较。 似的乐的广告确实很恶心,HOHO。我比较讨厌的是在它的宣传广告中贬低SW,LEICA和ZEISS抬高自己。不实宣传。