小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 10:50

天文摄影大师Fabian Neyer作品欣赏(BORG101ED)【六十七】

本帖最后由 小加子 于 2012-10-1 12:53 编辑


   德国摄影大师Fabian Neyer是我喜欢的仅次于伊万的大师,他的作品大多数是博格101ED所作的,估计使用101ED出图最多最美的就是这位大师了,博格粉丝的同好有福了,他的作品都有在APOD出现。

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 10:52

本帖最后由 小加子 于 2012-10-1 10:54 编辑

Messier 101
OpticsTEC 140APO with Flattener at f7.2
MountAstroPhysics 900GoTo
FiltersBaader LHaRGB
DateFebruary-May 2012
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 5 sky
ExposureLHaRGB = 24.3,5.3,5.8,4.7,5.5h
total: 45.6h
Programs usedPixInsight, Photoshop CS4
NotesFirst light of TEC140APO


OpticsBorg ED101 at f/5.7
FiltersBaader Halpha LRGB
DateMarch 12 -May 22, 2010
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 5 sky
ExposureLRGB = 169,70,90,60min
total: 4h 49min
8x20min and 3x3min for Luminance
Programs usedCCDStack, Registar, Photoshop CS4

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 10:57

本帖最后由 小加子 于 2012-10-1 10:59 编辑

Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/8.8
FiltersBaader Halpha LRGB
DateJune 13 -July 20, 2009
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 4-5 sky
ExposureLRGB = 184,82,62,82min
total: 7h
10min and 2min subexposures
Programs usedCCDStack, Photoshop CS4

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:04

Rosetta Nebula in Monoceros
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/5.3
FiltersBaader Halpha LRGB
DateFeb 27-Mar 07, 2009
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 5 sky, moonlight for half of the H-alpha exposures
total: 9h 55min
Programs usedIRIS, Registar, Photoshop CS4

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:06

M81 Galaxy Group in Ursa Major
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/8.8
FiltersBaader Halpha LRGB
DateMar 13-May 30, 2009
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 5 sky, moonlight for H-alpha exposures
total: 35h 50min
15min subexposures for LRGB and 20min for H-alpha frames
Programs usedCCD-Stack, Registar, Photoshop CS4

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:09

Cygnus Wall in Cygnus
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/8.8
FiltersBaader Halpha HaLRGB
DateJune 13 -July 25, 2009
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 4-5 sky
ExposureHaRGB = 145,60,70,60min
total: 5h 25min
Programs usedCCDStack, Photoshop CS4

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:10

Iris Nebula in Cepheus
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/8.8
FiltersBaader Halpha LRGB
DateJuly 26 -Aug 29, 2009
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 4-5 sky
ExposureLRGB = 585,270,285,300min
total: 24h
15min subexposures
Programs usedCCDStack, Registar, Photoshop CS4

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:14

Nebulas in Orion
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/5.7
FiltersBaader Halpha HaRGB
DateNov 11, 2009- Mar 05, 2011
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 4.5 - 5.5
ExposureHaRGB=30,9.1,8.5,13.3 (hours)
total: 60.9h
15min subexposures for RGB and 20min for H-alpha frames

150s and 30s exposures for the core of M42
Programs usedCCD-Stack, Registar, Photoshop CS4
NotesThis is a 4-frame mosaic image

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:16

Virgo Galaxie Cluster
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/5.7
FiltersBaader Luminance
DateFeb - May, 2011 and older data:
Feb - March 2009
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 5 sky
ExposureLRGB = 23.3,5.75,3.5,4 hours
total: 36h 35min
Programs usedCCD Stack, Registar, Photoshop CS4

345391253 发表于 2012-10-1 11:19


小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:19

Heart & Soul Nebula
OpticsTeleVue NP101is f5.4
FiltersBaader HaRGB
DateSeptember-October 2011
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 5 sky
ExposureLRGB = 26.67,6.17,10.5,12.33h
total: 55.67h
Programs usedCCD Stack, Registar, PixInsight, Photoshop CS4
NotesFour frame mosaic - first light of my TeleVue NP101is

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:21

Double Cluster NGC869 & NGC884
OpticsTeleVue NP101is f5.4
FiltersBaader HALRGB
DateOctober 2011
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 5 sky
ExposureLRGB = 22,1.15,1,1,1.15h
total: 26.3h
Programs usedCCD Stack, Registar, PixInsight, Photoshop CS4

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:24

Cocoon Nebula - IC 5146
OpticsTEC 140APO with Flattener at f7.2
MountAstroPhysics 900GoTo
FiltersBaader LHaRGB
DateMay-August 2012
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 5 sky in average
ExposureLHaRGB = 7-16-2.2-2.2-2
total: 29.4h
FWHM3 arcseconds
Programs usedCCDSoft, PixInsight, Photoshop CS4
Noteschosen as APOD, September 13, 2012

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:27

North America Nebula Region in Cygnus
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/5.7
FiltersBaader Halpha HaRGB
DateMay 22- Oct 11, 2010
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 4.5 - 5.5
ExposureHaRGB=20,6.3,6.3,6 (hours)
total: 38.6h
10min subexposures for RGB and 20min for H-alpha frames
Programs usedCCD-Stack, Registar, Photoshop CS4
NotesThis is a 4-frame mosaic image

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:29

Cone Nebula Area in Monoceros
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/5.7
FiltersBaader Halpha HaLRGB
DateDez 25 -Mar 03, 2009/2010
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 4 sky (average)
= 315,(315,150),105,120min
total: 11h 30min
15min subexposures
Programs usedCCDStack, Registar, Photoshop CS4

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:32

M65, M66 & NGC3628 in Leo
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/5.7
FiltersBaader Halpha LRGB
DateFeb 15 -Apr 19, 2010
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 4-5 sky (average)
ExposureLRGB = 900,290,280,240min
total: 28.5h
20min (Lum) 10min (RGB) subexposures
Programs usedCCDStack, Registar, Photoshop CS4

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:35

Andromeda Galaxy in Andromeda
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/5.7
FiltersBaader Halpha HaLRGB
DateSept 22 -Dez 09, 2009
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 4-5 sky
= 630,(280,270),255,255min
total: 28h 10min
15min (20min Ha) subexposures
Programs usedCCDStack, Registar, Photoshop CS4

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:39

Plejades M45
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/5.3
CameraCanon EOS40D modified
FiltersIDAS LPS P2
DateOct 2008-Jan 2009
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 5 sky - average
Exposure155x10min at ISO800
total: 25h 10min
Programs usedIRIS, Registar, PixInsight LE, Photoshop CS4
NotesThis image is a three frame mosaic

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:42

Omega Centauri - in Centaurus
OpticsRubinar-300 f4.5
CameraCanon EOS40D modified
MountGeneration 1 Astro Trac
Date29 June 2010
Locationabout 200km south of Alice Springs
Sky Conditionsmag 7 sky
Exposure14x2min ISO400
2x2min ISO800
total: 32min
Programs usedIRIS, Registar, Photoshop
NotesSome passing clouds

小加子 发表于 2012-10-1 11:45

Veil Nebula Mosaic - in Cygnus
OpticsBorg ED101 at f/5.3
CameraCanon EOS40D modified
FiltersIDAS LPS V3
DateJul - Oct 2008
LocationAntares Observatory
Sky Conditionsmag 5 sky - average
Exposure35x15min, 166x10min at ISO800
total: 36h 25min
Programs usedIRIS, DeepSkyStacker, Photoshop
NotesThis image is a five frame mosaic. Hot temperatures during most exposure nights (~15°C) resulted in very noisy images.
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