信达赤道仪固件有升级了!版本V3.32 bate
本帖最后由 Nasamm 于 2012-11-10 12:24 编辑http://www.skywatcher.com/swtinc/customer_support.php?id=124&class1=1&class2=101
我也是EQ3PRO不知道有何改进? GOTO DOB有什么更新? bate? beta? NEQ6能用吗? HEQ5能用嘛?怎么升级 ATP不能用吧? 在经纬仪az goto 手柄上刷了,版本号有变化,其他好像没啥变化 SYSCAN FIRMWARE V3.34
版本又升级了 这个功能又取消了?
The polar (re-)alignment function is temporarily disabled for the feature still under improvement. HEQ5可以不。。。稳定不??
最新版本是V3.34,在AZ GOTO手柄上刷稳定不?有人试过吗? 刷了有什么变化? SYSCAN FIRMWARE V3.34 (402KB) [ DOWNLOAD ]
Notes: This is the firmware update from previous firmware of SynScan version 3.32. Minor changes including fix the GPS connnecting problem and minor issue. The polar (re-)alignment function is temporarily disabled for the feature still under improvement.
版本升得太快太多,让人都不知道那个版本最稳定。 请问教有升级教程吗?