本帖最后由 苍穹旋律 于 2012-12-17 19:33 编辑中国首届SOHO彗星搜索活动积分表(每三天一发布)
目前的统计情况是(开始时间:2012/12/01 00:00,
截止时间:Dec 14 2012 23:41:29)--报告页时间。
序号姓名 发现 误报 其他 累计得分
(号) (----)(颗) (次) (次) (备注)
1、周 波 1+?2 2 0
2、孙霈源 0 0 1 0
3、徐智坚 2 2 1 5
4、郑钦坡 0 0 0 0
5、陈延芝 0 0 0 0
6、韦根余 0 0 0 0
7、刘 亮 0 0 0 0
8、廖贵龙 0 0 0 0
9、曹映怡 0 0 0 0
10、李亮辰 0 0 0 0
11、郑威宁 0 0 0 0
12、赵天聪 0 0 0 0
13、张卓馨 0 0 0 0
14、林晨希 0 0 0 0
15、张紫恒 0 0 0 0
16、林泽堃 0 0 0 0
17、杜佳虎 0 0 0 0
18、许 阳 0 0 0 0
19、王仁君 0 0 0 0
合计:19人 3颗 4次 4次 5分
当然,非活动参与者也是可以发言的。 占位 占位——高明回复!:lol 特别提醒:
本次活动的报名截止时间为:12月15日24时。 观摩
学经验:lol yct34.gif完全看不懂SOHO的路过~~~不过打算学习呢~~~ 天啊!戏剧性的一幕出现了……;P
Dec 04 2012 13:10:02
Further to my post of...
Images: C3; 1024x1024 images.
(0,0) Upper Left.
2012-12-2 12:44:33
Kreutz group comet.
--Bo Zhou
Dec 04 2012 14:06:41
Confirming comet of:
Images: C3; 1024x1024 images.
(0,0) Upper Left.
12/12/02 12:44:33
Kreutz group comet.
--Eryk Banach
随后,竟然还真有人给我确认了。哈哈!:lol :hug: 观摩 Dec 27 2012 16:52:54 Mr Sungrazer
Dear All,
Here are confirmations for the remainder of October 2012:
Soho#Date/Time of Post Discoverer Tel Group Images of..
2379Oct21,12 05:42:16 Z.Xu C3,C2Kreutz Oct21,12
2380Oct21,12 23:29:55 M.Uchina C2 Kreutz Oct21-22,12
2381Oct22,12 08:48:36 M.Uchina C2 Kreutz Oct21-22,12
2382Oct23,12 02:39:01 W.Gu C3,C2Kreutz Oct23,12
2383Oct23,12 08:31:22 L.Liu C2 Kreutz Oct23,12
2384Oct27,12 17:20:58 P.Sun C2 Kreutz Oct27,12
2385Oct29,12 11:37:23 T.Prestgard C2 Kreutz Oct29,12
2386Oct29,12 11:41:04 Z.Xu C2 Meyer Oct29,12
2387Oct30,12 17:25:36 Liwo,Kida,Xu C3,C2Kreutz Oct30-31,12
Tomorrow I will begin with (and hopefully complete) the November
reports, and try to wrap up December's comets on Monday. I see there
have been lots of reports on sohohunter over the past couple of
months, and they are harder for me to keep track of. If there have
been any discoveries made on sohohunter in November or December,
could someone please email me and let me know, just so that I don't
miss it and have to go back and correct myself?
Thank you!
Dec 31 2012 16:01:07 Mr Sungrazer
Hi all,
Here's an updated set of confirmations that take us to Dec23. I will
do the rest of December's reports when I return on Wednesday.
Soho#Date/Time of Post Discoverer Tel Group Images of..
2387Oct30,12 17:25:36 Liwo,Kida C3,C2Kreutz Oct30-31,12
2388Nov03,12 19:49:05 S.Liwo C3,C2Kreutz Nov03-04,12
2389Nov08,12 03:14:09 K.Kida,W.GuC3,C2Kreutz Nov08,12
2390Nov12,12 14:12:09 K.Battams C2 Kreutz Nov12,12
2391Nov12,12 14:31:34 K.Battams C2 Kreutz Nov12,12
2392Nov13,12 15:50:36 M.Uchina C2 Kreutz Nov13,12
2393Nov13,12 17:43:45 M.Uchina C3,C2Kreutz Nov13-15,12
2394Nov14,12 12:52:31 Liwo,Kida C3,C2Kreutz Nov14-15,12
2395Nov15,12 15:01:10 S.Liwo C2 Kreutz Nov15,12
2396Nov16,12 05:53:02 K.Kida C2 Kreutz Nov16,12
2397Nov16,12 11:42:27 Z.Xu C2 Kreutz Nov15,12
2398Nov16,12 12:17:36 Z.Xu C2 Kreutz Nov16,12
2399* Nov18,12 09:29am S.Liwo C2 Kreutz Nov18,12
2400Nov19,12 08:39:04 K.Kida C2 NonGrp Nov19,12
2401Nov21,12 02:30:46 Z.Xu C2 Kreutz Nov21,12
2402Nov24,12 02:15:55 M.Uchina C2 Kreutz Nov24,12
2403Nov25,12 07:23:39 Z.Xu C2 Kreutz Nov25,12
2404Nov26,12 01:14:53 W.Gu C3,C2Kreutz Nov26-27,12
2405Nov26,12 08:50:11 M.Uchina C2 Kreutz Nov25-26,12
2406Nov26,12 22:57:04 Z.Xu C3,C2Kreutz Nov26-27,12
2407Nov28,12 06:53:20 Z.Xu C2 Kreutz Nov28,12
2408Nov28,12 15:13:37 Liwo,Kida C3,C2Kreutz Nov28-29,12
2409 == C/2012 V4 (SWAN) R.Matson SWAN
2410Dec02,12 01:56:32 Z.Xu C3,C2Kreutz Dec02-03-12
2411Dec03,12 12:51:46 S.Liwo C2 Kreutz Dec03,12
2412Dec05,12 10:20:06 M.Uchina C2 Kreutz Dec04,12
2413Dec05,12 11:08:54 S.Liwo C3,C2Kreutz Dec05-06,12
2414Dec07,12 19:19:35 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz Dec07-08,12
2415Dec08,12 21:59:36 Z.Xu C2 Meyer Dec08,12
2416Dec13,12 20:57:32 M.Uchina C2 Kreutz Dec13,12
XC85Dec14,12 17:30:05 M.Uchina C2 Kreutz Dec14,12
2417Dec16,12 03:36:47 Z.Xu C2 Kreutz Dec16,12
2418Dec16,12 03:36:59 M.Uchina C2 Kreutz Dec16,12
2419Dec16,12 16:01:30 M.Uchina C2 Kreutz Dec16,12
2420Dec16,12 16:47:37 M.Uchina C2 Kreutz Dec15-16,12
2421Dec17,12 00:49:17 Z.Xu C2 Meyer Dec17,12
2422Dec17,12 03:07:40 Z.Xu C2 Kreutz Dec16,12
2423Dec17,12 05:51:33 Z.Xu C2 Kreutz Dec17,12
2424Dec19,12 04:45:24 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz Dec18,12
2425Dec19,12 04:50:10 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz Dec18,12
2426Dec20,12 01:16:11 Z.Xu C2 Kreutz Dec20,12
2427Dec21,12 21:03:02 P.Sun C2 Kreutz Dec21,12
2428Dec21,12 23:25:33 Z.Xu C2 Meyer Dec21,12
2429Dec22,12 08:54:34 M.Uchina C3,C2Kreutz Dec22,12
2430Dec23,12 05:33:21 Z.Xu C2 Kreutz Dec23,12
2431Dec23,12 18:00:51 M.Uchina C3,C2Kreutz Dec23-24,12
Some corrections were made. I completely forgot to assign the number
SOHO-2388 to any object. Fortunately, I had completely overlooked a
report made by both Zhijian (Nov 18 2012 09:55:19) and Szymon (via
SohoHunter) of a Kreutz-group comet in C2. Szymon reported it at
Sun 18 Nov 2012 06:29:35 -0800 (PST) which is 09:29:35 EST, and thus
approx 30 mins ahead of the report made by Zhijian. I have shifted
some numbers accordingly.
I can not confirm Bo's non group report from Nov29,12 20:43:29, or
his Kreutz fragment report from Dec02,12 12:44:33
Bo's comet from Dec 19 2012 04:45:24 was also reported by Szymon on
the SOHOHunter group, but as far as I can tell, Bo's report was made
a couple of hours earlier.
There were some other reports on SOHOHunter, but I think the list I
have, above, is an accurate representation of who discovered which
object the earliest. Please let me know if there's a mistake and I'll
take a look.
And finally... a huge "thank you" to all of you who have continued to
support the Sungrazer Project through this past year. The project
really would not exist if it was not for you all dedicating your free
time to participate, so I am enormously grateful to you all!
My best wishes to all of you for a Happy 2013! :)
Karl Jan 02 2013 18:02:51 Mr Sungrazer
Hi all,
Here's the rest of December's comets.
Soho#Date/Time of Post Discoverer Tel Group Images of..
2424* Dec18,12 06:06am S.Liwo C2 Kreutz Dec18,12
2431Dec23,12 18:00:51 M.Uchina C3,C2Kreutz Dec23-24,12
2432Dec26,12 23:55:40 Z.Xu C3,C2Kreutz Dec27,12
2433Dec27,12 03:04:48 Z.Xu C2 Kreutz Dec27,12
2434Dec27,12 11:13:07 B.Zhou C3,C2Kreutz Dec27,12
2435Dec29,12 13:38:58 S.Liwo C2 Kreutz Dec29,12
2436Dec29,12 15:03:05 S.ShurpakovC3,C2NonGrp Dec29-30,12
2437Dec30,12 22:35:42 M.Uchina C3,C2Kreutz Dec31,12
Please note the correction to SOHO-2424
It looks like we (you!) found 219 comets in 2012 -- fantastic! I think
we are really seeing a big benefit from the higher data rate that
LASCO has now. In 2011, we found 213 comets, so we beat it by 6, but
fell three short of 2010's record of 222. The discovery rate is
remarkably consistent though -- find that quite interesting!
I have not yet had time to do a LASCO C3 transits list for 2013. If
someone would like to put one together and send to me, I'd be hugely
appreciative! :)
目前的统计情况是(开始时间:2012/12/01 00:00
截止时间:Jan 01 2013 00:21:30)--报告页时间
序号姓名 彗星 误报 其他 个人发现数
(号) (国家)(颗) (次) (次) (次数)(颗)
1.Pedro Maysonet 0 41 5 4(4)
2.Sergey Shurpakov1 28 4 12(12)
3.Krzysztof Kida 0 6 3 15(14)
4.Masanori Uchina 9 12 1 122(117)
5.Salil Mulye 0 7 0 4(3)
6.Szymon Liwo 4 13 7 30(28)
7.Prafull Sharma 0 15 1 1(1)
8.Dae-Am Yi 0 1 0 0(0)
9.Michal Biesiada 0 8 0 00(00)
10.Rob Matson 0 0 1 106(104)
11.Eryk Banach 0 9 1 6(6)
12.Shishir Deshmukh 0 2 1 6(6)
13.Marek Kaluzny 0 5 1 5(5)
14.Adam Ambrus 0 1 0 1(1)
15.Rainer Kracht 0 1 1 255(253)
16.Michal Kusiak 0 0 2 150(145)
17.Toni Scarmato 0 0 1 25(24)
18.Trygve Prestgard 0 2 3 1(1)
19.Karl Battams 0 0 5 21(21)
20.Aditya Ravi 0 3 0 0(0)
I,New User(…) 0 2 0 00(00)
II,New User(…) 0 1 0 0(0)
III,New User(…) 0 1 0 0(0)
IV,New User(…) 0 1 0 0(0)
V,New User(…) 0 1 0 0(0)
VI,New User(…) 0 1 0 0(0)
VII,New User(…) 0 1 0 0(0)
VIII,New User(…) 0 1 0 0(0)
IX,New User(…) 0 1 0 0(0)
一.徐智坚(中) 12 5 6 118(111)
二.周波(中) 4 6 12 274(270)
三.顾文杰(中) 0 3 4 2(2)
四.孙霈源(中) 1 1 6 8(8)
五.谭瀚杰(中) 0 0 1 4(4)
六.王彬(中) 0 1 0 1(1)
合计(共有35人):31颗 180次 66次总(244?)颗
************************************** 你把这个都发到邮件组去了。。。 啊!……这样不好吗!:lol……不过,老外们可能看不明白。:$哈哈!:P 咋回事?老帖怎么翻上来了?