[发现] 用地平模式进行深空天体拍摄!
NGC 5139 Omega 星团
Scope: Meade LX90, f/6.3; Camera: Canon EOS 300D;
Exposure: 4 x 19 sec, ISO 800;
Processing: RAW images converted to 16-bit TIF. Averaged dark frame subtracted. Images aligned with Point and Translate + Rotate function and combined using Adaptive Addition in ImagesPlus. Mild Digital Development, Background/Contrast/Stretch, and unsharp mask in Photoshop 7.0. NGC 3372 (编号不知道有没有弄错)
Scope: Meade LX90, f/6.3; Camera: Canon EOS 300D;
Exposure: 64 x 29 sec (~31 min), ISO 800;
Processing: RAW images converted to 16-bit TIF in ImagesPlus. Dark and flat subtractions. Images aligned using using Centroid and Translate + Rotate function and combined using Adaptive Addition in ImagePlus. Post-processing in ImagesPlus. 在他网页上没有说明是地平模式,不过他在yahoo group 上说明:
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter
Sent: 2004年6月16日 14:46
To: lx90@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: Another Alt/Az success
Hi Ken,
Yep - every single one of them!
Clear and dark skies!
Home Page: http://www.users.bigpond.com/lansma/
Lat: 42° 53' S; Lon: 147° 19' E
Ken Luo wrote:
> Excellent! Are all thoes images taken under the Alt-az mode?
> Clear sky!
> Ken Luo
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter
> Sent: 2004?6?9? 17:53
> To: lx90@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Another Alt/Az success
> Hi all,
> Here's my latest images from last night, including a (total) 31 minute
> exposure of the Eta Carinae Nebula. Comments welcome.
> http://tinyurl.com/ywcuo <http://tinyurl.com/ywcuo>
> Clear and dark skies!
> Pete
> ------------------------------------------------
> Home Page: http://www.users.bigpond.com/lansma/
> <http://www.users.bigpond.com/lansma/>
> Lat: 42° 53' S; Lon: 147° 19' E
> LX90 Online FAQ, visit: http://faq.lx-90.com <http://faq.lx-90.com>
> To
> unsubscribe from this group mailto lx90-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor 效果绝对一流啊,不过他具体是如何实现的呢?这么长时间的暴光控制的如此好,用地平式?不知道国内同好有没有这么用的? 第一幅是4张19秒叠加,第二幅是64张29秒叠加。
http://www.buoyshark.com/Test.htm 可能是用meade自带的自动跟踪系统拍摄的 是的。LX90的地平跟踪。
假如那些大型道布森镜子也可以有比较精确的地平跟踪的话,用来拍摄岂不很爽! littlePig 同好好像也有LX90吧?你也试试啊。 数码单反还是比较贵的...