Skywatcher Telescope Esprit 120ED Triplet Apo 图赏
本帖最后由 Celestron中国 于 2012-12-26 10:28 编辑Skywatcher Telescope Esprit 120ED Triplet Apo Refractor 120 mm f/7 with Corrector
Skywatcher Telescope Esprit 120ED Triplet Apo Refractor 120 mm f/7的核心参数
Skywatcher Telescope Esprit 120ED Triplet Apo Refractor Telescope 120 mm f/7 with Corrector
The new 3-elements apo refractor telescope offers maximum sharpness on the axis. The Triplet FPL53 Super ED objective produces a very sharp image free of colour aberations. The APO has a doublet field flattener to get a flat field - full corrected - for Astrophotography. The flattener offers a generous back focus allowing the use of filter wheels or off-axis-guiders. The focuser offers 1:11 microfocusing and 360° rotation for perfect framing.
For photography with the included flattener all adapters are included up to the Canon EOS adapter. For the using of accessories like an off axis guider or different cameras we can make you a special offer.
Our new Riccardi Reducer are now available for this Apochromat too. Tests shows the high quality from the reducer with this telescope too.
Delivered with:
[*]120 mm f/7 Triplet Apo Refractor with Aluminium Tube
[*]2-Element Field Flattener
[*]Adapter to M48x0,75 for exactly 55 mm working distance
[*]Canon EOS Adapter
[*]2" 99% dielectric Diagonal Mirror
[*]2" 28 mm Wide Field eyepiece
[*]9x50 Finder with erecting prism
[*]3" Dovetail
[*]Aluminium case
非常精致的镜子了!但是有点大和重,还是更关注ESPRIT 100ED和80ED,哈哈:lol 昨天刚刚说起这个了,今天就来图::070821_21.jpg:: Mikhail 发表于 2012-12-26 10:45 static/image/common/back.gif
非常精致的镜子了!但是有点大和重,还是更关注ESPRIT 100ED和80ED,哈哈
80100120ED APO 丢掉了很久很久的口水了!!!! 不晓得啥时候才出来 本帖最后由 Mikhail 于 2012-12-26 11:52 编辑
农夫熊 发表于 2012-12-26 11:19
评测里写了,含抱箍,板约23磅,就是差不多10.5KG。而ESPRIT 100ED应该是7KG。80之前没查到任何消息。英文官网上只有100/120/150的资料。口径大是好,就是长度也长了不少(我的太长的意思是收缩尺寸不要超过650,哈哈)~~再往上发烧就考虑OFFICINA RH200好啦~直径290长度230重8.5KG的8寸顶级摄星镜::070821_21.jpg:: 更关注80F5。。。杀器呀!0.8X后。。。:L:L:L 强烈关注! 好东西。 一毒物啊~~::070821_01.jpg:: 弥漫星云XP 发表于 2012-12-26 11:50 static/image/common/back.gif