Hubble Space Telescope took several photos of comet ISON on April 10th and 11th. I noticed the entries appear in Hubble Archive on the day of 11th, then retrieved and processed those, just for fun. Since its already April 13th and for some reason theres no any official press release (I try my best to avoid joking about slowpokes), I submit my processing to spaceweather.com.
For those who want to be sure it is not some sort of fake: go to Hubble archive, search for proposal ID 13198.
Since this is not exactly my own photo, I initially tried to send it directly to Dr. Phillips, but any time I tried (yesterday and today), the mail was immediately rejected with the notice that the mailbox is full :-)
哇哦。。。彗尾都这么长饿了。。果然ISON的时代快到了{:soso_e116:} 壮哉大我儿子彗星 2013年初, “艾森”彗星正在从木星外部向太阳系内部运行,2013年11月至12月份将运行至太阳方向,地球北半球能够看到。它将是近百年内最明亮的彗星,甚至在白天用肉眼也能观看到。进入太阳系可能成为这颗彗星的终结之旅,其弹道轨迹接近太阳将以炽热死亡而告终。
热切期待:lol:lol:lol 期待期待 这得有多暗,周围一颗星都没有。哈勃IMBA:lol 开火 期待中。 当心“艾森”反击{:soso_e120:} 白天,肉眼。是不是真的 :victory::victory::victory: 看看彗星是什么样子的。