SBIG STL-11000M-C2 mono CCD 询价
斯塔,你好!问一下SBIG STL-11000M-C2 mono CCD价格,标配有什么,或者推荐这个价位性价比更好的。谢谢!回复到 沙发嘿嘿 SBIG官网信息:
STXL-11002 w/ Self-Guiding Filter Wheel Pro Package $10,644.00
this package:
FW8G-STXLFW8G-STXL: Self-Guiding 8-Position Filter Wheel for the STXL. Holds eight 50mm round filters., 50.8mm round Baader LRGBC set50.8mm round Baader LRGBC set: 50.8mm round Baader LRGBC Filter Set (L is UV+IR blocked, C is unblocked, all are AR coated, optically polished, round, unmounted) - 5 filter set,
50.8mm Baader Narrowband Set of 3 filters50.8mm Baader Narrowband Set of 3 filters: 50.8mm Baader H-alpha, OIII, and SII filters - set of 3 filters,
Large Pelican CaseLarge Pelican Case: Large Pelican case with custom cut foam for STX and STXL cameras
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S&D 发表于 2013-6-17 14:19