本帖最后由 ecloud 于 2013-11-15 20:40 编辑
APO-LANTHAR -the holy grail...
The most famous Voigtlander lens ever is the APO-LANTHAR. Invented 1952 - the last great days of Voigtlander. First apochromatic MF lens, that means the sharpest point of three colors (different wavelenghts of light) coming together in the film plane instead of the usual two, which defines the achromatic corrected lens category most lenses belongs to -- even some which today are called "APO" by marketing reasons but not for real apochromatic correction...
Developed out of the Color-Heliar with Lanthanum-Glas (Lanthanglass) which offers a very high refraction index und low dispersion. Alas, Voigtlander spent R&D money in the wrong area. Photographers asked for speedy 35mm lenses and sales of folder cameras came down, bringing Voigtlander deep into the red, ZEISS-IKON took them over in 1956, and ceased MF folder camera production and MF lense development - although keeping the MF and LF lense series at sale for more than a decade. 在二战后,著名镜头设计师Albrecht W. Tronnier 博士转投入福伦达工作,在他的领导下把原来Hans Harting 留下的5片3组Heliar设计发扬光大,应用上镧系玻璃(Lanthanum),开发出传世名镜 APO Lanthar。事实上APO Lanthar的结构就是Heliar结构。但Tronnier 博士领导开发的这支APO Lanthar确是一支惊世骇俗的镜头,在当年稀土贵如黄金的年代,稀土玻璃是异常珍贵的,这种玻璃性能异常出色,具有高折射率并且只有极低的色散,APO Lanthar是第一款真正的APO摄影镜头,还采用了当时很少见的高级多层镀膜,真正的做到了多波长复消色差的矫正,因此,除去APO的标志外,福伦达特意在镜头的不锈钢外圈上刻下了红绿蓝三色环,标志其惟我独尊的独特地位。现在日本确善能并购福伦达后也生产标红绿蓝三色环的号称APO Lanthar的镜头,但其采用材料是不能和德国福伦达当年的APO Lanthar相提并论的,应该理解为完全两码事。当年福伦达APO Lanthar一共生产过四款镜头:用于Bessa II和Linhof 69的105mm/f4.5、用于4×5机的150mm/f4.5、用于5×7机的210mm/f4.5和用于8×10机的300 mm/f4.5。这4款镜头现在价格都不菲。用于大幅机的产量较大现在市面上还经常会出现,但Bessa II APO Lanthar却难觅踪影,极偶尔会在eBay和一些相机拍卖会上出现,价格惊人,最近出现的高价是在eBay上4500美金左右。笔者有幸在2002年在德国出差时觅得一台。