本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2014-3-1 01:36 编辑http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2570161/Anyone-spot-Simba-Lion-cubs-dance-playful-scenes-South-African-savannah.html
And take your partner by the claw... anyone for a spot of lion dancing?
If you think these two twinkle-pawed playmates know their way around a ballroom, you should see them dance the Simba.
And despite their razor-sharp claws, there was no blood on this dancefloor as the young cubs jumped and jived, shimmied and jigged, backed by a live band of birds singing in nearby trees.
Lion dancing: These two twinkle-pawed playmates clearly know their way around a ballroom ... although you should really see them dance the Simba
The Critterbug: And despite their razor-sharp claws, there was no blood on this dancefloor as they jumped and jived, shimmied and jigged, backed by a live band of birds singing in the trees
The Savannah Swing: The two male youngsters - only five months old - did their best to avoid treading on each other's paws as they danced the day away at the Kariega Game Reserve in South Africa
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/28/article-2570161-1BE835AD00000578-761_634x412.jpgPassionate puss: Before the playful cubs start their routine, they crouch down and stare into each other's eyes
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/28/article-2570161-1BE836B100000578-525_634x401.jpgTwinkle claws: The dramatic sequence adds to the drama of their special dance, which was captured by photographer Jacques Matthysen
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/02/28/article-2570161-1BE8390100000578-706_634x421.jpgMane attraction: Mr Matthysen, who is head ranger at the reserve, managed to capture the shots because the cubs were on higher ground than him
哈哈, 可爱!就是看不懂鹰文{:2_196:} 图片不错。 这些动物看人看得多了,有事无事的就模仿一下下喽。