今天看到的最新消息:yahoo讨论组上的一位资深玩家对常见的各种三寸折射镜给出了一个大致排名,供同好参考:从消色散能力上来看:TMB 的三片f 7.5萤石镜当之无愧排老大,其次是:tmb 80 f6 fluorite triplet > TAK FS 78 fluorite doublet > Televue 76 > Orion 80ED > 景德 triplet ED APO > Televue Oracle (75mm/f7.4) > (景德semi-apo/ TV Pronoto/TV ranger) >普通折射镜。
Color correction is obviously much better than the MII doublet was, looks like a solid ED-class performer. Not zero color like the much more expensive zero-color fluorite triplets, but at half the price, something of a bargain. Most importantly, the star test is very good indeed, very round fresnel rings with ruddy-fringed rings inside of focus, essentially perfect correction of spherical abberation. In focus, the airy disk is hard and round, with a single dim red diffraction ring, on moderate brightness stars. I do not see how you could ask for a better result at this price. Cosmetic quality of the glass is very clean indeed. It does not look like the cell is collimatable like the doublet, then again mine doesn't need it like the doublet did. I haven't had a chance to do critical comparisons yet, but it looks like this is William's answer to the Orion ED80.
On A-B nighttime star tests, initial impression, I would estimate the color error about 2x the color of the TV76, primarily a little excess red. I once compared the Orion ED80 to the TV76 and the former had a little more red excess than the latter, lets say 1.5x. A Tak FS78 beat them both, again in the red, but not by much, just to give you an idea of the level of performance we are talking about here. All these scopes have many times less color than an achromat. Vignetting is not an issue, either at the foam ring baffles, which can be scooted against friction if necessary, nor at the focuser body or extender tube. Next comparo: I estimate the TV Ranger (Pronto) has a good 4x the color of the MII/EDT. The color halo around stars is quite obvious on the Ranger, with a actinic mixture of red and blue. Switching back to the MII/EDT is a dramatic improvement, the airy disk changes from yellow to off white, and the halo goes from a bright violet 3+ diffraction rings to 1 dim red. The MII/EDT color error reminds me of the original TV Genesis I once owned, and also the TV Oracle, the under-appreciated and short-lived 75mm F7.4 triplet. The colorful rings of the Ranger are due purely to the color defocus, as it has a superb star test otherwise.
My tally from most color to least:
Achromat >Ranger/Pronto/Megrez doublet > TV Oracle >MegrezII EDTriplet >Orion ED80 APO >TV76 > FS78 fluorite doublet > 80 TMB F6 fluorite triplet > 80 TMB F7.5 高桥早期的三片式萤石镜FCT76据说很好的 呵呵!我的80-1200消色差能力可以跟TMB80F7.5并列第一了!到现在为止没有看出80-1200的消色差能力与TMB115有什么差距! 上次那个谁谁谁说,初哥才会对色散津津乐道。:D
没有反差,玄光又差,空谈色散堪比XXX,,更加搞笑。:D apo是什么意思?复消色差!为什么不叫复消反差或复消玄光呢!色差是望远镜物镜中最关键的像差,什么叫初哥!不懂! 当折射镜升级到可以忘却色散这个概念的时候,你就不是初哥了。:D
我通常拿夜间远处的白色日光灯试镜子,正巧那个灯管外缠了些装饰性金属编织物,测试镜子的色散和锐度再好不过了。首先接上天顶镜,6 毫米Or目镜和2倍巴罗,倍率187倍,观看灯管边缘和金属织物,合焦后蓝晕比较明显,但锐度不错。这时突发奇想用正像棱镜试试,结果非常出乎意料,色散几乎完全消失了,锐度依然不错。很多人都不信,但事实的确如此,白天高倍观测时也有类似现象。
如果你的望远镜系统透光率低(包括玻璃对不同波长光线吸收率不同),很有可能造成色差小的假象。 人眼在高消色差的镜子里面已经看不出太多问题,这时候可能只有摄影或仪器检测能分出高低了!昨天拿了一个蔡司的50-540的镜子看了一会,十几倍的时候表现还可以,放到70来倍就不行了!那看上去真正的是色差!太明显了!至于光学系统的透光率低,我认为我的80-1200在低也不会差出10%,而现在我用99%的高反天顶和原来的普通天顶观测仍然没有发现色差的存在!至于反差、玄光控制有镜片设计的因素,但是更多的是与镜桶消光处理有很大关系,我的80镜子的锐度、分辨率我认为不输于任何一款80的顶级镜子,有在北京的朋友可以拿自己的80镜子来对比一下!毕竟眼见为实!至少我用莱卡apo77对比过,有另外一位观鸟爱好者的结论是色差、锐度、分辨率比莱卡好,反差、偏色差一些!