本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2014-3-22 01:19 编辑http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... ptured-America.html这组闪电图片是57岁的美国摄影师Scott Stulberg的作品,主要拍摄于洛杉矶到大峡谷地区一带。
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/03/21/article-2586192-1C772C1400000578-877_964x662.jpg0, 0, 0.4)]
The perfect storm: This breathtaking photo captures nature at its most electrifying - as a number of powerful lighting bolts strike the Grand Canyon in Arizona, U.S.
Electrifying: The lightning, photographed by Scott Stulberg, was captured hitting different parts of the country, including skyscrapers in downtown Los Angeles (pictured)
Incredible: It can be seen emerging from dark, stormy clouds, before striking the ground below in a streak of light. Above, lightning strikes Death Valley National Park
Blinding: Mr Stulberg, 57, described the photoshoot as 'thrilling' - saying: 'I always feel like a little kid again when I see lightning'. Above, lightning bolts hit Sedona, Arizona
Famous landmark: 'It is so absolutely exciting and thrilling because you get to see nature at its more powerful,' he added. Above, lightning bolts strike the Grand Canyon
Lighting up the sky: Mr Stulberg, who started taking photographs aged 10, said his passion for lightning had inspired him to move to the state of Arizona. Above, Sedona
本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2014-3-22 01:24 编辑
Dangerous: Arizona is renowned for its high frequency of storms. It has more than 600,000 lightning strikes a year - with four people killed by bolts last year alone
Powerful: 'One of the best reasons for living where I do is that I have amazing lightning for months at a time during the summer,' said Mr Stulburg. Above, bolts hit Sedona
Too close for comfort: Despite the excitement, things have become a bit too close for comfort for Mr Stulberg s during some of the photography shoots. Above, Sedona
Beautiful: 'As a photographer, I have seen the harsh impact humans have had on the earth,' said Mr Stulburg. Above, lightning strikes a lake (left) and Sedona (right)
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/03/21/article-2586192-1C77305300000578-183_964x603.jpgShrouded in darkness: 'I hope people eventually realise that we are guests of this planet, and should care leaving no footprints and taking only memories,' he added {:3_219:}很震撼! 地球的激情,生命的起源。 大自然的鬼斧神工。 又是老外的杰作!