C/2012 K1 (PANSTARRS)8月8-11日进入SOHO视场
大致停留3天,亮度7.5等左右,并且能够在C2可见,离太阳最小角距:日期 (UT) 角距 Dec
2014 八月 09 20:190°15' 16"+15°25'
凝结度多少,尾巴呢 本帖最后由 suhuasky 于 2014-7-28 15:23 编辑
苍穹旋律 发表于 2014-7-28 15:01
IIIYYYYMnL YYYY MM DD.DD eM/mm.m:r AAA.ATF/xxxx /dd.ddnDC /t.ttmANG ICQ XX*OBSxxf InT APERTURcamchip SFW C ## u.uu xx.x PIXELSIZE
2012K12014 07 17.92S7.4 TK 10.0B 20 4 4 ICQ XX GOI Marco Goiato
2012K12014 07 11.92S7.8 TK 10.0B 20 5 4 ICQ XX GOI Marco Goiato
2012K12014 07 03.87 &M8.1 HJ8.0B 20 4.24/ ICQ XX BIEaa Marek Biely, Czech Republic, Brno; Slight interference of noctilucent clouds and astronomical twilight. Low altitude: 11,3 deg. above the horizon. Correction for an atmospheric extinction was not needed.
2012K12014 07 03.86 &M7.9 HJ5.0N 30 4.55 ICQ XX BIEaa Marek Biely, Czech Republic, Brno; Well visible, I found it almost immediately. Slight interference of noctilucent clouds and astronomical twilight. Low altitude: 13,0 deg. above the horizon. Correction for an atmospheric extinction was not needed.
2012K12014 07 01.92S7.9 TK 10.0B 20 5 4 ICQ XX GOI Marco Goiato
2012K12014 07 01.88S8.2 AA 50.8L 5 189 2.54 4.0m 90 ICQ XX SZAab Sandor Szabo, Csapod, Hungary
2012K12014 07 01.35 &M8.6 TK 25.0L 539 4 5 20.0m 82 ICQ XX WYAab Christopher Wyatt
2012K12014 07 01.15S7.9 TK5.0B 10 4 3 ICQ XX HER02