如果我有一手动dob,用一个倾斜的底座,倾斜角度可调,当然还要固定dob防止其倾倒的装置,这样,我把底座方位角度调好,指向北极星后,只有调dob的高度角就可以实现跟踪了。不知道有没有哪位大神试 这个想法还行,就和星特朗双臂经纬仪就有这种配件,叫CPC赤道仪楔架,可以转变成赤道仪,校准极轴的,就是这个原理的。但是DOB的这种配件没有,我觉得原因是防止倾倒这点比较难做,CPC系列的钢脚架非常稳重的,加这个配件绝不会有倾倒问题。但是DOB要加只能架在底座上,但是DOB的底座除了2个圆盘,是没有钢脚,重心较难控制的。应该可以,不过做起来不知道难不,重心要稳才行
"Platforms like this are used in the US for huge Dobsonian telescopes of 24 inches aperture and more.
It really is TOTALLY SAFE because :
The overall North/South tilt of the platform when set up anywhere from 470 North to 570North is only a maximum of 5 degrees from level.
The overall movement of the platform table , is the East/West tilting motion as the platform tracks during one hour involves only a maximum of +/- 8 degrees from the mid-way horizontal & level position at each end of the tracking arc.
SO PLEASE IGNORE rubbish comments like "But it can't work, I mean,how can you balance a scope on a board tilted at 470 from horizontal ? ? "
These remarksjust show the "knowledgeable person" ( we are too polite to say ill-informed, and opinionated idiot ) has not bothered to take the time to understand the theory of how a platform works !" 楼上的资料不错! 嗯,第一个链接看懂了,只是跟踪一两个小时后要重新调节方位,否则有倾倒的危险,但谁会连续看一两个小时呢,制作有点复杂,不知有没有现成的卖。第二个链接没看懂。第三个链接没打开。 嗯,第一个链接看懂了,只是跟踪一两个小时后要重新调节方位,否则有倾倒的危险,但谁会连续看一两个小时呢,制作有点复杂,不知有没有现成的卖。第二个链接没看懂。第三个链接没打开。 棉球鞋 发表于 2014-8-28 22:51
嗯,第一个链接看懂了,只是跟踪一两个小时后要重新调节方位,否则有倾倒的危险,但谁会连续看一两个小时呢 ...
不就EQ平台嘛,这种东西国内目前只能自制了 希望星达能生产eq平台。