本帖最后由 人与自然 于 2014-11-6 19:32 编辑http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2821838/The-universe-compared-EARTH-Astronomer-creates-images-reveal-size-stars-planets-moons-relation-planet.html
编者按:这种帖子,图片不算精美大气,内容算不上新鲜及时。但是委实精彩绝伦,堪称奇思妙想。想来想去,算是一种天文小品吧,不知道这种名字取得是否妥当,也请各位多多指教。It can be difficult to grasp just how vast the universe and its planets and stars are - especially in relation to Earth.But now one amateur astronomer has attempted to reveal the scale of objects in our galaxy by overlaying Earth’s continents, and our world itself, on celestial objects.One image reveals how Earth would fit across the width of Saturn’s rings six times over, while Mars’ Olympus Mons is also shown to be the same size as the state of Arizona.这组比较图片是由英国兰开夏郡的业余宇航员John Brady先生制作而成。
The pictures were created by Lancashire-based amateur astronomer John Brady and show Earth’s size relative to the sun, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. In his first image, he shows how a neutron star’s size compares to the north west of England, between Liverpool and Warrington (shown)第一幅图是中子星与英格兰北部,大概是利物浦到威灵顿之间地区的大小比较
这是比较对象的一组数据的直径Neutron star: 12 miles (20km)中子星Olympus Mons: 374 miles (624km)奥林帕斯山Jupiter’s moon Io: 1,942 miles (3,636km) 木卫一Mars: 4,220 miles (6,792km)火星Earth: 7,918 miles (12,742km)地球Saturn: 72,367 miles (116,464km) 土星Jupiter: 88,846 miles (142,984km)木星Saturn’s rings: 175,000 miles (282,000km)土星环The Sun: 864,950 miles (1,392,000km) 太阳
This illustration shows how the Martian volcano Olympus Mons would obscure the state of Arizona. Located in the Tharsis Montes region of Mars, Olympus Mons is the biggest volcano in the solar system位于火星上的奥林帕斯火山,如果放在美国,就是这个样子!
奥林帕斯火山是迄今为止太阳系中最巨大的火山的寄生火山锥,它的坡度平缓,形如一个巨大的盾牌,火山底部直径达600公里,底部面积比英国国土面积还要大,高度超过27公里,平均高度为22公里,是地球上珠穆朗玛峰高度的三倍,火山口直径达到80公里,深约3公里,容纳两个伦敦还绰绰有余,作为比较,地球上最大的火山——大塔穆火山(Tamu Massif)位于日本东部1000英里的太平洋海底,占地面积12万平方英里,圆形穹顶延伸超过650公里(但远比火星火山奥林帕斯火山小),顶峰位于海面以下约2,000 m (6,600ft),底部深约6.4 km (4.0 英里)。
Jupiter’s moon Io, meanwhile, would cover almost the entirety of North America. ‘Looking like a cheese pizza’ according to Mr Brady it would fit snugly between San Francisco and Detroit木卫一艾奥砸在美国上,就是这个样子!木卫一是木星的四颗伽利略卫星中最靠近木星的一颗卫星,它的直径3,642 公里,是太阳系第四大卫星,表面环境极其恶劣,众多超级火山活动和超强地震频繁发生,地表形态塑造周期较短。
Mr Brady then shows how Mars, which is about half the size of our planet, would comfortably cover the whole of North America with plenty of room to spare把美国铺在火星上,就是这个样子
But in comparison to Jupiter North America would be dwarfed by a great margin; the continent appears as just a speck on the vast cloud bands of the gas giant把北美洲放在木星上,就是这个样子
Zooming further our, Mr Brady then compares Earth to Saturn. Our planet would fit six times over into the width of the rings, which span a whopping 175,000 miles (282,000km) wide地球与土星比大小。土星环可以容纳6个地球!
And if our planet took the position of Saturn, we would sit in the middle 41,600 miles (66,900km) away from the inner edge of the rings, which then extend much further into space把地球取代土星,就会出现一个大空洞,内环到地球有6.69万公里。
Compared to the Sun, our planet is even more dwarfed. ‘At the Sun’s scale, Earth is now really starting to look puny,’ explains Mr Brady. ‘Across the Sun’s disk you could fit 109 Earths side by side, and to fill the Sun’s volume would take 1,300,000 Earths’地球与太阳比大小!太阳可以容纳109个地球直线排列。
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2821838/The-universe-compared-EARTH-Astronomer-creates-images-reveal-size-stars-planets-moons-relation-planet.html#ixzz3IHj5iJUT
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook 呵呵 长知识了 挺有意思的贴子。 长知识了{:3_202:} 形象生动的天文科普。 这样的对比很生动。 这个是第一次看到,很有趣,也很直观。 见过巨大化比较,这个还是第一次见 木卫一砸过来,地球表面就像木卫一了。。。。。。 做比较为什么总用北美洲?