小蔡 发表于 2005-2-11 01:06

开吹TV NP101:从MPT到NP

Al Nagler从很久以前就对古老的Petzval结构发生了浓厚的兴趣,这是160年前由法国人Petzval设计的结构,4片结构,前后各2群,经典的Petzval结构是2组4片结构,存在胶合的镜片,但是Nagler改良并获得专利的结构是前后两群,4片分离的形式。
    很多年以前Al Nagler有个梦想就是能够设计一只既可以满足低倍广视野深空和高倍行星目视观察,又可以满足深空摄影,还可能便携的4,5英寸的高水平折射镜子。
    第二代的MPT Renaissance的高倍素质相当不错了,在286倍也可以获得很出色的行星像。
    1993年,TV推出了MPT的第4代SDF 540毫米F5.4,从规格上Al Nagler做了些让步,同时前后镜组中各采用了一片萤石镜片,光学水准较前代极大提高,真正步入了顶级APO镜子的级别。
    2001年推出的NP 101,这是最新一代MPT镜子,冠以Nalger的名字,和前代比,光学上完全不可见色散,镜桶长度也缩短了很多,装入专门的软包,可以直接携带入机舱。


成都巽风 发表于 2005-2-11 01:13


AP130EDF 发表于 2005-2-11 06:26

Genesis SDF 的前组是一块普通ED, 不是萤石。前后两组都是焦比F11,后组在前组焦距的一半位置。
Televue Petzval的最大优势是焦比小,彗差,场屈控制的好。弱点是由於后组只有口径的一半,离轴亮度损失较大。

小蔡 发表于 2005-2-11 19:36

Genesis SDF 的前组是一块普通ED, 不是萤石。前后两组都是焦比F11,后组在前组焦距的一半位置。
Televue Petzval的最大优势是焦比小,彗差,场屈控制的好。弱点是由於后组只有口径的一半,离轴亮度损失较大。

Alone狼 发表于 2005-2-11 20:30


小蔡 发表于 2005-2-11 21:02


supemars 发表于 2005-2-12 12:16

Alone狼 发表于 2005-2-12 17:56


Alone狼 发表于 2005-2-12 18:02

np101:    The new TeleVue NP101 represents our closest realization yet of the "ideal" multi-purpose/visual telescope. Its snap-to-focus and extremely sharp, flat-field are sure to take your breath away. It is also the best and toughest test platform to showcase all our new eyepiece introductions.

The successor to the Tele Vue-101 - The NP-101 (Nagler-Petzval) is more compact with the same 4-element, 540mm, f/5.4 specifications. The new scope is 4" shorter and feature both optical and mechanical enhancements over the previous model.


Telescope type: 4-element apochromat refractor using special dispersion glasses
Clear aperture: 101mm (4 inches)
Focal length: 540mm (21.3 inches)
Focal ratio: f/5.4
Resolution (visual): 1.1 arc-sec (Dawes limit for a 4" aperture)
Resolution (photo): 260 line pairs per mm
Field (35mm film): 2.5 degrees by 3.8 degrees (4.5 degrees diagonal)
Image scale: 2.7 degrees per inch
Magnification: 10x to over 250x using Tele Vue eyepieces and Barlows
Star diagonal: 2 inch, "everbrite" mirror type, with 1-1/4" inch adapter, both with brass clamp rings.
Focuser: 2 inch, rack and pinion type with brass clamp ring.
Mounting: Adjustable mounting ring with 1/4-20 tapped holes for standard (heavy-duty) photographic tripods or optional Tele Vue mounting systems
Weight: 10 lbs. O.T.A.
Length: 29", 26" O.T.A.
Accessories: Included as standard: custom-fitted case, screw-on lens cover, sliding dew/glare shield, 2" everbrite, 1 1/4" adapter.
Tube color: Ivory color powder-coated aluminum tube, black anodized lens housing, focuser assembly and mounting ring.
Aperture gain: 208 (compared to a 7mm exit pupil)
Dew Shield: Captive/Sliding, with Moisture Absorbent Lining
Mount Ring: Captive/Sliding with (3) ?20 attachment holes and 2 accessory slots.
Case: Custom Hard Shell std. Soft airline carrying bag as optional accessory.
   np127:Custom NP-127 Hardshell Carrying Case featuring accessory storage in the lid and hand notches for a sure grip when lifting the scope. Case is the same size as the TeleVue NP-101 / -102.

Accessory storage area in hardshell case houses the standard 2" Everbrite star diagonal and 1-1/4" reducing adapter, plus three 1.25" eyepieces.

TeleVue is excited to bring a regular production telescope larger then 4" to market. TeleVue has been working on the NP127 for longer then you can imagine and they feel it is finally where TeleVue wants it both optically and mechanically. The NP127 certainly faces some stiff competition. However, TeleVue believes there is not another instrument that combines its fast f/5.2 focal ratio, 4 degree field and delivers all of TeleVue's acknowledged benefits. For the most discriminating refractor aficionado the NP127 is on the leading edge of apochromatic refractor technology.


OTA with sliding, captive dew shield
Included tube rings
Includes 2" Everbrite Star Diagonal and 2" - 1.25" reducing adapter
Includes custom fitted hardshell carrying case
Clear Aperture: 127mm (5")
Focal Length: 660mm
Focal Ratio: f/5.2
Visual Resolution 0.9 arc-sec.
Weight: 14 lbs. (O.T.A.)
Length: 33" (O.T.A.)
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