open 发表于 2016-4-5 19:22


    看看对大家有什么帮助。思路还挺有意思的。通过算GOTO的距离。来调细分。举个例。如果要转100秒 80秒前是1细分 98秒时用32细 直到GOTO到目标。用这种方法来加减速。

* MEqM1DriverControl Arduino File
* My German Equatorial Mount Controller with Arduino Due that implements
* LX200 Protocol Resumed and control the stepper motor driver DRV8825.
* Created: 29 de julho de 2014
* Author: Luiz Antonio Gabriel
#include "Wire.h"
#include <MEqM1DriverControl.h>
MEqM1DriverControl Driver;
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (SerialUSB.available()) {


* MEqM1DriverControl Class Header File
* My German Equatorial Mount Controller with Arduino Due that implements
* LX200 Protocol Resumed and control the stepper motor driver DRV8825.
* Created: 29 de julho de 2014
* Author: Luiz Antonio Gabriel
#ifndef MEqM1DriverControl_h
#define MEqM1DriverControl_h
// Arduino Driver Pins Configuration.
#define DecDRV8825Dir   2
#define DecDRV8825Step3
#define DecDRV8825M2    4
#define DecDRV8825M1    5
#define DecDRV8825M0    6
#define DecDRV8825En    7
#define RADRV8825Dir    8
#define RADRV8825Step   9
#define RADRV8825M2   10
#define RADRV8825M1   11
#define RADRV8825M0   12
#define RADRV8825En   13
#define SLEWALLOWED   31
#define JOYSTICKVER   A9
#define JOYSTICKHOR   A10
#define JOYSTICKSEL   A11
// Define minimum semi-period of stepper motors (maximum frequency).
#define GOTO_RATE       625
// The Earth spend 23.9344698888889 h to complete one rotation relative
// to a fixed star, this implies in a frequency of
// 2.37686020007898e-5 µS/µs that result in a half period of 21036 µs.
#define TRACKING_RATE   21036
#define SLEW_RATE       1775
// Define the PCF8563 address.
#define PCF8563ADDRESS0x51
#define PCF8563TIMEADD0x02
#define PCF8563DATEADD0x05
// library interface description
class MEqM1DriverControl {
    // MEqM1DriverControl Constructor.
    // Translates serial input in accordance of LX200 protocol and answer it.
    void answerSerialRequest(void);
    // Initializes date and time;
    void initializeDateTime(void);
    // Controls the Thumb Joystick and slew.
    void slewController(void);
    // Controls the DEC shafts.
    void shaftDecController(void);
    // Controls the RA shafts.
    void shaftRAController(void);
   * Private Members Variables.
    // Holds the state of button.
    bool buttonState;
    // The variable is TRUE if target is check and is OK otherwise is FALSE.
    bool gotoDecAllowed;
    // The variable is TRUE if target is check and is OK otherwise is FALSE.
    bool gotoRAAllowed;
    // Holds the time elapsed since initial time.
    unsigned long initialMicrosecond;
    // Holds the initial time.
    double initialTime;
    // Holds the high limit that is allowing to point the telescope.
    double highLimit;
    // Holds the initialJD0.
    double initialJD0;
    // Holds the last micros() to calculate the delay for step pulse.
    unsigned long lastDecMicro;
    // Holds the last micros() to calculate the delay for step pulse.
    unsigned long lastRAMicro;
    // Holds the last micros() to calculate the delay for step pulse.
    unsigned long lastSlewMicro;
    // Local latitude in decimal format.
    double latitude;
    // Local longitude in decimal format.
    double longitude;
    // Holds the microsteps for DEC DRV8825 driver.
    short microstepModeDec;
    // Holds the microsteps for RA DRV8825 driver.
    short microstepModeRA;
    // Holds the all response for serial communications.
    char *response;
    // Current position of Dec Shaft given in microsteps (mode 5 = 1/32).
    long shaftDecPosition;
    // Current position of RA Shaft given in microsteps (mode 5 = 1/32).
    long shaftRAPosition;
    // Holds the state of slew.
    bool slewEnabled;
    // Steps to go to reach the Dec target given in microsteps (mode 5 = 1/32).
    long microStepsTogoDec;
    // Steps to go to reach the RA target given in microsteps (mode 5 = 1/32).
    long microStepsTogoRA;
    // Target Dec Coordinate in decimal degrees.
    double targetDec;
    // Target RA Coordinate in decimal degrees.
    double targetRA;
    // Controls the Dec, RA and Slew clocks.
    bool tictacDec;
    bool tictacRA;
    // Turn on/off the syncronization of RA.
    bool tracking;
   * Private Members Functions.
    // Transforms bcd format to decimal.
    int BCDToDecimal(byte bcd);
    // Verify if the telescope is allowable to reach the target.
    short checkTarget(void);
    // Transforms decimal format to bcd.
    byte decimalToBCD(int decimal);
    // Translate decimal format into HMS.
    void decimalToHMS(double value, bool sign);
    // Disables the DEC Driver.
    void disableDecDriver(void);
    // Disables the RA Driver.
    void disableRADriver(void);
    // Enables the DEC Driver.
    void enableDecDriver(void);
    // Enables the RA Driver.
    void enableRADriver(void);
    // Enables tracking.
    void enableTracking(void);
    // Selects the best mode to reach the target.
    short getBestMode(long microStepsToGo);
    // Returns Dec current coordinate in decimal degrees.
    double getCurrentDec(void);
    // Returns RA current coordinate in decimal degrees.
    double getCurrentRA(void);
    // Returns the current date on the standard buffer (response).
    void getDate(void);
    // Returns HA in decimal degrees with range correction.
    double getHA(double RA);
    // Gets the Julian Date.
    double getJD0(void);
    // Returns the Local Sidereal Time in decimal degrees.
    double getLST(void);
    // Gets the microsteps to go.
    void getMicrostepsTogo(void);
    // Gets the precise time.
    double getPreciseTime(void);
    // Gets the coordinate of shaft position for RA/Dec.
    void getTargetShaftPosition(double RA, double Dec,
                long &tgShRA, long &tgShDec);
    // Gets the local time in decimal format.
    double getTime(void);
    // Transform the coordinates RA/Dec to Alt/Az.
    void RADecToAltAz(double RA, double Dec, double &Alt, double &Az);
    // Sets the Greenwich julian date from date passed in format (DD, MM, AAAA).
    bool setDate(int day, int mo, int yr);
    // Sets the high limit.
    bool setHighLimit(double highLimit);
    // Sets the local latitude.
    void setLatitude(double latitude);
    // Sets the local longitude.
    void setLongitude(double longitude);
    // Sets the two drivers to the mode of microstep chosed.
    void setMicrostepDecMode(short mode);
    // Sets the two drivers to the mode of microstep chosed.
    void setMicrostepRAMode(short mode);
    // Sets target Dec Coordinate in decimal degrees.
    void setTargetDec(int d, int m, int s);
    // Sets target RA Coordinate in decimal degrees.
    void setTargetRA(int h, int m, int s);
    // Sets the real time clock on PCF8563 and updated initial local time.
    void setTime(int h, int m, int s);
    // Return the sign of x.
    int sign(double x);
    // Translate HMS format into decimal.
    double translateHMSToDec(char *value);


* MEqM1DriverControl Class Implementation File
* My German Equatorial Mount Controller with Arduino Due that implements
* LX200 Protocol Resumed and control the stepper motor driver DRV8825.
* Created: 29 de julho de 2014
* Author: Luiz Antonio Gabriel
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#include "MEqM1DriverControl.h"
*MEqM1DriverControl Constructor
MEqM1DriverControl::MEqM1DriverControl() {
// Initially puts the state of button to HIGH (true).
this->buttonState = true;
// Initially make the goto function not allowed.
this->gotoDecAllowed = false;
this->gotoRAAllowed = false;
// Initializes high limit as 90º.
this->highLimit = 90.0;
// Initializes with the latitude of Guarulhos by default.
this->latitude = -23.4600000;
// Initializes with the longitude of Guarulhos by default.
this->longitude = -46.4900028;
// Put the full step mode for both shafts.
this->microstepModeDec = 0;
this->microstepModeRA = 0;
// Initialize microsteps to go with zero for both shafts.
this->microStepsTogoDec = 0L;
this->microStepsTogoRA = 0L;
// Create the standard buffer to responses.
this->response = new char;
// Initially points to south (-90º,0h) or north (+90º,0h) celestial pole.
this->shaftDecPosition = 0L;
this->shaftRAPosition = 0L;
// Initially sets the slew mode to off (false).
this->slewEnabled = false;
// Puts the target at the South sidereal pole.
this->targetDec = -90.0;
this->targetRA = 0.0;
// Puts the initial tictac to HIGH for both shafts.
this->tictacDec = true;
this->tictacRA = true;
// Turn off the tracking initially.
this->tracking = false;

// setup the pins on the microcontroller:
pinMode(DecDRV8825Step, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DecDRV8825M2,   OUTPUT);
pinMode(DecDRV8825M1,   OUTPUT);
pinMode(DecDRV8825M0,   OUTPUT);
pinMode(RADRV8825Dir,   OUTPUT);
pinMode(RADRV8825M2,    OUTPUT);
pinMode(RADRV8825M1,    OUTPUT);
pinMode(RADRV8825M0,    OUTPUT);
*Public Function Members
void MEqM1DriverControl::answerSerialRequest(void) {
int delayRead = 60;
char request = 0;
int d, h, m, s, y;
double Alt, Az;
short checkResult;

while (SerialUSB.available() > 0 && request != ':') {;
// Get the first character after beginning of command symbol ':'.;
switch(request) {
    case 'G': // Get Telescope Information.
      // Get next character.;
      if (request == 'A') { // Telescope Altitude. Returns: sDD:MM:SS#
      RADecToAltAz(getCurrentRA(), getCurrentDec(),Alt, Az);
      decimalToHMS(Alt, false);
      } else if (request == 'C') { // Current date. Returns: MM/DD/YY#
      } else if (request == 'd') { // Currently Target DEC. Returns: sDD:MM:SS#
      decimalToHMS(this->targetDec, true);
      } else if (request == 'D') { // Telescope DEC. Returns: sDD:MM:SS#
      decimalToHMS(getCurrentDec(), true);
      } else if (request == 'g') { // Current Site Longitude. Returns: sDDD:MM#
      decimalToHMS(this->longitude, true);
      } else if (request == 'G') { // UTC offset time. Returns: sHH# or sHH.H#
      sprintf(this->response, "%+02i#", int(this->longitude/15));
      } else if (request == 'h') { // High Limit. Returns: sDD#
      } else if (request == 'H') { // Daylight Saving Time Setting.
                                 // Returns: 0# if daylight savings is disabled
                                 // Returns: 1# if daylight savings is enabled
      } else if (request == 'K') { // Microsteps to go Extended Command.
      sprintf(this->response,"RA: %d, DEC: %d",
          this->microStepsTogoRA, this->microStepsTogoDec);
      } else if (request == 'L') { // Local Time (24h). Returns: HH:MM:SS#
      decimalToHMS(getTime(), false);
      } else if (request == 'o') { // Lower Limit. Returns: DD#
      } else if (request == 'r') { // Current Target RA. Returns: HH:MM:SS#
      decimalToHMS(this->targetRA, false);
      } else if (request == 'R') { // Current Telescope RA. Returns: HH:MM:SS#
      decimalToHMS(getCurrentRA()/15.0, false);
      } else if (request == 'S') { // Sidereal Time. Returns: HH:MM:SS#
      decimalToHMS(getLST()/15.0, false);
      } else if (request == 't') { // Current Site Latitude. Returns: sDD:MM#
      decimalToHMS(this->latitude, true);
      } else if (request == 'T') { // Tracking Rate. Returns: TT.T#
      SerialUSB.print("23.768602#"); // microsteps/s (mode 5).
      } else if (request == 'V') {
      // Get next character.;
      if (request == 'D') {      // EM1 Firmware Date. Returns: mmm dd yyyy#
          SerialUSB.print("jul 29 2014#");
      } else if (request == 'N') { // EM1 Firmware Version. Returns: dd.d#
      } else if (request == 'Z') { // Telescope Azimuth. Returns: DDD:MM:SS#
      RADecToAltAz(getCurrentRA(), getCurrentDec(), Alt, Az);
      decimalToHMS(Az, false);
    case 'M': // Telescope Movement Commands.
      // Get next character.;
      if (request == 'A') { // Slew Alt/Az. Format: MA#
      // Returns: 0 - no fault, 1 - fault.
      } else if (request == 'e') { // Move to East at current rate. Format: Me#
      // Returns: Nothing.
      } else if (request == 'g') { // Move to direction for milliseconds.
      // Get next character.;
      if (request == 'e') {      // East. Format: MgeDDDD#
          // Returns: Nothing.
      } else if (request == 'n') { // North. Format: MgnDDDD#
          // Returns: Nothing.
      } else if (request == 's') { // South. Format: MgsDDDD#
          // Returns: Nothing.
      } else if (request == 'w') { // West. Format: MgwDDDD#
          // Returns: Nothing.
      } else if (request == 'n') { // Move to North at current rate. Format: Mn#
      // Returns: Nothing.
      } else if (request == 's') { // Move to South at current rate. Format: Ms#
      // Returns: Nothing.
      } else if (request == 'S') { // Slew to Target. Format: MS#
      // Returns: 0 - possible, 1<str># - below horizont w/ string,
      // 2<str># - Over higher w/ string.
      // Verify if target position is above the horizon.
      checkResult = checkTarget();
      if (checkResult == 0) {
          SerialUSB.print("0#"); // If OK send '0'.
      } else if (checkResult == 1) {
          // If it's below the horizon respond with '1'.
          SerialUSB.print("1Object below low limit.#");
      } else {
          // If it's over higher respond with '2'.
          SerialUSB.print("2Object over high limit.#");
    case 'Q': // Movement Commands.
      // Get next character.;
      if (request != '#') {
      if (request == 'e') {      // Halt Eastward slew. Format: Qe#
          // Returns: Nothing.
      } else if (request == 'n') { // Halt Northward slew. Format: Qn#
          // Returns: Nothing.
      } else if (request == 's') { // Halt Southward slew. Format: Qs#
          // Returns: Nothing.
      } else if (request == 'w') { // Halt Westward slew. Format: Qw#
          // Returns: Nothing.
      } else { // Halt all current slewing. Format: Q#
      // Returns: Nothing.
    case 'S': // Telescope Set Commands.
      // Get next character.;
      if (request == 'C') { // Date. Format: SCMM/DD/YY.
      d = SerialUSB.parseInt();   // Initial day.
      m = SerialUSB.parseInt();   // Initial month.
      y = SerialUSB.parseInt();   // Initial year.
      // Returns: '0' if date is invalid. '1' if valid + "Date updated!#"
      if (setDate(d, m, y)) SerialUSB.println("1Date updated!#");
      else SerialUSB.println("0#");
      } else if (request == 'd') {// Target DEC. Format: Sdsdd:mm:ss.
      d = SerialUSB.parseInt();   // Target DEC degrees.
      m = SerialUSB.parseInt();   // Target DEC minutes of arc.
      s = SerialUSB.parseInt();   // Target DEC seconds of arc.
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
      setTargetDec(d, m, s);
      } else if (request == 'g') {// Current site's long. Format: SgDDD:MM#
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
      } else if (request == 'G') {// Number of hours to UTC. Format: SGsHH.H#
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
      } else if (request == 'h') {// Maximum elevation limit. Format: ShDD#
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
      h = SerialUSB.parseInt();   // Take the high limit.
      if (setHighLimit(h)) SerialUSB.print("1#");
      else SerialUSB.print("0#");
      } else if (request == 'H') {// Daylight saving. Format: SH1# or SH0#
      // Returns: nothing.
      } else if (request == 'L') {// Local time. Format: SLHH:MM:SS#
      h = SerialUSB.parseInt();   // Initial hour.
      m = SerialUSB.parseInt();   // Initial minute.
      s = SerialUSB.parseInt();   // Initial second.
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
      setTime(h, m, s);
      } else if (request == 'o') { // Lowest elevation. Format: SoDD#
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
      } else if (request == 'r') {// Target RA. Format: SrHH:MM:SS#.
      h = SerialUSB.parseInt();   // Target RA hour of arc.
      m = SerialUSB.parseInt(); // Target RA minutes of arc.
      s = SerialUSB.parseInt(); // Target Ra seconds of arc.
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
      setTargetRA(h, m, s);
      } else if (request == 'S') { // LST. Format: SSHH:MM:SS#
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
      } else if (request == 't') { // Current site latitude. Format: StsDD:MM#
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
      } else if (request == 'T') { // Tracking rate. Format: STdd.ddddddd#
      // Tracking rate (microsteps/s). One shaft revolution = 2048000 µS.
      // Sidereal rate: 23.7686019 µS/s or one microstep every 42072 µs with
      // an error of 1 arc-sec every 2,5 h.
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
      } else if (request == 'w') { // Slew rate. Format: SwN#
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
      } else if (request == 'z') { // Target Azimuth. Format: SzDDD:MM#
      // Returns: 0 - invalid, 1 - valid.
    case 'T': // Tracking Commands.
      // Get next character.;
      if (request == '+') {      // Increment Manual rate. Format: T+#
      // Return nothing.
      } else if (request == '-') { // Decrement Manual rate. Format: T-#
      // Return nothing.
      } else if (request == 'L') { // Lunar Tracking rate. Format: TL#
      // Return nothing.
      } else if (request == 'M') { // Custom tracking rate. Format: TM#
      // Return nothing.
      } else if (request == 'Q') { // Sidereal tracking rate. Format: TQ#
      // Return nothing.
      } else if (request == 'S') { // Solar tracking rate. Format: TS#
      // Return nothing.
void MEqM1DriverControl::initializeDateTime(void) {
int day, dow, month, year;
Wire.requestFrom(PCF8563ADDRESS, 4);
day   = BCDToDecimal( & 0x3f);
dow   = BCDToDecimal( & 0x07);
month = BCDToDecimal( & 0x1f);
year= 2000 + BCDToDecimal(;

// Calculate the JD0 (Julian Day without hours calculation) and return it.
this->initialJD0 = double(367.0 * year -
    int(7 * (year + int((month + 9) / 12.0)) / 4.0) +
    int(275.0 * month / 9.0) + day + 1721013.5);
// Gets initial time.
this->initialTime = getTime();
// Holds the microseconds of initial time.
this->initialMicrosecond = micros();
void MEqM1DriverControl::slewController(void) {
long timeElapsed = 0L;
long microsNow = 0L;
int button, horizontal, vertical;
// Read the state of joystick.
button= analogRead(JOYSTICKSEL);
// Verify if joystick button was pressed.
if ((button == 0) && buttonState) { // If it is transition to down.
    buttonState = false;
    // Wait 0.1 s to stop bouncing.
} else if ((button != 0) && !buttonState) { // If it is transition to up.
    buttonState = true;
    // Wait 0.1 s to stop bouncing.
    // Do not allow the RA shaft exceeds the limit of ± 90° (512000 microsteps)
    // and the DEC shaft exceeds the limit of ± 180° (1024000 microsteps).
    if ((abs(this->shaftDecPosition) < 1024000) &&
          (abs(this->shaftRAPosition) < 512000)) {
      // Change the state of slew mode.
      this->slewEnabled = !this->slewEnabled;
    // Run the Once Time Routine.
    if (this->slewEnabled) {
      // Turn on the slew indicator led.
      digitalWrite(SLEWALLOWED, HIGH);
      // Disable all moviment of the telescope.
      // Enables the movement of the drivers.
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825En, LOW);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825En, LOW);
      // Sets the microstep to mode 5 in both axis.
    } else {
      // Turn off the slew indicator led.
      digitalWrite(SLEWALLOWED, LOW);
      // Disable all moviment of DEC shaft.
      // Restart the tracking.
if (this->slewEnabled) {
    vertical = analogRead(JOYSTICKVER);
    horizontal = analogRead(JOYSTICKHOR);
    if (!((horizontal >= 700) && (horizontal <= 800)) ||
      !((vertical >= 700) && (vertical <= 800))) {
      microsNow = micros();
      // Corrects, if necessary, timeElapsed for micros() overflow.
      if (microsNow < this->lastSlewMicro) {
      timeElapsed = (4294967295 - this->lastSlewMicro) + microsNow;
      } else {
      timeElapsed = microsNow - this->lastSlewMicro;
      if (timeElapsed > SLEW_RATE) {
      // Update the clock holder.
      this->lastSlewMicro = microsNow;
      if (horizontal < 700) { // slew to the WEST.
          // Increment exactly one microstep by cycle.
          digitalWrite(RADRV8825Dir, LOW);
          digitalWrite(RADRV8825Step, LOW);
          digitalWrite(RADRV8825Step, HIGH);
      } else if (horizontal > 800) { // slew to the EAST.
          // Decrement exactly one microstep by cycle.
          digitalWrite(RADRV8825Dir, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(RADRV8825Step, LOW);
          digitalWrite(RADRV8825Step, HIGH);
      if (vertical < 700) { // slew to the NORTH.
          // Increment exactly one microstep by cycle.
          digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Dir, LOW);
          digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Step, LOW);
          digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Step, HIGH);
      } else if (vertical > 800) { // slew to the EAST.
          // Decrement exactly one microstep by cycle.
          digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Dir, HIGH);
          digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Step, LOW);
          digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Step, HIGH);
void MEqM1DriverControl::shaftDecController(void) {
long timeElapsed = 0L;
long microsNow = 0L;
int advance = 0;
if (this->gotoDecAllowed) {
    microsNow = micros();
    // Corrects, if necessary, timeElapsed for micros() overflow.
    if (microsNow < this->lastDecMicro) {
      timeElapsed = (4294967295 - this->lastDecMicro) + microsNow;
    } else {
      timeElapsed = microsNow - this->lastDecMicro;
    if (timeElapsed > GOTO_RATE){
      // Update the clock holder.
      this->lastDecMicro = microsNow;
      if (this->tictacDec) {
      this->tictacDec = false;
      // Get the best mode for Dec.
      advance = sign(this->microStepsTogoDec) * pow(2,5-microstepModeDec);
      // Do not allow the DEC shaft exceeds the
      // limit of ± 180° (1024000 microsteps).
      if (abs(this->shaftDecPosition + advance) >= 1024000) {
          this->gotoDecAllowed = false;
      } else {
          this->shaftDecPosition += advance;
          // Update the stepsTogo in acordance to the how many microsteps the
          // correspondent shaft slewed.
          this->microStepsTogoDec -= advance;
          // Verify if the target was achieved.
          if (this->microStepsTogoDec == 0) {
          } else {
            // Change the output of wire to HIGH
            digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Step, HIGH);
      } else {
      this->tictacDec = true;
      // Change the output of wire to LOW.
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Step, LOW);
void MEqM1DriverControl::shaftRAController(void) {
long timeElapsed = 0L;
long microsNow = 0L;
long tgShRA= 0L;
long tgShDec = 0L;
int advance = 0;
if (this->gotoRAAllowed) {
    microsNow = micros();
    // Corrects, if necessary, timeElapsed for micros() overflow.
    if (microsNow < this->lastRAMicro) {
      timeElapsed = (4294967295 - this->lastRAMicro) + microsNow;
    } else {
      timeElapsed = microsNow - this->lastRAMicro;
    if (timeElapsed > GOTO_RATE){
      // Update the clock holder.
      this->lastRAMicro = microsNow;
      if (this->tictacRA) {
      this->tictacRA = false;
      // Get the best mode for RA.
      advance = sign(this->microStepsTogoRA) * pow(2,5-microstepModeRA);
      // Do not allow the RA shaft exceeds the
      // limit of ± 90° (512000 microsteps).
      if (abs(this->shaftRAPosition + advance)>= 512000) {
      } else {
          this->shaftRAPosition += advance;
          // Gets the new position of target in microsteps.
          getTargetShaftPosition(targetRA, targetDec, tgShRA, tgShDec);
          // Gets the microsteps to go from current position
          // to the new target position.
          this->microStepsTogoRA= tgShRA - this->shaftRAPosition;
          if (this->microStepsTogoRA == 0) {
          } else {
            // Change the output of wire to HIGH
            digitalWrite(RADRV8825Step, HIGH);
      } else {
      this->tictacRA = true;
      // Change the output of wire to LOW.
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825Step, LOW);
    } // If tracking is enable and slew is disable.
} else if (this->tracking) {
    microsNow = micros();
    // Corrects, if necessary, timeElapsed for micros() overflow.
    if (microsNow < this->lastRAMicro) {
      timeElapsed = (4294967295 - this->lastRAMicro) + microsNow;
    } else {
      timeElapsed = microsNow - this->lastRAMicro;
    if (timeElapsed > TRACKING_RATE){
      // Update the clock holder.
      this->lastRAMicro = microsNow;
      if (this->tictacRA) {
      this->tictacRA = false;
      // Do not allow the RA shaft exceeds the
      // limit of ± 90° (512000 microsteps).
      if (abs(this->shaftRAPosition) >= 512000) {
      } else {
          // Increment exactly one microstep by cycle.
          // Change the output of wire to HIGH
          digitalWrite(RADRV8825Step, HIGH);
      } else {
      this->tictacRA = true;
      // Change the output of wire to LOW.
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825Step, LOW);
*Private Function Members
int MEqM1DriverControl::BCDToDecimal(byte bcd) {
return ((bcd / 16) * 10 + bcd % 16);
short MEqM1DriverControl::checkTarget(void) {
double Alt = 0.0;
double Az = 0.0;
short AltCheck = 1;
RADecToAltAz(this->targetRA, this->targetDec, Alt, Az);
// If future position is above the horizon then allow goes to the target.
if (Alt > 0) {
    if (Alt > this->highLimit) {
      AltCheck = 2;
    } else {
      AltCheck = 0;
      // Gets the microsteps to go to the target.
      // Enables both drivers.
      // Initialize lastMicro by the first time before goto start.
      this->lastRAMicro = this->lastDecMicro = micros();
} else {
    AltCheck = 1;

return AltCheck;
byte MEqM1DriverControl::decimalToBCD(int decimal) {
return byte(decimal / 10 * 16 + decimal % 10);
void MEqM1DriverControl::decimalToHMS(double value, bool sign) {
int h = 0;
int m = 0;
int s = 0;
h = int(value);
m = int(abs(value - h) * 60);
s = round((abs(value) - abs(h) - m/60.0) * 3600);
// Put the symbol 'ß' instead ':' for numbers with sign
// and increase the number of character to write.
if (sign) {
    sprintf(this->response, "%+03d%c%02d:%02d#", h, char(223), m, s);
} else {
    sprintf(this->response, "%02d:%02d:%02d#", h, m, s);
void MEqM1DriverControl::disableDecDriver(void) {
// Stop the motion in DEC shaft.
this->gotoDecAllowed = false;
// Change all currents LOW to save energy.
digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Step, LOW);
digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Dir, LOW);
// Disables the driver.
digitalWrite(DecDRV8825En, HIGH);
void MEqM1DriverControl::disableRADriver(void) {
this->gotoRAAllowed = false;
this->tracking = false;
// Change all currents LOW to save energy.
digitalWrite(RADRV8825Step, LOW);
digitalWrite(RADRV8825Dir, LOW);
// Disables the driver.
digitalWrite(RADRV8825En, HIGH);
void MEqM1DriverControl::enableDecDriver(void) {
// Go to is allowed.
this->gotoDecAllowed = true;
// Set the direction of rotation.
if (this->microStepsTogoRA > 0) {
    digitalWrite(RADRV8825Dir, LOW);
} else {
    digitalWrite(RADRV8825Dir, HIGH);
// Enables the driver.
digitalWrite(DecDRV8825En, LOW);
void MEqM1DriverControl::enableRADriver(void) {
// Go to is allowed.
this->gotoRAAllowed = true;
// When enable the goto disable, initially, the tracking.
this->tracking = false;
// Set the direction of rotation.
if (this->microStepsTogoDec > 0) {
    digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Dir, LOW);
} else {
    digitalWrite(DecDRV8825Dir, HIGH);
// Enables the driver.
digitalWrite(RADRV8825En, LOW);
void MEqM1DriverControl::enableTracking(void) {
this->gotoRAAllowed = false;
// Prepares to track.
this->tictacRA = false;
this->tracking = true;
// Sets the microstep to mode 5.
// Sets the correct direction of rotation. Clockwise in South.
if (this->latitude < 0) {
    digitalWrite(RADRV8825Dir, LOW);
} else {
    digitalWrite(RADRV8825Dir, HIGH);
short MEqM1DriverControl::getBestMode(long microStepsToGo) {
short mode = 0;
long limit = abs(microStepsToGo);
// Control the distance of final position where the slew rate slowing down.
if (limit > 25600) {
    mode = 0;
} else if (limit > 12800) {
    mode = 1;
} else if (limit > 6400) {
    mode = 2;
} else if (limit > 3200) {
    mode = 3;
} else if (limit > 1600) {
    mode = 4;
} else {
    mode = 5;
return mode;
double MEqM1DriverControl::getCurrentDec(void) {
double dec = 0.0;
double shaftDec = 0.0;
double shaftRA = 0.0;
int signLAT = sign(this->latitude);
// Transform from microsteps (1/32 of full step) into degrees.
// 360° of shaft = 320*200*32 = 2.048.000 microsteps.
shaftDec = this->shaftDecPosition * 360.0 / 2048000.0;
shaftRA = this->shaftRAPosition * 360.0 / 2048000.0;

// Calculation of RA/DEC from shaft position and its respectives signal.
// HA Quadrant <- signals for South(shaftRA, shaftDec): 1:-+ 2:++ 3:-- 4:+-
// HA Quadrant <- signals for North(shaftRA, shaftDec): 1:+- 2:-- 3:++ 4:-+
// Range of HA(0,360). Range of Dec(-90,90).

// (-+): 1st Quadrant in South. 4th Quadrant in North.
if (shaftRA <= 0 && shaftDec >= 0) {
    dec = (90.0 - shaftDec) * signLAT;         // South and North: (0,180).
// (++): 2nd in Quadrant South. 3rd in Quadrant North.
} else if (shaftRA >= 0 && shaftDec >= 0) {
    dec = (90.0 - shaftDec) * signLAT;         // South and North: (0,180).
// (--): 3rd Quadrant in South. 2nd Quadrant in North.
} else if (shaftRA <= 0 && shaftDec <= 0) {
    dec = (shaftDec + 90) * signLAT;         // South and North: (0,180).
// (+-): 4th Quadrant in South. 1st Quadrant in North.
} else {
    dec = (shaftDec + 90) * signLAT;         // South and North: (0,180).
return dec;
double MEqM1DriverControl::getCurrentRA(void) {
double ha = 0.0;
double ra = 0.0;
double shaftDec = 0.0;
double shaftRA = 0.0;
int signLAT = sign(this->latitude);
// Transform from microsteps (1/32 of full step) into degrees.
// 360° of shaft = 320*200*32 = 2.048.000 microsteps.
shaftDec = this->shaftDecPosition * 360.0 / 2048000.0;
shaftRA = this->shaftRAPosition * 360.0 / 2048000.0;

// Calculation of RA/DEC from shaft position and its respectives signal.
// HA Quadrant <- signals for South(shaftRA, shaftDec): 1:-+ 2:++ 3:-- 4:+-
// HA Quadrant <- signals for North(shaftRA, shaftDec): 1:+- 2:-- 3:++ 4:-+
// Range of HA(0,360). Range of Dec(-90,90).

// (-+): 1st Quadrant in South. 4th Quadrant in North.
if (shaftRA <= 0 && shaftDec >= 0) {
    if (signLAT < 0) {
      ha= shaftRA + 90.0;      // South: HA(0,90).
    } else {
      ha= 270.0 - shaftRA;   // North: HA(270,360).
      if (ha == 360.0) ha = 0.0;
// (++): 2nd Quadrant in South. 3rd Quadrant in North.
} else if (shaftRA >= 0 && shaftDec >= 0) {
    if (signLAT < 0) {
      ha= shaftRA + 90.0;      // South: HA(90,180).
    } else {
      ha= 270.0 - shaftRA;   // North: HA(180,270).
// (--): 3rd Quadrant in South. 2nd Quadrant in North.
} else if (shaftRA <= 0 && shaftDec <= 0) {
    if (signLAT < 0) {
      ha= 270.0 + shaftRA;   // South: HA(180,270).
    } else {
      ha= 180.0 + shaftRA;   // North: HA(90,180).
// (+-): 4th Quadrant in South. 1st Quadrant in North.
} else {
    if (signLAT < 0) {
      ha= 270.0 + shaftRA;   // South: HA(270,360).
      if (ha == 360.0) ha = 0.0;
    } else {
      ha= 90.0 - shaftRA;      // North: HA(0,90).
// HA = LST - RA
ra = getLST() - ha;
if (ra < 0) ra = 360 + ra;   // Correct the range of RA (from 0° to 360°);
return ra;
void MEqM1DriverControl::getDate(void) {
int day, dow, month, year;
Wire.requestFrom(PCF8563ADDRESS, 4);
day   = BCDToDecimal( & 0x3f);
dow   = BCDToDecimal( & 0x07);
month = BCDToDecimal( & 0x1f);
year= BCDToDecimal(;
sprintf(this->response, "%02d/%02d/%02d#", day, month, year);
double MEqM1DriverControl::getHA(double RA) {
double HA = 0.0;
HA = getLST() - RA;
if (HA < 0) HA = 360 + HA;   // Correct the range of HA (from 0° to 360°);
return HA;
double MEqM1DriverControl::getLST(void) {
double GST, GST0, JC, LST;
JC = (this->initialJD0 - 2451545.0) / 36525.0;
GST0 = 100.4606184 + 36000.77005361 * JC + 0.00038793 * JC * JC;
GST = GST0 + 15.041068640247729 * (getPreciseTime() -
// Puts the value into the range of 0º to 360º;
GST = GST - int(GST / 360.0) * 360.0;
LST = GST + this->longitude;

return LST;
void MEqM1DriverControl::getMicrostepsTogo(void){
long tgShRA= 0L;
long tgShDec = 0L;

// Gets the position of target in microsteps.
getTargetShaftPosition(targetRA, targetDec, tgShRA, tgShDec);
// Gets the microsteps to go from current position to the target position.
this->microStepsTogoRA= tgShRA- this->shaftRAPosition;
this->microStepsTogoDec = tgShDec - this->shaftDecPosition;
double MEqM1DriverControl::getPreciseTime(void) {
unsigned long timeElapsed, microsNow;

    microsNow = micros();
    // Corrects, if necessary, for micros() overflow.
    if (microsNow < this->initialMicrosecond) {
      timeElapsed = (4294967295 - this->initialMicrosecond) + microsNow;
      this->initialTime += (this->initialMicrosecond/3.6e9);
      this->initialMicrosecond = microsNow;
    } else {
      timeElapsed = microsNow - this->initialMicrosecond;
return this->initialTime + timeElapsed/3.6e9;
void MEqM1DriverControl::getTargetShaftPosition(double RA, double Dec,
                long &tgShRA, long &tgShDec) {
double HA = 0.0;
double shaftDec = 0.0;
double shaftRA = 0.0;
int signLAT = sign(this->latitude);
HA = getHA(RA);
// Calculation of shaftRa and shaftDec from HA quadrant.
// Quadrant signals for South(RA, Dec): 1:-+ 2:++ 3:-- 4:+-
// Quadrant signals for North(RA, Dec): 1:+- 2:-- 3:++ 4:-+
// Range of shaftRA(-90,90). Range of shaftDec(-180,180).
if (HA >= 0 && HA < 90) {            // First Quadrant.
    shaftRA= (90.0 - HA) * signLAT;   // Sinal - in South, + in North.
    shaftDec = Dec - 90 * signLAT;      // Sinal + in South, - in North.
} else if (HA >= 90 && HA < 180) {   // Second Quadrant.
    shaftRA= (90.0 - HA) * signLAT;   // Sinal + in South, - in North.
    shaftDec = Dec - 90 * signLAT;      // Sinal + in South, - in North.
} else if (HA >= 180 && HA < 270) {// Third Quadrant.
    shaftRA= (270.0 - HA) * signLAT;// Sinal - in South, + in North.
    shaftDec = -(Dec - 90 * signLAT);   // Sinal - in South, + in North.
} else {                              // Fourth Quadrant.
    shaftRA= (270.0 - HA) * signLAT;// Sinal + in South, - in North.
    shaftDec = -(Dec - 90 * signLAT);   // Sinal - in South, + in North.
// Transform from degrees into microsteps (1/32 of full step).
// 360° of shaft = 320*200*32 = 2.048.000 microsteps.
tgShRA = long(shaftRA / 360.0 * 2048000);
tgShDec = long(shaftDec / 360.0 * 2048000);
double MEqM1DriverControl::getTime(void) {
byte h, m, s;

Wire.requestFrom(PCF8563ADDRESS, 3);
s = BCDToDecimal( & 0x7f);
m = BCDToDecimal( & 0x7f);
h = BCDToDecimal( & 0x3f);

return double(h + m/60.0 + s/3600.0);
void MEqM1DriverControl::RADecToAltAz(double RA, double Dec,
      double &Alt, double &Az) {
double D2R = 3.1415926535897 / 180.0; // º -> radians transformation factor.
double DE = 0.0;
double HA = 0.0;
double LAT = 0.0;
// Transform degree in radians.
HA = getHA(RA)*D2R;
DE = Dec*D2R;
LAT = this->latitude*D2R;
// Coordinates transformation.
Alt = asin(sin(DE)*sin(LAT) + cos(DE)*cos(LAT)*cos(HA));
Az = acos((sin(DE) - sin(LAT)*sin(Alt))/(cos(Alt)*cos(LAT)));
// Transform radians back to the degree.
Alt /= D2R;
Az /= D2R;
// Correction for the range of the azimute (Az).
if (HA > 0) Az = 360 - Az;
bool MEqM1DriverControl::setDate(int day, int mo, int yr) {
bool validDate = false;

// Make a basic verification of date. Because of use of J2000
// and PCF8563 the year must be greater than 2000 -> 00.
// Pay attention to the more common errors.
if ((mo == 2) && (day > 28)) {
    // If is leap year allow the 29th day.
    if ((yr / 4.0 == 0) && (day == 29)) {
      validDate = true;
    } else {
      validDate = false;
} else if ((mo == 4) || (mo == 6) || (mo == 9) || (mo == 11) && (day > 30)) {
    validDate = false;   
} else if ((day > 0) && (day <= 31) && (mo > 0) && (mo <=12)) {
    validDate = true;
    // Update the time on PCF8563.
    Wire.write(decimalToBCD(1)); // Not used. Don't worry about.
return validDate;
bool MEqM1DriverControl::setHighLimit(double highLimit) {
if (highLimit >= 0.0 && highLimit <= 90.0) {
    this->highLimit = highLimit;
    return 1;
} else {
    return 0;
void MEqM1DriverControl::setLatitude(double latitude) {
this->latitude = latitude;
void MEqM1DriverControl::setLongitude(double longitude) {
this->longitude = longitude;
void MEqM1DriverControl::setMicrostepDecMode(short mode) {
switch (mode) {
    case 0:
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M0, LOW);
    case 1:
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M0, HIGH);
    case 2:
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M0, LOW);
    case 3:
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M0, HIGH);
    case 4:
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M0, LOW);
    case 5:
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M0, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(DecDRV8825M0, LOW);
// Update the microstep mode for the Dec shaft.
this->microstepModeDec = mode;
void MEqM1DriverControl::setMicrostepRAMode(short mode) {
switch (mode) {
    case 0:
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M0, LOW);
    case 1:
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M0, HIGH);
    case 2:
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M0, LOW);
    case 3:
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M0, HIGH);
    case 4:
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M0, LOW);
    case 5:
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M0, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M2, LOW);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M1, LOW);
      digitalWrite(RADRV8825M0, LOW);
// Update the microstep mode for the RA shaft.
this->microstepModeRA = mode;
void MEqM1DriverControl::setTargetDec(int d, int m, int s) {
this->targetDec = sign(d)*(abs(d) + float(m) / 60.0 + float(s) / 3600.0);
void MEqM1DriverControl::setTargetRA(int h, int m, int s) {
this->targetRA = (h + float(m) / 60.0 + float(s) / 3600.0) * 15;
void MEqM1DriverControl::setTime(int h, int m, int s) {
// Update the time on PCF8563.
int MEqM1DriverControl::sign(double x) {
int sign = 1;
// Verify if x is zero because of the denominator in the expression below.
if (x == 0) sign = 0;
else sign = int (x / abs(x));
return sign;
double MEqM1DriverControl::translateHMSToDec(char *value) {
char buffer;
int number;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(value); i++) {
    if (value == ':' or value == char(223)) {
      buffer = 0;            // Close the string.
      number = atoi(buffer); // Convert from string to integer.
      j = 0;                  // Points to the first place of the buffer.
      ++k;                      // Points to the next integer of array.
    } else {
      buffer = value;   // Copy the value to buffer.
buffer = 0;                // Close the last string.
number = atoi(buffer);   // Gets the last number.
return double(abs(number) + number / 60.0 +
          number / 3600.0) * sign(number);

弼马温1984 发表于 2016-4-5 19:49


v2500 发表于 2016-4-5 21:14

老AK 发表于 2016-4-5 21:15

门前有条河 发表于 2016-4-5 23:20


optical 发表于 2016-4-6 07:18

本帖最后由 optical 于 2016-4-6 07:20 编辑


open 发表于 2016-4-6 10:05

弼马温1984 发表于 2016-4-5 19:49


弼马温1984 发表于 2016-4-6 12:31

open 发表于 2016-4-6 10:05


v2500 发表于 2016-4-6 12:41

open 发表于 2016-4-6 16:00

弼马温1984 发表于 2016-4-6 12:31

我没整经纬仪.dob的可以拿来参考.通过看变量名。用的模块有 DRV8825 最高32细分驱动、PCF8563时钟模块、JOYSTICK手柄

弼马温1984 发表于 2016-4-6 16:44

open 发表于 2016-4-6 16:00
我没整经纬仪.dob的可以拿来参考.通过看变量名。用的模块有 DRV8825 最高32细分驱动、PCF8563时钟模块、J ...


cyq90314 发表于 2016-4-10 20:22


tianyuan 发表于 2016-4-11 16:36


tbb1 发表于 2016-4-15 15:30


kevinliw 发表于 2016-4-16 18:18

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